Chapter 32

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We had to wake up at 4:30 for a flight to Portland, Oregon. Zach knew if I don't get atlas 7 hours of sleep I will kill someone.

"Babe, time to wake up." He said while kissing my forehead.

"No." I said while turning over.

"Well then, guess I'll get you ready." He said.

He pick out some Yoga Pants, a T-Shirt, and one of his sweatshirts and put them on me. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I put my stuff into a backpack because we would only be gone for a day, Zach did the same. He put our backpacks on and picked me up because I was still half asleep and carried me downstairs. He grabbed a blanket and laid me on the couch until we were ready to leave. 

"Y/n wake up we have to go." Corbyn said while trying to sit me up.

"I will beat you if you don't leave me alone." I said.

"She hasn't had 7 hours of sleep yet." Zach said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"When we get to the Airport she'll be good since it's like a 2 hour drive." Zach said.

Zach picked me up and we went and got into the van. I fell right back asleep on his shoulder. I could hear the boys' music but it didn't bother me. I was too tired to slap them. About an hour into the car drive I woke up and wasn't in a bad mood since I had 7 hours of sleep.

"She's alive!" Corbyn said.

"Yep." I said while grabbing my phone.

"It's weird how one hour of sleep can change you so much. An hour ago I thought you were gonna kill Corbyn." Jonah said. 

"Wouldn't be surprised if I did." I said while laughing.

"Daniel? Jack?" I said while looking into the back of the Van. They both had their headphones on.

"I was getting worried they were both so quiet." I said.

We pulled up to the Airport and got through security and everything. Zach and I went to a coffee shop that the Airport had and got some breakfast and Coffee and headed to our gate. We ate then got onto the plane. It was an hour and a half flight to Portland. We would be staying with Daniels family since we would just be there for a day because of meetings. We were on a pretty big plane with rows of 3 so we all sat next to each other. On the right was Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn, then on the left was Jack, Zach, and I. Zach and I on the whole flight just listened to music and I read a book, while Zach played games on his phone.

Once we landed Daniel's family was there to pick us up. We loaded into the car and drove to the Seavey's house. Daniel would be in his old room with Corbyn, Jack and Jonah would share one guest room, and Zach and I would share another guest room. We all unpacked and since they lived on the beach we all went to the beach. We ran into a few fans and then just did whatever. The boys and went swimming and I laid on a towel talking to Daniel's sister Anna. We got to know each other and just talked about whatever. We talked about how crazy the boys are because they are non-stop. We went back to the Seavey's house at about 4:30 and Daniel's mom was preparing dinner for us.

 Zach was being really annoying. He was playing with my hair, making weird faces, playing with my phone, and just being overall annoying. I looked at him and gave him a death stare, he just laughed which made me even more annoyed then I originally was. He came and hugged me and picked me up and carried me to the guest room that him and I were sharing. 

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Can you stop being so cute?" 

I started laughing. "What's gotten into you?" I asked him.

"Why are you so pretty?"

"Why are you so handsome?"

"Wanna go for a walk after dinner?" He asked.

"Sure, I'd love to." I said.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked.

I knew he wouldn't stop being annoying unless I kissed him so I did. We then went back to the living room and waited for dinner to be done. Dinner was done shortly after we came back to the living room. We all ate and shared stories. By the time we were done it was 7:30, I help Daniel's mom clean up then Zach and I went to the beach and went on a walk. We were at the beach for about an hour or so. We talked, goofed off, and just overall had a good time. We went back to the house at about 9:00 and we all decided to watch a movie. We all got changed into comfy clothes and went and sat on the couches. Zach and I brought a blanket just incase we needed one on the plane so we covered ourselves in the blanket. Zach had his arm around me and I had my head on his shoulder. The movies was over at about 11 and we went to bed since the boys had a meeting at 10:30. Zach and I went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. 

We woke up the next day and the boys all went to their meeting and Anna and I went to the mall and did some shopping, we would be leaving at 6:30 tonight back to LA. Anna and I built an amazing friendship, we got each others social medias, and phone numbers. The boys came to the mall at around 2:30 when their meeting was over. Zach wanted to go to the Apple Store so I went with him, we both ended up getting new matching phone cases. We went back with the boys and went back to the Seavey's house it was about 3:30 so we got our stuff and headed to the airport. We got through security just on time. We ran to our gate and got on the plane. We flew back to LA and once we arrived we were all tired and hungry, not a great combination with 5 Teenage boys and a Teenage girl. We all went immediately to Taco Bell because it was the closest. We ate then got back in the Van and went back to the house. We got back to the house at around 9:30. Zach and I went straight to the room and got ready for bed. We watched TV and both fell asleep at around 10:30.

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