Aniyah has been dealing with her no good ex, since high school. They've grown up but have they really? Chris does nothing but cheat, but will she give it all up or will she just play Cover Up for the rest of her life. On the other hand her sisters a...
*Jacob's P.O.V* I got up shortly after Cindy called.
"Amber." I said shaking her so she can leave.
"Yesssss." she groaned
"It's A.M. so that means you need to get going."
"So you just gone throw me out like that? Fuck you." She said getting mad and getting out of bed.
I sighed heavily and shook my head
"Amber this why I don't fuck with you like that. You do entirely too much even when we talked about this last night."
"I don't do too much. You don't care about me or you don't love me."
"Yes I kow that but aye, at least I never lied to you and told you I cared or loved you."
"Yeahh, I know and we gone see. You be careful now. Watch ya back." She said as she got up walking towards the door.
"Bitch, was that supposed to be a threat?" I said as a put my hands around her neck and backed her up against the wall.
"Don't you ever threaten me again and do you know who I am and what I been through? I don't give a fuck about a false threat. Girl, look at me, look who you talking to. You bet not ever open your mouth to try and threaten me ever again. Do you understand me? If anything happens to me, anybody I care about or anybody that I love then you are DONE. End of discussion and this is NOT a threat this is a promise. Y'all are going to learn to stop playing with me. Now get out of my house and don't you ever pop up again like you did last night or you not leaving the same way you came." I let go and I watched her gasp for air as she fell to the floor.
She got up and stumbled out the door. Who do she think she is threatening me? She better act like she know who she talking to because that's not even like me. I would NEVER put my hands on a woman. I just forgot who she was when she said that. If it's one thing I don't like it's threats.
I have too many people that try to kill me on a day to day basis for her to threaten me. I still gotta make it home at the end of the day but I'm not really worried about that. I don't care about her or her threats my mind is on getting back to my baby. I got up went through my closet, got out my black and gray sweater, some black pants, and my gold chain so I can get in the shower. I got everything I needed to take a shower then made my way to Aniyah house.
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(Outfit ⏫⏫💙)
I was on my way to Aniyah's house and thought I should text before I come just to let her know.
Aniyah 💓💍: Good morning baby, hope you're up because I'm on my way. I'm sorry I could make it last night... I hope you're not mad but I'm gone make it up to you so get ready. But I really just wanted to text and let you know I'm on my way... See ya soon! ❤️
I sent the text and continued driving to her house. I made it in about 20 minutes and as I pulled up I realized that her door was open. Did she open the door so I can come on in? I got out the car locked my doors and walked to the door.
"Aniyah" I knocked on the door as it opened a little more as I walked in.
"Aniyah, I'm h-" I stopped in my tracks as I seen a shattered lamp on the floor by the couch.
"Aniyah!!" I yelled as I ran upstairs searching all the rooms to see was she still here.
I got to her room and seen blood by the door, a broken vase, and a broken table. I immediately started to panic. I started pacing back and forth across the room when I seen her phone on the floor. I ran over to her phone to see if I can maybe get a hint to what happened to her. I'm glad she didn't have a password so I could easily get in her phone. I pressed her middle button to unlock it and seen that she tried to call me. I seen my number in her keypad but why didn't she call. I could have helped her I should have been here. My mind is going 90 to nothing right now.
"Ohh no. Cindy is going to kill me." I said shaking my head.
I couldn't think straight. What if this was because of me? Why do something always have to go wrong? I immediately thought about Amber and it just made me even more mad.
She better hope she has nothing to do with this even though I just know she had something to do with it. She just so happened got took last night and she just so happened to pop up at my house the same night. I had a lot of calls to make and I'll be sure to get her back and get my answers. For one I need to call Amber but I don't think she know that I got something up my sleeve for her. That'll be my special request. I dialed her number and pressed call.
*Phone Conversation*
"What Jacob?" She said with an attitude.
"Listen Amber, I know why you came over there last night and I know you know what happened to Aniyah. Just because I don't love you doesn't mean to go hurt the people I do. I can honestly say that you got me but I promise you that you WON'T get away with this. I see you like to play games but remember there's always one winner. You're going to wish you never even got into this. Now where is Aniayh?" I said beyond heated
"Nice try Jacob. Try those "false threats" that I was soo scared of first and maybe you can get answers but you're weak and have no one on your side. So I'll like to see you try to do that."
"Ohh and tell your partner that I know exactly who he is and and I don't know why he's doing what he's doing but I do know that I remember him from that night and you obviously know nothing about me but you don't have to as long as you know Queen B and she isn't going to be happy about this."
"Queen B? As in Black Widow Queen B?"
"You aren't scared are you and we'll see about those false threats."
"Boy please. Who's scared of her? Who is she supposed to be?"
"Okay, let the games begin"
"They already have!"
*End of Conversation*
I don't know who Queen B is, hell no one knows who she is but I know that would definitely scare her. If she thinks Queen B will get to her because of Aniyah then she would give us time to set up a plan.