Chapter Eight: The Water Bending Scroll

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"Hey you seem really quiet, and broody, what's bugging you?" Sokka asked me as I sat in silence on Appa.

"What Avatar Roku said; I have to learn all the elements before the Comet comes." I replied in a annoyed tone.

"Well let's see you pretty much mastered Airbending and that only took you a hundred and sixteen years. I'm sure you can master the other elements by next summer." Sokka teased.

"I haven't started Waterbending yet and the North Pole is weeks away!" I said, raising my voice and standing up. Why did I have all those emotions? It felt like someone just— put them there.

"Calm down, Gyawa, it's going to be okay. If you want I can try and teach you some of the stuff I know." Katara said grabbing my hand and pulling me down.

"Sure! That'll be great."

"We'll need to find a good source of water first." Katara said looking down.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash around in." Sokka said but he didn't think we'd find a huge waterfall. "Nice puddle." Sokka remarked.

Appa, Aang, and Momo jumped in the blue, refreshing water. I could feel a nice calming breeze play through my hair.

"Yeah, don't start without me boy." Aang laughed, as he took off his shirt to jump in.

"Well while you do that, we'll go practice Waterbending." I sighed, walking off.

"Great, so what am I supposed to do?" Sokka asked, in a disappointed manner.

"You could clean the gunk out of Appa's toes." Aang smiled, holding out a stick.

"So while you guys are playing in the water, I'm suppose to be hard at work picking mud out a giant bison's feet?" Sokka asked, as his shoulders hanged.

"Mud and bugs." Aang replied still holding out the stick with that baby boy grin.


Katara and I found a good area to do Waterbending, she seemed a little nervous.

"This is a pretty basic move but it still took me months to perfect, so don't be frustrated if you don't get it right away. Just push and pull the water like this. The key is getting the wrist movement right." Katara showed me.

"Soo.." I said, as I did the same movement and pushing the water slowly.

"That's almost right, if you keep practicing I'm sure you'll-"

"hey I'm doing it!" I said as it became bigger and bigger.

"Wow, I can't believe you got that so quickly. It took me two months to learn that move." Katara sighed, I could tell (not just because I knew) that she was annoyed by how quick I got it.

"Well you had to learn it on your own, I have teachers and the whole Avatar thing." I replied, with a grin, but she clearly hated my response.
"So the next one?"

"This is a more difficult move. I call it strumming the water. It's harder than it looks, don't be disappointed if-"

I saw what it was and boom I was doing it.

To be honest it was rather easy. *wink*

I spun it around a few times before spinning it around my legs.

"Nice work. Though the leg flare was unnecessary." Katara replied.

"Sorry, what's next?"

"I kind of know this one but it's pretty hard. I haven't even totally figured it out yet. The idea is to create a big powerful wave." Katara tried but it just looked like she was trying to make a bubble.

Legend of Gyawa: Book One - Water ✔️Where stories live. Discover now