Chapter 3

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Yeah! after so long I'm finanlly updating. I just wannna think any of up who stuck around up to this point. This chapter is dedicated to all of u patient readers who PMed me, commented, voted, or did anything to encourage me. You will soon find out the names I've chosen for the kingdom that one of u guys provided, I've also added other names provided by some of u also. Shoutout to


For suggesting the following names, thank you so much guys and I love u❤️❤️

The guard before me was scarred.

He was nothing but comely with the vampyr's signature beauty trademark which was not at all hidden by the long silver scarred line that went from his forehead, pass his eyes to his strong 12 O'clock masculine jaw. Another one could be seen from the top of his nose to his chin, both added to the dark and mysterious aura that seemed to accompany all vampyrs. With perfect features and dark shoulder length hair, and splendid height, the man was so good looking, that it had almost distracted me from the crisis that had yet to come.

"What is your name?" I asked the scarred guard in front of me in my deliberate need to distract myself from the fact that in a couple of minutes, I will be crowned queen.

"Since the Red moon had been shining its blazing fire upon us, I have always been called Blade Your Majesty, please to be at your service," answered Blade in a monotone voice along with a respectful bow.

It was something I had yet to get accustomed to. In the span of a few months, I had gone from being the human no one liked, to the queen people detested but had to respect for fear of being burnt. They thought that I had not noticed the hateful gazes, the envious stares, and the jealous gossips; but I had, I had noticed more than that.

As we continued down the long hallway that would lead to the throne room, I thought of the journey that awaited me behind the doors of the room. With the most undignified upbringing, I was given the task to protect a kingdom whose King was all but gone. Among the enraged political men who were more than fitting for the role, I had stolen what was not to be mine's in the first place. I understood for I felt the same way as them.

"Blade, do you foresee me as the queen deserving of the throne?"

I asked once again, allowing myself to be vulnerable for one last time before the mask was put back on forever.

I turned to face him. His pace was controlled and calm, his eyes ever so often stopping left and right to inspect the area as if waiting for an attacker to come at any moment, he seemed ready for anything.

Once he had heard my question, he stopped, paused for a second and replied in the same monotone voice:

"Everyone had fought to be proven worthy of the throne Your Highness, though shall do the same," advises Blade, in his same solemn tone.

He paused briefly again and turned to face me. In his silvery eyes, for one brief moment, I saw pity; but just as it appeared, it had disappeared as quickly. We had arrived.

"Your Majesty, behind those doors lies your destiny. Remain watchful for there are many foes among friends who seek danger to befall you..." he said again a sense of urgency in his silvery eyes. A frown covered his perfect features, as he watched me intensely, I then knew that we would be very good friends.

I nodded.

I was ready.

With a flick of his pale wrist, the door opened.

Polished braziers encompassing each of the six obsidian columns light up the entire throne hall and blanket everything in a warm glow. The humongous chandeliers hanging from the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images look down upon the mahogany floor of this majestic hall.

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