ODOB (ch. 16)

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO FREAKIN MUCH♥♥♥♥ over 300 read! That is big for me! AHHHHHH! THANKK YOU! This chappie is dedicated to all of you lovley readers♥



I set my bags down on the benches. sadly, Niall and the rest of the boys aren't aloud down here. I am so scared, seriously, I'm just about to scream and quit but

That would make me a coward and I dont like cowards.

A lady holding a sign that says 'Team U.S.A' stands in front of us and leads us to get ready for the vault. She makes us walk in a line, like 5th graders.

"Ok ladies, go warm up on vault." says Trisha, valeries coach. We all walk up and stand in a line. Jesus, there are alot of lines today.

Val is up first, she runs and sticks it.

Megan goes and falls on her face. she laughs and says "I LOVE WARM-UPS!". no wonder her and Louis are dating.

Dana is up next. she sticks it but you can see that her knee is bothering her.

Courtney goes but she lands on her knees. I don't know what is wrong, but she has been really tired latley and really pale and whenever we ask her to go out to

dinner on dates with the boys, she says that she isn't hungry or shes tired or not feeling good. she gets up and just sighs.

I'm next and i run and stick it. yeahhhh buddy.

Valery is up 1st for vault. she runs and sticks it. we look up at the score board and she gets a 14.666

Megan goes and she loses her balance a little at the end but then regains it. she gets a 13.899.

Dana goes and when she springs off the vault, she goes at least 5 feet higher than the vault. Holy god that was amazing! she got s 15.797

Courtney goes and nearly falls off the freakin mat. she lands but sloppily. she gets a 11.356.

next is me. I run towards the vault and stick it. yayyy. I look up at the score borad and i get...a 12.489?!?!? HOW!?!?!

I go down and kenzie rushes over to the judges.

"Why in hell did she get that low of a score?!?!" she asks angrily.

"Well, she took off to early and her ankle brace isn't capiable for this event." says a stern man.

"the fucking trails EMT's gave it to her! Your company! and she did a round off onto the spring board! Thats why she took off early!"

The man looks at some papers and then talks to the judges.

"SCORE CHANGE: RACHEL HIMES 14.796" says a loud speaker. I go and hug Makenzie.


Next we were lead to the beam.

Valery= 13.352

Megan= 14.795

Dana = 15.835

Courtney= 15.979

me= 15.962

next bars.

Val= 14.945

Meg= 14.936

Dana= 13.836

Courtney= 14.999

me= 15.725

next floor.

valery did really good acually. she was telling me how she has struggled with this routine but she nailed it. s

score= 14.896

Meg did good as well. she stepped out of bounds once and that got her a 3rd tenth deduction.

score= 13.578

Dana did swell on floor. the only thing that went wrong was she went out of bounds with 2 feet.

score= 15.837

Courtney did better than everyother event. she did it very care free and when it comes olympics you would think that she would acually care.

score= 13.537

I'm standing in the middle of the floor. The music starts and I start dancing gracefully and go to the corner of the floor.

triple twist= piece of cake. I go and stick it. yayyy.

round-off back-hand-spring double twist front tuck step out ariel back layout= tiring. but i stick it.

I do a couple of jumps and dance moves and then run to the corner to do my last tumbling pass.

roundoff back handspring layout triple arabien= praise the lord if i land this.

I starts running. Round off, back hand spring, lay out, tuck, up, turn, whip. Landed. Perfect. no pain.YIPPY!

I finish my routine and walk off the floor. All of the girls hug me.

"Good job shit head, but you still have to beat the Russian team" says Alehandrah from behind me. I turn around.

"Listen Alehandrah, Why are you a bitch to me? Why? I have done nothing to you! I'm sorry that I always got a better medal than you. I'm sorry, but you have to

get that its just the judges opinion on a fucking piece of paper. Why did you kiss my boyfriend? Why? Did you think it would be funny? Cuz i didnt. Did you think

it would stop me from competeing? Hell-to-the-No. If he did cheat on me, I would preform even better, just to show I can go on without him. Now that I've told

you that you have been a bitch to me through-out my gymnastics career, and I have just been sweet to you, I've thrown everything away that youve done to me. Can

we try to be friends?" I say. thank god I got that out.

"No." she says with a smirk.

"Fine, then I can't wait to rub the judges opinion in your face, just Like i did at trials. Good bye." I turn around and the girls are standing their with their

mouths wide open. I am not happy.

"Close your mouths you'll catch flys." I say smiling. they shake their head and point at the board.

"Rachel Himes, 16.989" we all jump and hug. We all then see who is going the finals.

"USA= Dana Jenkins and Courtney York." they jump up and hug. no, no, hell to the no. How did Courtney get it?!? she didnt even try today. I just smile and act happy

for them. I turn around to get my bag when all of a sudden I hear Dana scream "OH MY GOSH!"


What do you think happened?


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