Chapter 1

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Hello darlings I'm back and guess what? I'm officially 17 woo woo. It was ur gurl's birthday two weeks ago so I was pretty busy. And have you noticed? my writing has improve greatly meaning it is not too cringy or cheesy. I guess that must be the maturity of being 17 lol. Thanks for the votes comments and follows, u guys are the best a girl can wish for and I love you my darlings *cue to air kisses*

Anyway, I had a lot going on which is why I didn't update plz b patient and bear with me cuz this year is my senior year n I will always be packed until June.But I promise I'll update whenever I can.

Shall we start the chapter now?

The woman before me was quite the beauty.

Standing quietly, she examined herself.

The light hue gown was made of the softest fabric, made to fit a queen-- as she was, coming to her waist with beautiful flowery gold patterns and feminine lace that seem to give both an air of elegance and of class. It flowed outward in soft waves down to the floor and shimmered in the light, flecks of glitter sparkling like stars in the night sky thanks to the inviting moonlight that peeked through the nearby window.

At any other occasion, she would have rejoiced at the idea of being pampered given how long she had gone without it, but tonight, she wasn't.

As I looked though the mirror and notice the redness of her eyes and and the blond curls that gently flowed down to herwaist, I was reminded of the reason why she had been dolled up in the first place; tonight would be the night where she would be crowned official queen of the vampyrs Kingdom.

The woman staring at the mirror seemed so confident and resilient that it took me a while to realize that she was me. Contrarily to her brave demeanor, the woman inside was feeling anything but. Even in all her tiredness and exhaustion, she looked to be vibrating with life even with her corpse-like paleness. She reflected such beauty that she seemed to be utterly ethereal. So why was that woman staring at me through that mirror?

She was everything and I was not.

Tonight would be the start of my reign.

As a little girl, I used to dream about being a princess, with a prince charming coming to rescue me from the clutches of my parents , and that we would escape to the end of the world and live happily ever after. Who knew that my wish would come true? But it came with a price.

I was given a prince charming, I did become a princess, but the happily ever after did not come.

Thinking back, I realized how naïve I was then. I do not know why I expected so much given my pasts misfortunes. And now, I would lead the kingdom of this prince with his presence.

As a small seed of hope sought his way into my heart I reminded myself that he was dead and that he would never come back. I'd never get to see his face, or live happily ever after. I was doomed to the life of leading ungrateful people who refused to see me as an equal or nothing but a mere human invading their kingdom, a theft.

What is there to be happy about? He left me, although he promised he would always be with me, he left me anyway.

As tears gathered into my eyes, I fought the urge to scream and sob myself to death. They would not bring me what I had lost, and whatever deity is watching me must be in joy.

I was ruined.

"Your Highness, all is ready," one guard announced, bringing me back from my melancholy voyage, and as I turn to face him, I saw doubt and dread, echoing my own emotions

Angrily, I wiped the rebel bloodied tears that escaped my eyes, forcing myself out my madness. Dareios was dead and that was it. His body and myself may have not wanted him to be dead, nevertheless, he was and I had to deal with that. I was alive and he was not. and I was done hoping for the impossible. I was done being naive. I was done being the old me.

It was then that promised myself that there would be no more Evangelina Shau Williams Kor; as of today, I was Queen Evangelina Shau Williams, and I would damn well live up to that title. No more tears, no more insecurities, no more doubts, no more counting on anyone. I would prove everyone wrong, and they would see my worth.

As of today, I was a new person.

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