Chapter 9

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The response was immediate, the metallic head that hung loosely above her spread water unto her body. If she were human, her body would have gone numb by now with how cold the water was, but as a vampyr now, she felt nothing. The water cascaded down her back, it should have felt soothing, it should have eased the ache that clawed at her limbs. Oh, how she had wished that it would have been the case, instead, what she felt was pure sadness.

A bloodied tear tickled her cheek and mixed with the clean water, she watched as it disappeared into the water, the red tint that once was there, was gone. She poured gentle soap into her hands. Her fingers met her long blonde hair, dancing into the mess it was, ridding it of the knots time had given. She never wanted this to have happened, she never was safe out there, and sure enough, this only made her confidence crumble.

The woman dragged the soap over her body. It reminded her of when he had been hers. The soap caressing her neck like his kisses, running along her body like when he took in her sense. More tears escaped her eyes followed by her fist meeting the wall. She hated how she had pretended... Now, she could let it all out and so she did. Somewhere, above surface, a woman dropped to the floor, letting the water caress her skin as it washed away more of her tears.

She cried for the tears that should not have been shed, cried for the facade she had to keep on constantly, she cried for what she knew she lacked and missed.

Here she was, almost at death's bed, but she still had to manage a kingdom. If he was there, he would have known what to do. She could not even save her own child for god's sake, how could she ever run a whole kingdom?

More tears were spilled.

That day when she had come to find out she was pregnant, everything had been perfect. After being seen by a witch to confirm her suspicion, Evangelina had been told that she was with a child. She was going to tell her beloved the good news, they were going to raise their child together, and live forever. That same night, she not only lost her husband, but that same child gone.

What started with bloodshed, will end in thousand deaths...

She, herself wanted to hide away from the oncoming bloodshed, how could she ever find the solution to it? Did they not know that a mere year ago she was oblivious to this world of blood and war?

More tears fell.

Sniffing quietly, she refused to make more noise, refusing to let Blade know of her one weakness. He was everywhere and had keen ears that could hear everything. He was either preoccupied with some other matter to not hear her or was giving her time to adjust to what they had just heard.

Evangelina knew that she should not cry, but she could not help it. She really wanted to be strong, but she could not.

If it was not for the thing that possessed her body...

That was another thing. Something was inside of her, controlling her mind. What she said, did, how she acted... It seemed to happen only when she was around other vampyrs. That force, really, took control of her body and made her act in ways that she never would have. Although she could never had any recollection of what happened, the very next day Blade would acknowledge her actions by giving his respects to her quick thinking.

Except... she did not act quick, could never remember what she had done. The only reason why she remembered the witch's prophecy is because her power was too strong for the force within her, making it submit to her and have Eve regain control of her body.

The only one who was immune to that force was Blade. She was always herself around him. Nothing the force within her did could change that. She wished that it was not the case though, for she always felt unsettled around Blade. She could not put her fingers on why that was the case, but something was different about him.

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