Chapter 17

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The fact that Alex told me the true story of his life and now he knows the truth about mine, I feel confident and more into our relantionship than I was before. We are on our way to the hospital, he pull the car over and parked it.

-Hey look at me... we will prove that Sebastian was the reason of your sister's accident... together. (Alex)

-Thanks and we will find out a way for you and Emily be together as a true family. (Perrie)

-Yeah I'm sure we will, now it's better for me to leave, see you tomorrow? (Alex)

-No way your leaving, you will enter in that hospital with me to see Margot. You don't have nothing to do right? (Perrie)

-Actually no, but I thought you wanted to be alone with her... talking, gossiping, talking about me... (Alex said with a smirk)

-Come on Alex... I don't talk about anyone behind their backs, mainly you. (Perrie)

That it I am officially inside the hospital on my way to my sister's room and from far away I see my parents sitting on a bench in the front door "talking", let correct myself arguing.

-Hey mom, hey dad... why are you arguing about? (Perrie)

-Hey sweetie, me and your dad were just discussing... things of work! (Katy)

-Hey Alex, it's nice to see you again it means you are a true gentleman. (John)

-Thank you Sir it's and honour to have your daughter as a girlfriend. (Alex)

-Let's not change the subject, what were you and dad really talking about? (Perrie)

-Perrie this is not a place to raise your voice. (John)

-Really dad?! You want to talk about that? How many times have you been in hospital to see your daughter? Just when you decided to poison her? (Perrie)

-I do not allow you to speak to me like that young lady! (John)

-We will talk in home Perrie, now me and your dad are going to eat. Your sister is almost awake you can talk with her until were back. Alex once again, it was pleasure to see you again! (Katy)


Both of our families are definitly crazy, anormal and totally embarassing, but what should Perrie meant with "poison" her sister.

-Let's seat a little bit until your sister awakes. (Alex)

-I'm sorry you had to watch that, this is my family... the true face of it. (Perrie)

-Perrie, love what do you meant about "poison"? (Alex)

-I totally forgot to tell that part of the story. Well my sister was pregnant of Sebastian baby and my parents never aproved it and they made their minds and decided to give an abortation pill to my sister without her knowledge. Later my sister got to the doctor to see the baby and that's when she found out that there was no baby... she never told him that it was my parents who killed the baby because they hated him! (Perrie)

-Why did your sister hide it from him? (Alex)

-My sister seems to hate my parents but she would die for them, she feels guilty because after all she brought him to our family.... and in the end my parents were right he never loved her. (Perrie)

-Miss Edwards your sister is awake if you want to see her! (Nurse)

I got up and when I enter on that room I saw for the first time her sister after the accident with her beautifull ocean eyes shinning and a little smile on her face, it was amazing but Perrie's face when she saw her was divine.

-Hey sis, how your're doing? (Perrie)

-Perrie, it's nice to see you again... for moments I thought I would never do that again! (Margot)

-Did you saw who did that? Do you know of anyone who could do that to you? (Perrie)

-Listen the only person I know that is capable of doing something so bad is Sebastian and as we know he is gone. (Margot)

-Margot I have to tell you something... Sebastian is back... he said that he would kill our entire family... he was never gone, he was never out of town. (Perrie)

-Are you complety sure of what are saying right now? (Margot)

-Perrie said the truth he showed up today in our school, that when he threatned your family! Listen we eill find a way to arrest him and keep him away. (Alex)

-Thanks Alex for everything but right now... I need you to do one thing for me... protect Perrie at all costs. Get her out of that house into a new one without being followed by anyone, he is a monster and he will not stop until he gets what he wants. (Margot)

-I won't let anyone hurt your sister, I promise. (Alex)


Today school again, Perrie didn't answered my calls or texts and I'm really worried, I got to her house and it was empty, no one was at home. After what happened I didn't know what to think of Jed after all his brother is a killer, a heartless person... what if he was the same? 

-Hey Jade, is everything alright? (Mr Vance)

-Hi Mr Vance, everything is okay I guess. What about you sir? (Jade)

-"Sir" c'mon Jade I'm not that old, now let's get to class? (Mr Vance)

-Yeah let's go... (Jade)

At least his class was one of the best in school, I enter and at my side was already Jed waiting for class to start.

-Hi Jade (Jed)

-Hi Jed you came earlier to class. (Jade)

-Mr Vance it's the best so I didn't wanted to waste time. (Jed)

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