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Luckily it had only been Dean that found Sam and Y/N and not Bobby... Who knows what Bobby would have done to the youngest Winchester if he found them as Dean had. Though Sam was happy that Bobby hadn't found them like that he was still embarrassed that his older brother had. It was going to be even harder to find out what in the hell his feelings were if everyone was just about to assume his feelings.

"Wow, I knew you guys would get together... Though I didn't know this soon-" Sam and Y/N had jumped apart though wide and tired eyes their hair messy and glossy eyes.

"We're not... We're not alright- this just happened by mistake," Sam tried to reassure however failed as they sent each other a look of embarrassment a blush across both their cheeks.

"Well that's one hell of a mistake," Dean laughed looking them each other and he couldn't help yet to smirk at the look of their embarrassment. "So Y/N you couldn't stay outside without Sam for long I see... How long has this secret relationship been going on?"

"It's non-existent Dean we're not dating," Y/N was quick to fire back at the green-eyed Winchester. "And it was cold outside that's why I came back in and I swear I have no clue how we ended up that way,"

"Sureee and I'm Justin Bieber," Dean went over to the fridge pulling out Beer and a pie as if that were the best breakfast in the world.

"Fine don't believe us, Dean, I don't give two shits you Jerk,"

"Yeah, Bitch well why don't you just admit your feelings because I know you have them!" His older brother exclaimed back to him causing Sam's eyes to widen in fear.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Y/N asked turning toward Sam. "And why the hell does everyone think we're together?"

"Well, so far it's only been Dean who's thought-"

"My father he thought that we were dating too," Y/N whispered glancing down never meeting their gazes which she knew would burn a hole into her skull. "So please explain to me why everyone thinks this,"

"Because I don't know what my feelings are for you... After... After the apocalypse, you said that in her universe we were dating and I-" He had been cut off by Y/N's gasp as she finally met his eyes.

"Is that why you've been acting so weird?"

"Yes and I apologize for anything that happened last night I really don't know what happened," Sam explained never leaving her gaze.

"So are you guys going to get together... Or-"

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed slapping his brother across the shoulder.

"I think we both just need time to think," Y/N mumbled Sam nodding in agreeance.

"You didn't say that when you were cuddling," Dean chuckled at the blushes once again clouding their cheeks as he was just about to comment how Sam looked like a happy puppy dog though that didn't end up happening.

"What the hell is going on here?" Bobby asked from the stairway walking into the living room, his eyes then landed on Y/N which is when he put on a stone hard face. "... Well that doesn't matter what matters is what you idjits did- I can't believe another apocalypse is going to start because of it,"

"What? We haven't done a thing- Everything is-"

"Everything's not fine it's far from it... Look Rumor has spread that Micheal is back and somehow I happened to be the one called by a friend of mine that he had indeed returned." Bobby explained grabbing a beer from the fridge. "What the hell were you boys thinking?"

"We wanted to save our mother we didn't think anyone would go through the portal-"

"Why the hell wouldn't they? Are you that stupid-"

"Dad stop it isn't their fault... Accidents happen," Y/N had been the one who spoke up shocking them all.

"Accidents that end the world don't just happen... And now we have to fix this," Bobby sighed turning towards his daughter. "But no you're going into hiding and-"

"No!" Y/N exclaimed shocking them all. "I can help fight... I don't want to sit back and watch the world end!" Her father knew that she was right that it wouldn't be fair for her to sit back and not use the skills in which he knew she had, then again he didn't like how much danger this would put her in.

"Please just listen to me alright? We were enough to stop the apocalypse before and-"

"Yeah we may have the spear but that doesn't mean that we have any more of a better chance at beating the apocalypse," YN exclaimed through fury and she was about to continue before Castiel and Jack showed up in a flap of some wings.

"Y/N!" Jack exclaimed huggging her tightly. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too you little small bean," She laughed.

"Micheal is searching for a vessel though that doesn't mean he's going to get one," Castiel sighed never meeting their eyes. "The portal is gone but that doesn't mean that something else couldn't have come in,"

"Well, that's just so freaking great..." Dean sighed pulling the angel closer to his side instead of across from him. "Anything else?" The eldest Winchester prayed that there wasn't anymore however there always seemed to be something else lurking in their way.

"Dad please let me help Jack is freaking two and he's allowed to fight-"

"That's different," Bobby sighed never meeting his daughter's eyes. "But if you really want to help you're going to have to show me that you can handle this,"

"I promise I can," Although that simply didn't end up being the case as once Dean and Castiel went outside to continue work on Baby and Jack followed it was Sam and Y/N left doing research while Bobby continued to find a way to clone the spear so that they each had a weapon to take down Micheal.

"No Sam don't move!" Y/N exclaimed braiding the last part of his hair through a giggle.

"Why in the hell did I let you do this again?" He asked annoyed trying to focus on the book in front of him though it wasn't working out all that great.

"Shhh!" She exclaimed through the widest grin in the history of all time. "It's all done,"

"Great," He chuckled turning around to face her. "I better go look," Her laughs erupted the room as suddenly the leg of Sam's chair caused Y/N to trip and when Sam tried to catch her it was a success. However, he then backed up into the table and then tried to move around it until he then ended up falling backward himself.

So that Y/N could be found on top of him, basically straddling him just like apocalypse Y/N had done once before. However this was different, this was the girl that he had kown most of his life, this was the girl that Bobby warned him of having no chance with and this was the girl that had been by his side through alot of hard hunts.

This was the Y/N that he's known since being a small boy, the badass girl who always knows when to pick a fight and how to handle it. She never said no to pain because pain always seemed to be her gain and yet once you got to know her she was the sweetest girl in the world.

Though Bobby said that he didn't have any chance with her that couldn't help his growing feelings. 

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