ODOB (ch. 10)

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After we get out of the airvent and Dana fixes me makeup, I found out that Dana and courney got 9.5s on floor, Megan got 9.7 on bars, and Valery got 8.9 on

vault. They also told me that Aalehandrah fell on beam but then got a 10 in vault.

"Rachel Himes to bars please." says the loud speaker. Niall gives me a good luck kiss, cuz hes Irish<3, and I walk down to bars. I put my grips on and then rub

chalk on my hands. Kenzie then comes down and says "Just like we practiced, rach." I look at her and nodd. I look down at my ankle brace.

I standing about 5 feet away from the spring board. I take off sprinting and then roung off onto the spring board and the up,

back, turn, whip, and i catch on to the bar. i throw my legs up over the bar for a handstand. I whip my legs and let go of the low bar and in midair i do a

middle split then catch onto the high bar. I go into a handstand and then turn so i am uoside down, my back facing the low bar. I go forward and let go, do a

middle split flip, then grab onto the bar again. Hand stand, turn so my stomach is facing the low bar, handstand, handstand, in the middle , let go and back tuck.

I stick it. I look at the score board and thank you Irish boy<3, you got me 10/10.

I start doing a wierd dance then run over and hug Kenzie. I then run up and hug everyone and then kiss Niall.

"your my Lucky charm." I tell Niall. He kisses my lips again. After the kiss, I look over at the Russians to see Alehandrah starring at me with her arms

crossed. I smile and look away. Oh beining nice to mean people is their worst weakness.


About a hour and 10 pieces of chicken later, I am called up for floor. Niall gives me my lucky kiss. I go down and again, Kenzie says "Just like we pracited kiddo."

I smile and go to the middle of the floor. I can her the announcer's talking.

"Now, I heard that she is going to be doing her triple arabien, what do you think about that glenda?"

"Well I think that she is a risk taker, saying that she broke her ankle doing this."

My music starts. I stand up do a spin then while running to the corner, i do a kick switch. I turn around to face the other corner. I take a deep breath and

start sprinting toward the side. Round off, back handspring up and twist. I landed my triple twist. I the do a couple of dance moves into a backhand sping

hand stand. I do some groovy things with my legs and the run the the corner. I take a deep breat and then open my eyes, I start sprinting.



~elle♥ (Rochelle - Roch = Elle♥)

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