Chapter 2

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Third  Person POV
There was a woman in his dreams.

He did not know who she was and could not identify her. Every time he tried to let go and acquiesce to his aching and wounded limbs and welcome his eternal rest, the woman's voice was like an irritating reminder to continue fighting.

He wanted to scream at her and tell her that he was tired, but she would not stop pestering him about some supposedly promise that he had made. That voice would tell him to not leave her. When he had questioned it about her identity, that voice would immediately stop talking.

It was bothersome!

What was mostly frustrating though, was the fact that he could not answer her, but oddly enough, she understood and could read his thoughts. What baffled him even more was her beauty...

With her heart shaped face and golden curls, she resembled an angel. Her feminine and defining curves gave way to a generous figure and very noticeable and pleasing pair of bosoms. Those pair of twins made him smile foolishly whenever he dreamt of her. Her smile was the perfect accessory to her figure, white and pearly and very straight and happy. Her cheeks, all pale and rosy, was always highlighted whenever she smiled, resembling a young girl. Her eyes, were magnificent, ruby orbs stared right through him, piercing his soul, rendering him breathless and hypnotized; however when he reached to touch her, she vanished, taking her smile away with her therefore leaving him cold and lifeless.

Wherever he was, time ceased to exist, and everyday was long and dull. With a never ending pain for companion, the woman's voice was the only thing that kept him going. He wondered where he was. Was this hell? It sure did not feel like it. He pictured hell as being torturous, and this was not, just an uncomfortable silent.

Sometimes he wondered who he was, other times he did not care, wishing instead for that woman's voice to come back and keep him company.

He could feel some form of healing being done throughout his body, his vessels working and curing themselves, the blood rushing and running throughout his body; however the process was slow yet long, never truly helping if the aching in his body was any indication to go by.

Finding no relief, his days were very arduous.

Again, every time he was visited by death, the only real cure to his torture, the voice would beg and plead him not to leave her, thus resulting in him missing his chance at every visits.

He often wondered who that woman was and why she mattered so much to him, his brain came short and could never truly give him a satisfying enough answer.

Laying down as he came to realized, all he could do was think.

His eyes frozen just as the rest of his body, he thought of everything. Of life, of the woman, of his reason for remaining frozen, of the weather, of his name, of his identity, of his surroundings. He thought of it all, because he had the time.

Someday though, he wished that his bleak days were over, but he doubted it, from the pain he was feeling, his slumber would take some time, quite sometime.

But he could wait and surmount it all, at least just to stop the bloodied tears of the woman from falling, just so he could see the woman's smile.

It was the only thing that kept him alive, literally...

Hello babies!!!! Missed me? I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. Ik that u guys won't believe me cuz I kept saying it, but this year was full so I didn't hv time to update. As an apology, here is my early Christmas present. I'm so sorry for not updating in three months. I had to apply for college, and plan my whole future. For those of u who cares, I've done it! I've figured everything out and am proud to say I'll b updating very soon.

Plz keep on commenting and voting, cuz those things r my reminders and inspiration for continuing to write.

tell me what u thought of this chapter anyway, was it good, okay, or alright? cuz I feel like I lost my touch and am getting quite bored with this book.

Plz, remember to



And Follow,

Merry Christmas and a merrier new year

Love, Vampirina249

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