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Hidden by the dimly lit room, he could see that a small upper body kept spasming and jerking and he wondered what was wrong. As he came closer, the barely heard soft whimpering sounds combined with the sweet scent of blood attacked his sensitive senses. Stepping up even closer, the sight before him broke his cold heart to thousand pieces.

A little girl's face who looked no more than five, glistened with freshly shed tears. Hands on her knees, the small little body shook with fervent sadness.

Where were her parents one might ask? They were away like always, leaving the poor girl in her lavish prison.

The small infant was left to tend for herself as she was now. Alone, abandoned, forgotten as she often was.

Knowing that no one would care whether she was hurt or not, the clever toddler cried silently as to not receive a scolding from her nanny. Small hiccups came out of her, as the tears of solitude came out with fierce renewal.

That was all she knew, life had never been kind to her. In all her fancy environment, surrounded by expensive toys, all she kew was loneliness. No surprises. She was an only child and so are her parents meaning she had no cousins either. Just people pretending to care for her for the pretty pennies.

"Are you alrigh Little Eve?" called out the man from behind.

Startled, the little thing jumped in surprise. Turning, she saw the most beautiful man her big doe eyes had ever seen, and as they widen, the girl was mesmerized.

Chuckling in amusement, the man asked again, snapping the girl from her trance.

" I hurt..." whispered the cute angel, exaggerating a tiny bit at the attention and the concerning gaze of the beautiful man.

"Do you wish for me to make it better?" Asked the man again.

Nodding, the pretty blonde angel unwrapped her hands from her knee, and offered it to the intruder in her room.

Taking the small member from the enfant, he placed small kisses on the injury and whispered comforting words to the sweetheart.

"It is alright Little Eve," and just like magic, the boo-boo was gone along with the pain and was replaced by clean skin, with no mark of the once present injury.

Taking his hand from her knee, he slowly lifted it to her face and wiped the remaining of her tears.

"I will be always there when you are hurt Little Eve, I promise," vowed the pretty mister

The little girl joyfully nodded, happy that she won't have to suffer alone through her pain anymore...

Hello Darlings, I'm back and better than ever. Y hv I not been updating u may ask? Well I had a lot to do, SAT, tests, summer assignments, senior year preparations, school, and the list goes on and on. I want to thank every single ones of you who supported me and voted, followed, and commented and TVK. I really love you. Know that this journey for this book will be filled with more drama, surprises, and cute romance even more than the last one.

Oh btw, go follow me on Inkitt and comment and vote on The Vampire King. My username is the same. Follow me on Instagram @inabae.27

With much love,


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