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They were in the tunnels. The tunnels were dark and gloomy, moist and wet... Sam didn't like this one bit, however, he refused to say a word as they dove deeper into what seemed like more danger than they could deal with.

"Dean I don't like this," Castiel mumbled gripping his blade tightly in one hand and Dean's hand even tighter in the other.

"Oh come on Castiel Vampires can't hurt you," Y/N laughed glancing around. "It's the spiders you gotta worry about they'll get all up in your meat suit,"

"But Vampires can hurt you guys," The dark-haired angel corrected causing Sam to nod in agreeance.

"Yeah, they can definitely hurt us," Sam pointed out causing Y/N to sigh. "Maybe we should have thought this through and-"

"You just went up against the devil and you're scared of a few Vampires?"

"Yes... Because I've seen Kaia's dreams and I've seen the type that lives here," Sam fought back only causing Y/N to laugh.

"You Winchester brothers are something else... I should have known y'all were something else when my father decided to take you in like orphans and now one of you is dating an angel I'm not surprised,"

"Is that all you do... Make fun of people?" Dean asked through a glare. "I can't wait to go back to the other Y/N,"

"Oh from what I've heard she's just like me," She laughed turning back around and stopping them in their tracks. "Cas is Dean forcing you to love him-"

"I-I..." The angel glanced between Y/N and Dean for help as he trembled on his words unable to form words not knowing what in the hell to say even though the answer was no.

"Will both of you stop? There is no reason for both of you to be fighting-"

"Yes, there is because I'm trying to get to know the woman that's in love with my brother... Since not many women are!" Dean exclaimed then turning to Sammy. "I don't think you should be with Y/N... She's a bitch-"

"Hey, I'm right here!" She exclaimed slapping the green-eyed man hard across the face. "You don't know me... You barely know me and I've saved your life and am helping you find your mother... But I'm the bitch- Well you're a dick!"

"I know I'm a dick but at least I don't-" He hesitated before continuing. "At least I don't expect someone to come to save me-"

There is was, the way that they could heart Y/N's heart shatter, and the sadness filled her eyes. The way that all of the color left her body, and her eyes glossed over. Her breath became hitched as she wanted nothing less of no one to see her in this condition.

So she left.

No snarky remark, no punch, no words... Nothing. Everything in her body ached as all she wanted to do was go into a ditch and sob but now she was going to get lost in these tunnels lurking with Vampires. It wasn't exactly the best place to let her guard down but she didn't care anymore because- Sam wasn't going to save her... Sam was dead.

"Hey, Y/N wait up-" Sam exclaimed finding her huddled behind an old barrel her head in her knees as already her eyes were puffy and red her cheeks already tear-stained she had cried over Sam many times before and somehow this time was different because this time somone else had told her the truth that she wanted nothing less to never believe- the truth that would remain to lurk in her mind forever.

"It's going to be ok... I'm sure you're going to get saved Dean is just being a dick it's just how he copes with things and-"

"No... No, Sam, you don't need to apologize for Dean saying the truth- It's not his fault I don't like it," She tried to reassure but the way her voice cracked with the sobs caused Sams heart to break.

"No I'm sorry alright Dean shouldn't treat girls this way... I guess that's why he's gay and dating somone who really doesn't have feelings but still, this is just stupid-"

"Can I hug you?" She questioned randomly her cheeks becoming covered in a pink tint.

"uh yeah… Of course ," Sam reassured as she used her sleeve to wipe away her tears hugging him tightly.

"Thanks," She whispered into his shoulder. "Thanks for everything... Thanks for giving me hope,"

"You've had hope all along," He reassured as she pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "I just brought some scense back into you,"

"Well thanks for that," She giggled as he smiled.

"No problem," And then she was back into his arms taking in his scent that always used to calm her the apocalyptic world... And now she had it in here. "It's going to be alright," He reassured kissing the top of her head.

It was a simple yet sweet gesture that caused everything in Y/N to jump back into action as she sprung up from his arms whipping even more tears away. "Alright, we have to go... Because I'm not letting you guys get stuck in here as well,"

And then they were off deeper into the tunnels Dean and Cas trailing behind them quietly. Suddenly their readiness to fight was over as their minds were clouded with other worries and maybe that was just another downfall to their plan.

"Y/N look out!" Sam exclaimed slicing the head off a vampire that was in the way of their path however three more showed up as he could only chop off one's head before the other toppled on him.

"Sammy!" Dean exclaimed chopping off the vampires head Y/N taking care of the other.

"Ok what the hell," Sam mumbled catching his breath and picking back up his blade. "These vampires are definitely faster," Both the Winchester brothers sighed at the same time as Y/N had been just about to speak until she had been abruptly cut off.

"Vampires!" Castiel exclaimed leaping forward and placing his hand atop of one of their heads frying it however his action wasn't enough as more came out of nowhere and began to block one of their only exits.

They had to go the back way as they all began to run toward the exit only to be stopped by even more vampires. "Shit they're everywhere!" Sam exclaimed as they all began slicing and their slicing had in fact been enough.

When they finally made it to the other sides of the tunnels and inside the old factory in which the angels were held up in.

"We did it," Y/N sighed standing by the entrance of the tunnels her back to it as the brothers and angel turned her way. "Oh God, that was a lot of work,"

The brothers were just about to agree but then suddenly a vampire appeared behind Y/N pulling her back into the dark hole that happened to be the tunnels. "Y/N!" Sam exclaimed, however, it was too late she disappeared into the dark abyss of tunnels.

Y/N was gone.

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