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“Well do you know who took her?” Dean questioned once they were in the car speeding behind Bobby… Castiel was in the front seat between the two men, the angel insisted on keeping a tight grip on the elder Winchesters hand to keep him calm.

“We think it was Micheal-”

“Son of a bitch,” Dean mumbled gripping the steering wheel tightly his eyebrows furrowed. “Let me guess that’s where we’re heading right now?”

“Bobby insisted he knew where they were,” His younger brother shrugged as they continued on their way of course as always closer to the danger than away… Hoping to save Y/N, although they all knew that they couldn’t save everyone.

Sam falling for Y/N was like him tumbling down a flight of stairs just at the thought of her. Everything reminded him of nothing except her and they had barely been dating a day. However, Sam knew that he was meant to be with this girl. That he was in love with her.

“Alright, so what’s the plan?” Sam questioned as they all lent over the trunk of the Impala each grabbing different things they hoped would hurt and or kill Micheal although they knew the only thing happened to be the spear and they only had one of those.

“It’s funny you boys think I have a plan,” Bobby snickered his features hard as all three of them could see the hurt clouding his features… This was the last thing he ever wanted to happen and now it finally did, and the boys knew that…

“Dean has a plan,” Castiel suddenly spoke up nudging his boyfriend through a small smile.

“The plan is don’t die,” Dean mumbled loading his gun. “We get in there we get out,”

“Yeah,” Sam agreed through a sigh. “Do you think we actually have a chance-”

“Of course we do,” The green-eyed man cut his brother off. “We always do,” And that’s when they went through the doors of the roadhouse guns and knives blazing ready to take down anything that happened to be in their way… Once they made it inside there was no one… The lights were dim and it was then that they realized there were no cars outside- Though usually this place would be packed with hunters.

The dim lights gave this place an eerie feel, as the tension in the air arose. None of them wanted to be here and yet they were forced because their family was on the line and they never left their family behind. Because family is everything to them.

“Ash?” Dean questioned dashing over to the pool table where Ash could be found lying lifelessly. It was when they rolled him over that they found him clutching his stomach with pain blood coming out.

“T-The basement,” He stuttered lazily gazing at the four of them surrounding them. 

“Cas heal him,” Dean ordered as Cas put his hand over Ash’s wound, they all waited for seconds then a minute for something to happen yet nothing did.

“My powers… They’re blocked in here-”

“No… No no no you’re not going to die were going to get you help and you’re going to-”

“It’s too late Sam,” Bobby whispered staring down at his friend through hurt eyes as that’s when Sam turned away just as Ash took his last breaths leaving this earth.

“Let’s go,” Dean whispered patting his younger brother on the back. “Let’s go before it’s too late,” And that’s how they ended up creeping down the basement stairs ready for a fight and ready to kick some archangel ass.

“Y/N” Sam exclaimed running over to her and checking her over for any wounds and surprisingly she only had one in her head. “Are you alright?”

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