Chapter 11

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The Queen's hands were trembling in anticipation

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The Queen's hands were trembling in anticipation.

Her feral companion from within, who had always confronted the vampyrs on her behalf, had decided to leave her and have her fend for herself at the Royal Dinner. Now here she was, under the strict scrutiny of the "sensitive" guest.

Eve had to admit, they were quite the pair.

They looked to be no older than eighteen summers. They were twins. Identical twins that were very alike in looks and mannerisms. Though they have been blessed with angelic features that gave them the impression of being younger, their eyes told a different story.

They were cold and lifeless. And wicked.

Their eyes had an impressive shade of violet that the Queen had never seen before. Behind those beautiful yet, devilish violet eyes, revealed a thirst for violence. Those enchanting eyes were as hypnotizing as they were cruel.

Their white blond hair was as pale as their vampyrs bodies, if not paler. Their eyebrows and lashes matched their blond white hair, making their eyes stand out even more. Evangelina found the combination to be quite an oddity. They looked to have been paradoxically more dead than the typical undead with their overly pale features. Their physiques were slender, to the point of almost being mistaken for scrawny. And although they were sitting, Eve could tell that their height was no less than perfect, for even in their positions they appear taller than her five feet two petite frame.

Sitting at the elegant dining table adorned with fancy tablecloths and appetizing delicacies of all sorts, Eve could not find it in herself to appreciate the taste of the virgin blood she had been served. Normally, the strong aphrodisiac that was added with all blood drinks was always the perfect liquid courage Evangelina needed when confronting any vampyrs, but tonight not even the slight buzz could subside her nervousness.

One of them might have noticed the air of discomfort, finally decided to break the silence. His hawk-like violet eyes never leaving their target, her own ruby ones.

"I can see why the former king loved you so much," taking the golden goblet to his lips, he took an elegant sip of his drink, then slowly placed it back to its previous position. The only flaw to his graceful gestures was the imperfect smear of a red substance at the top of his lips. "Enough to desire to die for your inferior self."  While the speaker's voice was empty, his eyes, for a split second, held a slight curiosity.

Taking another sip, his brother took his spot and spoke.

"Andrain, you musn't be rude, it is the Queen that you speak to after all." Although his words were chastising, the subtle snicker on his lips had not gone unnoticeable.

"Oh dear queen, I mean no offense. I was only jesting," a smile on his face, with a very obvious tone of mockery. The vampyr, whom Eve had now learned was named Andrain, replied while taking another calm sip of his drink again. He seemed to be quite invested into the content of the goblet.

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