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Her lips were soft and yet rough against his plumper ones... Her hands found his hair rushing fingers through it furiously as he found her waist gripping it firmly. She tasted like strawberries and mint- and boy could he get on board with that oh and don't even get him started on her smell...

"Sam! Sammy, it's time to go!" Dean exclaimed shaking his brother awake through a sigh. "Come on lazy bones we don't have all day-"

"Ugh... What time is it?" The younger Winchester questioned his brother trying to tame his hair that simply couldn't be tamed.

"Time for you to get up- Now go take a shower," The blonde insisted shoving his brother in the right direction only to have Sam give him the biggest bitch face in the universe.

"What's gotten into you Dean I just need to grab some clothes," He sighed opening his suitcase and searching through it, his brother staring at him intently. "You know you don't always have to be a jerk all the time!"

"Yeah and you don't always have to be a bitch," The green-eyed man laughed avoiding his brothers gaze. "N-Nothings wrong with me,"

"I'll be in the shower just please don't do anything stupid," However Sam knew that his pleads would go forgotten as he took extra long in the shower just to be sure to piss his brother off. Although once Sam left the bathroom he quickly regretted it shielding his eyes.

"My eyes!" He exclaimed shielding them with his hand dropping his dirty clothes to the floor. "What the hell! Is that why you wanted me in the shower so badly-"


"Don't you Sam me- Can I open my eyes now?"

Dean nodded but quickly realized what a moron he was and uttered a simple. "Yeah..."

"Hello Sam it's nice to see you," Castiel grinned playing with the hems of his trench coat, of course, he couldn't sense the awkwardness being an angel and all.

"What the hell? I leave for five minutes and you... Is that the only reason you wanted me to leave was so that you could make out with your boyfriend-"

"I wanted to talk to Cas alone e's the one that jumped on me!" Dean exclaimed putting his hands up in defense glancing at the blue-eyed angel who glanced away defeated.

"I missed Dean a lot," Is all the dark-haired angel got out glancing up into the green eyes that always seemed to capture him. "I didn't know you were here Sam,"

"Where else would I be? You know what I don't even care you have one hour until I'm back with food and then we're leaving,"

The hour had passed by quickly... Too quickly for Sams's liking as he picked up Dean's favorite pie oh and a side of breakfast burger. Finally, when he made it to the hotel room he put his hand on the door handle waiting for a second and praying that they would at least have clothes on when he walked through the door.

Don't get Sam wrong he loves that his brother found someone that makes him happy. He simply adores watching Cas follow him around like a puppy and ask stupid questions and how Dean's face lights up whenever he's around. Or how Jealous Cas gets of any of the stupid chicks that still hit on Dean or even how they simply both make one another happy.

Though sometimes it's just become a little bit too much for Sam because he just wants somone to look at him the way that Cas looks at Dean. He wants to be happy like that and for somone to love him the way that they love one another. He knows it's stupid but he can't help yet dream of the-

"I'm back!" Sam exclaimed dropping the food on the table and then finally he looked up meeting his brother and the angel both fully clothed... Well almost.

They both stood by the bathroom door- soaking wet might he adds. Dean was shirtless and in a tight pair of Jeans, Cas was in his normal clothes although his tie was undone and around his neck and the same with his belt. Both men were barefoot their hands clamped together, their hair both in many different directions laying crazily atop their heads.

"What have you guys been doing?" Sam asked through a chuckle loving how Cas' hair made him look like some rockstar dude.

"Shut up Sam!" Dean exclaimed snatching the pie off the table.

"Why are you guys wet?" The younger Winchester questioned just to egg his brother on.

"Sam I swear to-"

"Sam, did you know that showers are weird? I don't think I will ever get used to them... And why does the water come out in small strands and not large-"

"What the hell I thought angels don't need showers-"

"He was smelly!" Dean interjected pointing a finger up at his brother. "Let's not talk about this-"

"Oh god, I'm glad I took my shower before-"

"For the love of Pie can you just shut up?"

"Dean and I had a fun time while you were gone Sam though I'm glad you're here now because it just isn't the same without you,"

"Oh for the love of God," Sam sighed collapsing into his bed. "What the hell have I done to myself,"

"I don't understand what has my father done to you?" Castiel questioned hovering ever the younger Winchester his wet hair dripping onto his forehead... It was going to be a long hunt since Dean insisted they take Cas on this one.

"Wait... So let me get this straight we're trusting this girl to go into her dreams and into a place in which she calls the bad place?" Sam asked pacing the room as Dean and Cas seemed totally fine with the plan... Whilst they didn't really have any other options.

"It's the only way we can get the knife to defeat Micheal," Castiel pointed out through a sigh. "What do we have to do?"

"You don't have to do nothing... All we have to do is jump through this portal,"

"I don't like the sound of that-"

"Guys the angels are gaining on us!" Jody exclaimed glancing out the window. "I can kill them all but you guys have to go and get out before it closes!" She urged her and Claire ready to fight off anything that dared get in their way and though the Winchester brothers felt guilty for leaving them they knew that this was their only option at saving the world and Jody wouldn't be to bad at them about that.

"Where do we go now? It just looks like a bunch of-"

"Trees... I know," Kaia sighed the broken look in her eyes giving away her next words. "But this is everything of hell for me,"

"Trust me the real hells worse than this we're going to be-" But Dean was then cut off by a person in a hooded robe attacking the hell out of them with her spear...

The one that they needed. Though no sign of their mother. 

"What the hell we didn't do anything," The eldest Winchester tried to reassure however she used some hand power to push both him and Kaia to the ground Castiel was going to use his power on her but she managed to take him down aswell leaving only her and Sam who she quickly pounced on pointing the spear right at his chest.

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