The Unnoticed

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"Are you asking me out in front of everybody?"

Miraline Lynch had been over the top paranoid in the last few days. Always running away if there is any sign of the Gremlins. The only time she saw James was in class, and she always bailed right after.

Caroline and Tanya had have enough of her nonsense, it's not like James is going to kill her. But they didn't felt James' glare. It was the most horrible glare, even if it came out of the most beautiful eyes.

Miraline had been begging Alex to give James a pep-talk about pranking during game season. But Alex convinced Miraline that there's nothing he could do, It's in James' nature to prank. Alex explained that he tried stopping him once, only ended up with a prank himself.

It wasn't a wonder why Miraline skipped two Quidditch practice in one week. She  even spent most of her free time in the girl's dormitory. But Tanya decided that today, she's going to convince Miraline to go to practice. For the sake of the Quidditch Cup, of course.

"I know how much you wanted to play Quidditch" said Tanya as she sits at the end of Miraline four poster bed. "So I have some great news for you today"

"Did James die?" asked Miraline perking her head up,

"No, but he's skipping practice today." said Tanya, trying to sound believable "It's your chance to get out there and stop being a total arse. Isn't it a good day?"

Miraline looked skeptical, she sits up and eyed Tanya "Where did he go?"

"Erm- to a date! You know how James is.. sneaking out, the usual" said Tanya, feeling a litttle bit nervous. "It's with that girl- what's her name... Kinley? Yeah! Elizabeth Kinley. Haven't you heard about them?"

Tanya would very much like it if Caroline is there to help her lie. Unfortunately she's in the Hospital Wing after she slipped down the stairs.

"Well in that case!" Miraline jumped out of her bed, a huge grin on her face while Tanya let out a huge sigh of relief.

 "It's my chance to spy on those nasty Slytherins. I wanna know who got into their team. They've been practicing in private, you see? Heard they finally revealed their team during last week's practice, which, thanks to James, I can't witness. I've been dying to know who I'm gonna beat." said Miraline in a rush.

"Bless Elizabeth Kinley and her wonderful soul! She saved me!"


Miraline is already wearing her uniform and is at the Quidditch Field, ready to practice. She's an hour early and the field is filled with other Teams practicing.

Miraline is not early because she wants to practice under the hot sunny day, she's early because she wants to know who her opponents are. The HufflePuff and Slytherin team. Of course she could watch their match this Friday and memorized their faces, but she can't wait that long.  

And it was worth it. For a moment, Miraline's eyes can't even blink. 

She stared at Finnick who is flying freely on his broomstick. Yes, Finnick.

Miraline knew Finnick liked Quidditch, but he didn't say anything about joining the team. It was like magic, seeing him fly around the sky. 

Well, it is magic.

He looks rather handsome in his Quidditch Uniform. His jet black hair isn't as tidy as it used to be in class. Miraline and the other girls that are watching screams when Finnick scored the last goal.

"Finnick!" Miraline screams out as the players lowered their brooms to the ground. Finnick looked at Miraline and gave her a wave before running up to her.

"Merlin, Mr. Brown! I didn't know you were on the team!" said Miraline as Finnick finally stood in front of her, covered in sweat. "You're a superstar!"

"You're lucky I'm not a Beater. I could beat your arse easily" He chuckled, "I've been waiting for your reaction last week, though."

"I know! I should've gone to practice sooner." said Miraline eyeing Finnick "I'm not too late am I? Or are the girls over there already fancy you? I mean, good god, Finnick!"

"Look good don't I?" said Finnick as he stared down his Quidditch Robes "My teammates says that I looked like a sixth year student. Because of my height and everything. Do I really look old?"

"No! you look fine. Look at those girls, they've been eyeing you up since before I arrived." said Miraline still looking at Finnick with adoring eyes, "I reckon you'll have a girlfriend in two weeks, or, you know, less"

"Nevermind that! I'll be the best chaser Slytherin ever got!" said Finnick.

"Goodness, Finnick, you can't be smart and athletic at the same time. It's impossible" said Miraline, "And anyway, if you're so good, why didn't you try for the team last year?"

"Erm- You know..." Finnick trailed off, "I didn't think i could do it"

"MIRALINE" someone shouts her name and she looked back to see Alex. She soon realize that the Field is now packed with Gyrffindors instead of Slytherins.

"I gotta go, I'll meet you in History tomorrow, yeah?" Miraline ran towards Alex who is holding two brooms in his hands.

"Decided to show up today, huh?" said Alex in a bitter tone as he hands Miraline her broomstick "Thought you'd skipped again."

"Have you seen the Slytherins? They played so well, didn't they? Do you think they'll beat hufflepuff this friday?" said Miraline as she started to walk beside Alex towards her other teammates.

"I dunno, Hufflepuff won two years in a row." said Alex rather seriously as they both started to gather with the others. "But it could still happen, they have that new chaser, Brown. I see you've already know him, though."

"They're friends since first year" said Julia, one of her older teammates who is listening in on their conversation. "Isn't that right, Miraline?"

"Yeah" said Miraline,

"That's a risk, you know that, right Lynch?" said a familiar voice from behind her. Miraline and all the others turned their heads to James Potter "Either it could go very right... or very wrong."

Miraline looked at James in total shock, "Aren't you suppose to be on a date?" she asked,

"Are you asking me out in front of everybody?" James took a step closer to Miraline as she gulped, "Too bad, I would've said yes if you haven't change the colour of my bloody broom"

"I'm not asking you out, Potter. You're just too dumb to understand a simple question."

James scoffs,

"Oh, shove off, Potter. It's obvious she's here because she thought you wouldn't be." said Julia "We all know she's been avoiding you all week."

"Well, i have a hard time believing that." said James as he eyed Miraline with a smirk.

"Okay, everyone get on your brooms! No more nonsense!" said Alex, saving the day.

Miraline was trying to calm herself down, she can't decide if she's mad or in shock. Tanya would definitely have to pay for this.

"You're the one who turned James' broom pink?" said Julia as they both mounted their brooms, "I deny I ever said this, but I'm kind of proud of you" she said with a laugh.

"Thanks, but I'm going to die any minute now that I'm in the open with him."

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