7. The Friends

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As we file out of the hallway, a group of three girls comes over to me. One of them, with a cute bob of black hair and easy-going eyes, starts talking to me. "Hi, I'm Bailey. Your name is Kaycee, right?"

"Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, Bailey," I say, with my signature awkwardness.

"I can't believe you got to dance with the Sean Lew!" one of the girls blurts out. The other two girls laugh.

"Sorry, that's Tati," Bailey informs me, rolling her eyes, "she's notoriously boy-crazy, AND she has a boyfriend already."

Tati sticks her tongue out at Bailey. "First of all, I'm not boy-crazy. I just have a particularly attuned eye to the aesthetically pleasing, and Sean is hella cute, if you guys haven't noticed. Secondly, I do not have a boyfriend. Gabe and I are just friends, swear to god."

"Yah-huh, friends with some major benefits," Bailey says, laughing.

"Shut up, Bailey, like you and Ken haven't been unofficially dating for around 5 five years now--"

"That's such a lie--"

"Hi, I'm Tahani," the short girl with curly brown hair says, cutting off her two arguing friends, "You and Sean were insanely good, by the way. There's no way you guys aren't making it to the next round."

"Thanks. Um, is Sean like... famous or something?" I inquire. For some reason, he strikes me as a more... low profile dancer.

"Well, he has some videos on Youtube that have totally blown up, but he's only come to class a few times," Tati explains.

'He's kind of a legend," Bailey adds on, "like he's super mysterious. He never shows up to any auditions or events, and yet his skills are undeniable."

"How did you guys meet? You must have known each other for a while 'cause you seem pretty close. Sean literally never talks to anyone except his two best friends," the short curly haired girl asks.

Close? How can we seem close if we literally met an hour ago?

"Er... we actually only met in the elevator today, and it -- uh, broke down, and we had to find a way out, so that's why we were late to the..."

I'm cut off by all three of the girls squealing. "That's SO romantic!"

I'm totally caught off guard, and I start blushing profusely. Nice one, Kaycee.

"Awwww... she's blushing," Tati coos, "I ship it!"

"I swear it's not like that," I say defensively, "I mean, I don't even really know him--"

"I'm calling bullshit right now," interrupts Bailey, "you guys have too much chemistry not to be together."

"You guys are the worst," I say, laughing. Honestly, though, I've never really been part of a group of friends, and these girls are hilarious.

"Welcome to the gang, Kaycee Rice," Tati says with a smile.



Josh and Julian are sprinting down the hallway towards me. I don't know what they are going to say to me, but it isn't going to be good.

"Dude, why didn't you tell us you were auditioning?" Julian asks.

"I don't tell you guys all of my plans," I respond tersely, staring determinedly at my phone.

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