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"Y/N!" Sam exclaimed again attempting to chase after her and smite the Vampires that took her however Dean held him back from going in... Knowing fully well that his brother's choices at this time weren't very wise. Although the younger Winchester usually happened to be the wise one Dean couldn't help to realize what this meant. Sam's feelings toward Y/N.

"Sammy no!" His brother yelled standing between him and the tunnels. "It's too dangerous,"

"She saved my life... She helped us find our mother,"

"I know but we're already here and-"

"If it weren't for her we would have never found this place, Dean!" He exclaimed raising his voice. "She deserves to be saved,"

"She's probably dead-"

"Well until I see her body I-I'll look," The hazel-eyed man explained fully determined on finding Y/N and putting an end to this madness... He knew that he could save her by letting her into their world so he had to save her now to make up for that fact. "Because she'd do it for me," And that was when Dean and Castiel's eyes widened in fear as they realized that there was no talking Sam out of this.

Sam knew that if he didn't he wouldn't be able to live with himself afterward and that was some regret that he didn't want... He had learned from his mistakes before.

"I can't let you go alone now eh?" Dean questioned holding his blade out it shinning in the light Castiel right behind them angel blade in hand trench coat already bloody.

"We'll find her Sam... Besides, it can't be that hard right?" No one replied to the angel though as they dashed into the tunnels ready to smite anything in their way although they didn't find anyone or anything and no Y/N either.

They spent what felt like an hour walking through the tunnels when really it was merely twenty minutes... Dean hated this is adrenaline boiling as he was ready for a fight that simply wasn't coming- well at least not quickly enough.

"Where the hell is she?" Sam questioned running fingers through his thick locks of Disney princess hair out of growing fear and frustration that wouldn't be able to fade away until they found Y/N and made sure that she was alright.

Their hopes were gradually draining and then suddenly there was no hope of her being alright at the giant pool of blood to be found after their next turn. "That's Y/N's blood," Castiel mumbled examining it carefully. "It looks like she went that way,"

"Son of a bitch what have we gotten ourselves into?" Dean questioned on his toes ready to encounter anything at this moment because, in all honesty, he didn't know what in the hell could be lurking in this darkness. He didn't want to find out either.

"Why did you-" Dean didn't get out the rest of his words until his eyes gazed upon what Sam had stopped to glance at. "Is that a chunk of Y/N's hair... Man, she really is one to put up a fight," His younger brother shot him a glare as they kept on moving through the darkness almost bumping into walls and tripping over their own feet.

The feeling was weary as the tension began to rise. All they wanted was to get out of there and get this over with. Yet they had made it this far in so they might as well keep heading deeper into danger. Right now the only thing they had to risk was their lives and they had already died so many times before it didn't even feel like a risk anymore... The thought of it was quite terrifying actually.

"Well it looks like she's not here maybe we went the wrong way-" Castiel began to speak only to get cut off by the sounds of Y/N's screams. "Oh yeah, we definitely went the right way,"

Suddenly all three men were racing down the tunnel toward Y/N not caring about the danger but about saving their friend. Y/N was all that mattered at this point. Finally, they came to a dead-end seeing a crowd of vampires hovering around what they knew had to be her or at least hoped it was.

"Hey, assbutts!" Castiel exclaimed catching their attention and that's when they were lunged at and surely to be attacked however they could handle the few that happened to be there through it was if more came when they'd have a problem.

Sam began slicing every which way with Dean behind him doing the same as Castiel began frying them every left and right. They honestly looked badass however they couldn't think about that right now nor have the time to care as the bodies on the ground began to multiply thump after thump though it didn't seem to be fast enough.

"Dean behind you!" Cas exclaimed causing Dean to whip around and take another head off the sound whipping through the air was honestly terrifying though they were so caught up in the moment they honestly couldn't even hear it.

Then finally Sam took the last one's head off, his breaths hitched as he stared around at himself surrounded by dead bodies a bloody knife in his hand. He ran a hand down his face only causing the blood to smudge even more and yet at that moment he didn't care because he whipped around to find Y/N sitting on the ground.

He smiled at the sight of her happy that she was alright and her eyes were wide open but then as he caught her gaze he noticed the look of pain that was in them. And then when she gave a weak smile in return it caused him to disappear whilst he realized what happened.

Dean and Castiel turned her way as well, and unlike his brother Dean was quick to notice Y/N holding her neck in pain blood seeping through her fingers... She had indeed been bitten.

"So... Which one of you wants to be the one that kills me?" She questioned her voice low and fragile the three of them almost didn't hear it.

"No... No, we'll get you vampire potion that'll stop you from turning and you'll be-"

"Sam you and I both know that you don't have time for that and even if you did there aren't any resources left here for that," She laughed staring down at the ground. "At least I'll be joining my father-"

"Sammy do you want me to?" Dean questioned his voice cracking the hurt clouding his voice.

"No... No, we don't have to do this we can still-"

"We're not going to let her turn into a vampire... That's the worst way a hunter can go!" Dean exclaimed picking up his knife from the floor. "The last thing we want is for her to be in pain," Dean turned toward Y/N as Sam gave Y/N one last glance before turning away from her.

"S-Sam?" She questioned her voice shaky as this caused him to look back at her one last time. "Don't give up on me in the other world ya hear?"

"Yeah... Yeah I won't," Sam sighed turning away as Castiel tried to comfort him but in all honesty, angels really weren't good at that sort of thing.

And that's when the swing of the knife was heard and Sam knew that Y/N... His Y/N was dead- And gone forever. 

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