Aniyah has been dealing with her no good ex, since high school. They've grown up but have they really? Chris does nothing but cheat, but will she give it all up or will she just play Cover Up for the rest of her life. On the other hand her sisters a...
*Aniyah's P.O.V* Jacob is late to dinner and he promised he was going to be here so where is he?
"Why do we have the place to ourselves?" I asked mama as we all sat here awkwardly waiting on Jacob
"Because the person I want you all to meet can't be seen with us by any one else." She answered smiling
"Are you messing with a married man mama?" Brie dumb ass asked her
"Baby now you know... don't even ask me that." She told her
"Then who is it? And why aren't they here already?" Aubrie asked
"Because I have to prepare you all for this... I can't just say ohh come on out.... it's not going to work like that." Mama said
"Why not?" Cory asked
"Ohhh my gosh where is Jacob? He needs to hurry up so we can get this over with I'm sick of the questions. Please no more. Wait and see." Mama said
"I'm here." Jacob said coming through the door looking and smelling really good.
"Finally." Mama said clearly irritated
"What I miss?" Jacob asked
"Nothing we've been waiting on you." Jaylen said
"Ok he's here...." I said
"Ok soo you know I brought you all out tonight to meet a very special person. I didn't really know how you go about this so I just said forget it and just do it this way. Now I know this is going to be hard maybe for some of you to believe this or even except it but it's real. I'm not going to keep you all long sooooo the last thing I'm going to say is... I hope you guys react in the good way and just accept it for what it is so we can somewhat go back to a normal life. Our life can be complete again." Mama said as we all looked and waited for her to hurry up and bring the person out
"Come on out baby." She yelled to the back as the man I seen from the hospital came out
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"Lavon?!!" I asked with tears in my eyes
"Yeah lil sis it's me. I'm here." He said standing there crying
"What's up man." He said finally coming around the table to shake Jaylen's hand
"No... no, no. My brother was killed. I don't know who you are but I don't appreciate you coming in here playing games with my family but it's not ok." Brie said to him in tears
"Babe, listen it's not a game it's really him." Ant said which made us all look at him
"And how do you know?" Aubrie asked
"Umm well let'a just get this over with now.." Jacob said which all made us look at him now
"Well I don't care who start talking but we got time. Lavon sit." I said as he finally sat down