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Kaia was dead.

She had risked her life to save Y/N who was all in but pissed about it something in which the boys couldn't begin to understand. "I don't understand... Why are you mad she saved your life?" Castiel questioned his head tilted to the side. "Shouldn't you be forever thankful,"

"I wanted to die... It would have been a perfect time for me to have gone and now I'm stuck in this universe she was my last hope at getting out of here-"

"Come on Y/N don't say that I'm sure that you're needed in this universe," Dean tried to reassure him, however, he failed once she turned around and gave him her biggest bitch face... It had been that right there that told Dean why Sammy loved her so much.

"No... No, because nothing good has come out of me being here I've gotten everyone killed," She laughed bitterly through tears. "I'll probably end up getting you guys killed,"

"Oh come on you're helping us find our mother... I think that's a pretty good thing to do in a universe like this," Sam tried to lighten the mood and it had worked up until he continued. "I'm sure you've done good things and probably saved many lived in the apocalyptic universe-"

"That's the fucking thing you don't know me and you never will!" She exclaimed back her voice raising however she didn't care. "You think that you know me but you don't... You won't ever know me I'm just going to help you find your mother,"

"You're exactly the same girl I know from my universe you haven't changed... The world hasn't changed us!" Sam exclaimed finally meeting her eyes. "Y-You have to keep fighting... You always do,"

"Yeah well, things change," Y/N was about to say some snarky remark, something in which she's known for but then she looked up and noticed where they were. "Duck!" She exclaimed shoving him to the ground her whole body on top of his larger one shielding him from the world above just as a bullet came whooshing over them.

"Well well well if it isn't my favorite two gay knuckleheads and their little moose," Lucifer laughed coming into view. "I knew you'd come here eventually... And open up a portal for me to leave," He laughed eyes turning red, a smirk forming across his face.

"Yeah, not going to happen," Dean mumbled both him and Cas pulling out their angel blades.

"Aw man, you guys brought Lucifer here... I should have guessed that much- I killed him years ago," A smirk formed across Y/N's face as she remembered that moment.

She quickly got off Sam startling Lucifer as if he hadn't seen her before. "Ah Y/N... I haven't seen you in a long time," He mumbled looking her up and down. "Lil' Sammys here's been trying to keep a distance to 'protect you' I'm surprised to see you.... Hell, I'm surprised to see Castiel-"

"You're right I haven't seen you since... Since I gutted your ass," She giggled while holding her spear and that's when it hit Lucifer at what spear it was... The one that could kill any angel including archangels like himself. "Nice to see you," And before she could stab him in one swoosh she was flying across the air her back hitting against a tree with a loud thud.

"Y/N" Sam exclaimed rushing to her side as Castiel lunged at Lucifer only to be thrown as well. It was Dean's turn as he did the same actually stabbing the devil only to be laughed at but hey it was a start... And it would definitely slow him down.

"Wow, Dean I've seen you do so much better," Lucifer laughed only to be stabbed in the back by Sam... However it wasn't the spear as it had been lost in the bushes nearby.

"Aw brothers working together!" Lucifer laughed flicking both of them off of him. "How cute," Suddenly he was hovering over Castiel with a smirk angel blade in hand. "I'm sorry Cassy I really am but I have to slow them down," He raised the blade above his head pushing it down with force.

"No!" Dean yelled leaping up and trying to stop Lucifer however it was too late as he got pushed away by Y/N who shoved the spear into lucifer's back causing his eyes and wound to light up as the devil inside Nick died and they both dropped dead to the ground with a loud thud.

"Cas," Dean cried staring down at the angel whose eyes were closed as there was a blade lodged in his chest. "No, you can't be dead... I won't let you," The tears were welling up in Dean's eyes as he refused to let them fall as he refused to give up on his angel.

"I-Is he dead?" Cas questioned peeking an eye open causing Dean's face to light up hugging the angel tightly.

"You're alright?" The eldest Winchester questioned his voice broken and rough.

"Of course he put the blade in my armpit," The angel laughed hugging the blonde man back and burying his face into his shoulder. "I was simply playing dead... Something you taught me to do,"

"Wow Dean I'm impressed you raised your angel well," Y/N laughed staring at them in awe.

"Yeah... And no fair! I wanted to kill Lucifer!" Dean pouted staring at Y/N through jealousy.

"My spear my rules," She growled holding it close to her chest. "It took me two years to get this thing and I'm not giving it up,"

"Where did you get it?" Sam questioned through curiosity knowing fully well that he was a total fangirl when it came to hoarding new weapons.

"I got it from where your mother is being held captive... But don't even think about it because it's either the blade or her we won't have much time," Y/N spoke glancing around the forest. "It's a short walk until we're there actually,"

"Well, then what the hell are we waiting for?" Dean asked helping his angel up. "Let's go kick some ass,"

"Though I have to warn you before we get there," Y/N stopped in her tracks and turned to the three men. "We're going through a vampire den to get there... Since it's the back way in and that's usually more difficult than the angels,"

"Oh that's fucking great," Dean sighed.

"But hey this way we can save your mom," And that's when they began walking again toward their journey of saving their mother and getting the hell out of there... Though it seemed as though it would be easy they were indeed wrong as always.

"No way in hell I'm going in there," Sam mumbled staring at the opening of the tunnels leading to the angel's hideout... He loved his mother he did but was this really worth it- Because if he died trying to save her then there was no point in it at all.

"Come on Sammy don't be a baby," Dean laughed inching closer to the entrance. "It's not going to be that bad-"

"Says you Jerk!" The youngest Winchester rushed past his brother being the first to enter as if to prove a point.


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