Aniyah has been dealing with her no good ex, since high school. They've grown up but have they really? Chris does nothing but cheat, but will she give it all up or will she just play Cover Up for the rest of her life. On the other hand her sisters a...
Amber thinks this is a game but this is someone's life at hand. When I got off the phone with Amber I called my cousins, Lucy and Renae. They haven't did any work for me in awhile. They are going to be the next Queen B or as she also calls herself Black Widow. They can kill someone as slow and painful as possible. I know it doesn't seem like something you would want to do for a living but they're the best ones for the job.
Lucy, is the crazy one, she's the one to sit and watch you die of a slow and painful death and be really excited, proud and confident about what she just did. Renae, is the smart one she knows exactly what chemicals to mix, exactly where to inject them, and exactly how much to give you to die the way she wants you to. They started this little job after Renae was fired from her little physical therapy job. She mixed up the right chemicals and her boss was suffering for 10 days from a single shot. It was a lot of work but Renae enjoyed mixing the chemicals and using her brain. On the other hand, Lucy crazy ass just enjoyed watching the man die and suffer for 10 days but she was also good with pressure points and shii. I took out my phone and dialed Lucy's number.
*Phone Conversation*
"Hey, is this Lucy"
"Depends on who's asking?"
"Heyyy, this your cousin Jacob but I got a job for y'all. You ready to start back working"
"Jacob!!!" She said excitedly.
"I missed you so much and oh my gosh we get to work agian? This is the best day of my life. Yessss." She screamed excitedly
"Damn girl calm down you sound like you just won the lottery." I laughed
"Shut up but we're in my car right now on my way to THE house. Give me a hour or less. Bye."
"Damn okay and thank you." I laughed.
"No thank you. I'll see you soon and discuss what we need to do."
*End of Conversation*
We need to get everyone back together A.S.A.P. I need to call Cindy.
*Phone Conversation*
"You got her?" Cindy asked
"Cindy listen to me before you say anything, hang up, or get mad. This is really important."
"Jacob what is it?" She said yelling
"Aniyah isn't here. It looks like she was taken last night. But I know who did it and what to do to get her back."
"What?" She cried.
"I know I'm sorry but I got Lucy and Renae on it right now but I need you to gather EVERYBODY."
"Ohh no. It's never good when we get Lucy and Renae on the job and are you sure you want me to get everybody? That's not gone be a good idea."
"I don't care this is important because if I'm right then we don't have that much time."
"I'll get everyone and tell them to meet at THE house as soon as possible."
"Okay and I'm meeting Lucy and Renae in about a hour, prolly' less because they are really excited to work again."
"I know L.O.L but OK. You be safe and watch your surroundings bro. I love you."
"I love you too Cindy."
*End of Conversation*
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(THE house ⏫💙 )
I made sure to close her door so no one would know something was wrong and made my way to THE house to meet Lucy and Renae. I know this is my fault. I only know one reason all this drama could be brought back up but it's almost impossible.
I really really hope it's not because I don't want to witness any of that again. I shouldn't have let Amber get to me last night. Why wasn't I there for her? I know I just met her but I put her in this and she's innocent. I'm putting her life in danger and don't even know if I can fix it. She was just with the wrong person at the wrong time in life. This is all my fault and I'm going to fix it.
*Cindy's P.O.V*
I ran back to the room when I got off the phone with Jacob. I tried to get Jaylen up.
"Jaylen get up now it's an emergency."
"What emergency?"
"Jaylen someone took Aniyah." I said fighting my tears .
"What the hell??!! I thought Jacob was with her last night. How did they take her? What do you mean they took her." He said jumping up, getting some clothes and running to the shower.
"They kidnapped her Jaylen. Is that better."
"Cindy ya' betta hush with that attitude of yours and getcha' ass up and get dressed." He yelled letting his Nola accent bounce throughout the hotel room.
Ohh no. This isn't good. The Nola accent is when stuff gets real serious. I ain't gone lie, it was sexy as hell but he left that Nola (New Orleans) life and everything dealing with it back in Nola that day and no one wants to see that anymore.
He finally got in the shower and had on a long orange jacket, light colored blue jeans, a camouflage head band, a rolex and dark orange and white shoes.
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"Cindy I know I look good but we don't have time for that right now and why aren't you dressed? Go!" He yelled pointing to the bags.
I said nothing as I got grabbed a gray T-shirt, light colored jeans, beige boots and my black fanny pack and went into the bathroom and took a shower.
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When I got out the shower Jaylen was waiting by the door with a box.
"What is this?"
"I was supposed to give it to you last night but decided to wait til' now, just open it."
I smiled and opened the box and it revealed a house key. He really want me to move in with him.
"Is this your house key?" I asked
"Yeah, but I mean if you don't want it then it's okay. You can have you own and I can have my own ya' know."
"No. I would love to move in with you." I kissed him
"Yeah, but I know not now because we have way more problems than us so let's get going. "
"Yeah you right. Jacob said meet him at THE house, and I have a few phone calls to make." I said as we walked out the hotel room and into the truck with Big D.