*Aniyah's P.O.V*
I sighed and laid down on the couch and Aaron walked down the hall straight to his room. I wonder what's up with him. But honestly I'm just ready for this to be over with. Ready to go home and live a semi-normal life because my life was far from normal.My mom was the most respected women in town and everyone always looked at us like we thought we were better than them. My brother and father just disappeared.... well my father did and we so called buried my brother but just between us I never thought he was dead. I still to this day think he's just going to pop up in our lives one day and we can go back like we where but everyone tells me I'm crazy and I should just except it but I can't.
"It's kind of chilly in here." I said grabbing some cover from the hall.
You know I've been here too long when I start knowing where things and I'm comfortable enough to just go in there and grab whatever I want. But I've only been here 2 days. I bet my family is worried about me like I'm actually getting hurt or dead already. I know they're going to find me, they're made for situations like this but I'm not leaving.... I need to make the sacrifice to protect my family. That's why I understood why my father left. I'm going to do the same thing to protect my family even though I don't want to.
"Aniyah, why aren't you in your room?"
"Ooouu, I got my own room. I feel so special." I said sarcastically
"Aniyah, why aren't you in your room?" He asked again not even phased by me being extra again.
"It's cold in there." I answered
"Ohh why didn't you just ask me to turn the heat on or the ac off." He said going into the kitchen to turn the heat on.
"Ohh it's fine. I just went into the closet to get some cover. Now let's watch a movie." I told David
"What movie? And give me my remote, you don't even know my Netflix password." He said snatching the remote
"Who don't?" I said snatching the remote back and typing in the password.
"Well you have officially been here too long." Aaron said finally coming from the back in a black muscle shirt and black sweat pants on.
I kind of got offended and they could really tell. Even though I said it, it was different hearing it come from one of them.
"Which we love. Right, Aaron? And it's not like you really had a choice. And I was about to say how do you know where everything is and the Netflix password but I know you hear us talk. But it's ok stay as long as you want even when your family come for you. You're always welcomed here." David said
"Yeah, stay as long as you want I love the company." Aaron said with a smirk as I laughed.
"Thanks but I'm going to go upstairs to my room and I'll just bring the cover with me." I said as I started to walk upstairs
"What about the movie Aniyah? We were supposed to watch a movie as a family for once." David said
"Yeah we will later. I just got tired and I'll take my medicine later when I get up." I said as I did a fake smile and walked upstairs and into the room.
I put the extra cover on the bed and got under both of them. I wasn't sleepy though, I really just needed to rest. I'm not really mad I'm just a little offended but look how I ended up here, and how I'm acting towards them, how comfortable I am around them and haven't tried to leave or even contact my family. It's all weird and doesn't make sense but hey it's my life right about now. I'm no ordinary person and this is no ordinary father daughter relationship. I don't even know who Aaron is to David, but I've been wondering because he's cute. Even though I'm still stuck on one person. I wonder how's he's doing with my "disappearance." I bet he's forgotten about me already.

The Cover Up
FanfictionAniyah has been dealing with her no good ex, since high school. They've grown up but have they really? Chris does nothing but cheat, but will she give it all up or will she just play Cover Up for the rest of her life. On the other hand her sisters a...