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Now walking through the tunnels Sam's veins were no longer filled with hope but yet dread. All he could picture in his mind was Y/N being dead and he didn't want her dead. He didn't want to think about her being dead... He should be dead not her and he knew that.

He knew that he should have been smart he was supposed to be the smart one... The one that got a whole ride to Stanford and yet he couldn't predict the future no one could.

And they definitely couldn't save everyone and that was something that the hunters still weren't used to because saving people was their job.

"I'm sorry Sammy," Dean whispered through a sigh. "I didn't want to have to do it,"

"At least she's not in pain," Sam knew that his words were true although that seemed to only make him feel worse... Feel more guilty than he already had and that began eating at him.

"It's not your fault... She chose to help us-'' His brother tried to reassure him, however, of course, he only made things worse.

"Don't Dean... Don't no one ever chooses to help us they feel bad for us and we always end up getting them killed!" Sam exclaimed walking ahead of his brother and the angel.

"Sammy wait no that's not what I meant-" Dean tried to get him to come back but Sam ignored him.

"Let's just go get mom... It's what we're here for anyways," And that's how they walked out of the tunnels in silence knowing fully well that they needed to get their mom- So that Y/N died for a reason.

"No!" Dean exclaimed struggling against their iron cold grip. "Don't you touch them!" He tried to get away but they were simply to string being angels after all.

"I'm glad we finally found you... We knew that that you were here was true after all," One of the angels laughed standing in between two other angels they guessed.

"Who are you?" Sam asked the venom dripping from his voice.

"Michael," Castiel whispered in a low voice not wanting to admit that he was indeed an arch-angel.

The angel never replied snapping his fingers causing the angels holding them to drag them somewhere else in this large factory surely no place good.

"Where are you taking us?" Castiel questioned not even meanly simply out of curiosity.

"Guess," Michael grinned however before they could get out anything else they could make some distant screams... Screams that couldn't be recognized however were definitely familiar then suddenly they were replaced with sobs- endless sobs.

"You sons of bitches let us go!" Dean exclaimed kicking one of the angels in the dick only causing the other one to pounce on him until Dean crashed to the floor the angel atop him.

"You know your mother... She doesn't love you," Michael laughed more like spit.

"How would you know?" Sam questioned glancing over at his brother with concern.

"Why she told me of course," The angel laughed as they continued their journey. "That's why it's odd you're trying so hard to save her,"

"She's family," Dean growled clenching his jaw.

"Well she couldn't give two shits about you," and then suddenly they had arrived at their destination, where two men stood staring at the wall well surely at something below.

"I caught your little friend now tell me where the hell the staff is or I'll-"

"What friend? We're the only ones," Sam explained becoming concerned, he knew that they had left the staff back there for a reason hidden underneath one of the dead bodies... They'd probably never find it.

However, once the two men turned around they could catch sight of a woman on the floor in tears and it was only then as they got closer they realized who it was.

"Sam," She breathed finally glancing up to meet his hazel orbs.

"Ah, so you do know each other," The angel laughed.

"Y/N..." He whispered in complete and utter shock looking her up and down as if to make sure it happened to be her.

"And she's not a shifter see," Suddenly one of the angels ran a silver blade down her arm causing her to cry out in pain.

"Now where's the staff? I won't ask nicely again!" The archangel exclaimed raising his voice.

"Up your ass!" Dean exclaimed, still posing a struggle.

"So be it I didn't want to have to do this," Suddenly a knife was being dragged down Y/N's collar bone and though they hated seeing her in pain it wasn't enough to stop them. "Now give me the staff,"

"If you wanted to kill her you would have done it already," Sam smirked, never meeting Angel's gaze. "You will never find the staff-"

"Well, maybe I better sweeten the pot," Suddenly both Castiel and Y/N were both being cut and there was nothing there could be done to stop it.

"Why are you doing this... The spear can't even hurt you," Dean words were true he had thought the spear they were looking for wasn't the knew and yet he knew that it possibly could be that's the reason for hiding it and getting it on their way back instead.

"It's a powerful Dean. I know you know that," Michael explained taking a step closer to Dean and his brother. "So which is it going to be your friends or the spear?"

"The spear it's..." Dean trailed off sending a pleading look to Sam and glancing at the gash across his Angels cheek. "It's in the cave in the forest," Dean lied praying that they believed his lie and didn't think much of it.

"Watch them, boys I'll be back," And that was when the archangel disappeared and they were left alone with the rest of the angels.

Sam had been the first one to make a move kicking the angel from behind and using his head aswell to get the angel off of him allowing him to escape.

He grabbed the angel blade from the floor and was quick to stab one of the angels however this allowed the others to escape as it distracted the angels and that's when a stabbing war began.

They all dogged daggers and jabs however, in the end, they ended up beside a bunch of dead angels which really wasn't a great sight.

"Son of a bitch we did it," Dean exclaimed cheering with joy however his cheers suddenly stopped as he realized what Castiel and Sam happened to be staring at.

"How did you get here? Are you the Y/N from our universe?" Sam questioned wanting answers right away however simply looking at the woman in front of him brought hope back into his eyes.

"Yeah I am and look I know you're probably mad that I followed you and I'm sorry but-" Although before she could finish apologizing he pulled her into his firm chest and wrapped her in a warm embrace that was sure to protect her from the world around them.

She embraced him back tighter than ever before. Sam is not caring if she got blood on his shirt... The only thing that mattered was that she was alright.

"Now we can split up and find mom and meet back-" Although of course, something stopped Dean from continuing.

Their mother coming down the hallway. 

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