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She was just about to dig the blade into his body until something changed, it's like something clicked in her mind and the spear was then beside them and she was nothing less of straddling him. "Sam... Sammy," She breathed removing her hood to reveal her face and before the youngest Winchester could react her lips were on his... Her lips were on his and they felt- They felt something of a dream, no they literally felt like a dream.

He figured out the secret girl from his dream it was nothing less of- "Y/N?" He questioned shoving her off of him. "What the hell?"

"I knew you would come!" She exclaimed gripping him tightly and peppering kisses across his face. " I missed you so much you don't even know,"

"Y/N I think you're confused I think-"

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean practically yelled staring at the young woman through wide eyes. "How the hell did you even get here?"

"Like you don't know you came here to save me... Didn't you?" In the blink of an eye, the color drained from Y/N's face as the realization hit and the tears sprang her eyes as she realized so quickly what had just occurred. "Sam you promised you would come to save me," Her voice was broken and filled with despair as the boys stared at her unable to form words or process what the hell they had just dragged themselves into.

"We came here to save our mother..." Dean finally interjected breaking the silence running a hand down his face. "She came in through a portal and now we have to find her and bring her back to our universe-"

"You're not my Sam," Y/N whispered staring him into his hazel eyes. "My Sam's dead," She climbed off of the youngest Winchester grabbing her spear off the ground and putting her hood back up shielding her face from the men who wanted nothing less of her help finding their mother.

"Wait... Wait Y/N don't go-" Sam exclaimed catching up to her so that they were side by side. "You know this place well you can help us find our-"

"I can't help you do anything," She snapped turning away from the men. "I've barely been able to keep myself alive,"

"If you help us find our mother we can open you another portal," Dean had been the one who spoke up much to Kaia's protests...

"You can? We haven't had the stuff for that spell in years and I've tried everything," Y/N whispered her voice weaving with excitement and hesitation. "You're not bullshiting me are you?"

"Of course not!" Dean exclaimed putting his hands up in defense. "We just want our mother back honest!"

"You'll get me killed in this place... Hell Dean, you were the first of our group to die!" She exclaimed through a sigh.

"How is Dean dead if he's right here?" Castiel questioned confused his head tilted to the side... Y/N face palmed herself.

"Ah well if it isn't Castiel... The dumbest angel in the horizon," She laughed looking him up and down. "Still in that trench coat, I see,"

"Hey, you Assbutt that's not very-"

"Secluding yourself to save Dean because all the angels were after you," She laughed amused at all the memories she had in this hell. "This truly had put us all through hell,"

"What universe are you from Y/N?" It was Kaia who spoke up causing Y/N's eyes to widen.

"I don't think we've met before... Who are you? Are you fucking Dean to-"

"Woah Woah Woah... Dean's no straighter than a slinky!" Kaia laughed causing the green-eyed man to blush. "I'm a dream walker... I'm just here to get what these skunk bags owe me,"

"Man I always knew Dean had the hot's for Cas," Y/N laughed eyeing both of them up and down as Castiels eyes widened in fear.

"She's not human! She read our mind-"

"Oh come on look at the two of you," She giggled crossing her arms over her chest. "So if I help them find their mother I'll be able to go back to my world... Apocalypse world,"

"Y-You're from the apocalypse world?" Dean questioned through a stutter knowing fully well what kind of place that just so happened to be.

"Have you been there before?" She questioned her voice gloomy. "Most people have and no one can find a way back... Nonetheless, no one wants to go back to that awful place that I used to call home,"

"Well, we'll help you... I mean hey maybe I'm still alive there," Sam tried to reassure but Y/N quickly cut that short.

"Of course you'd say something like that... Wow, you guys are just like everything I used to know- It's called apocalypse world for a reason," She began to walk ahead of the group following close behind, and that's how they walked for miles until suddenly Y/N stopped dead in her tracks.

"You idiots better not get me killed," She all in but growled holding her spear out as if ready to fight something... They weren't sure exactly what yet.

"Wow you sound just like your father," Sam laughed however before Y/N could get out a reply three angels came out of the trees holding nothing less of angel blades.

"Ah Y/N you've got a group now," The angel laughed staring all of them up and down. "I haven't seen a trench coat like that in ages-"

"Zacharia," She spits through a smirk though it goes unseen under her hood. "What the hell do you want you dick,"

"Yeah, dick!" Dean exclaimed though this only caused the angels some confusion.

"Wow, your friend has quite the mouth on him... I don't even know-" However before he could continue his words Y/N shoved her spear into his chest though this caused the other angel to knock her down by surprize causing Sam to tackle him to the ground and shove his own angel blade through his neck.

"Why does this Zacharia get to be so easy to kill? SON OF A BITCH!" Dean exclaimed kicking the dirt. "FUCK YEAH NO ONE KNOWS WHO WE ARE HERE!"

"I've been trying to kill him for three years... Who knew that all I needed were you asshats to distract him for me," Y/N smiled eyes filling with tears of joy. "Goddammit, I finally did it,"

"It's assbutts," Castiel corrected staring down at the two dead angels. "Don't worry Y/N you won't have to kill anyone else we'll get you out of here and into your own universe,"

"And what then huh? I'll die there-"

"At least you'll die in your home," Kaia interjected through a sigh. "You can't possibly want to stay here-"

"I want to go to a non-apocalyptic universe," She interjected causing Sam and Dean's eyes to widen.

"But the only universe we know that isn't apocalyptic is ours," Sam pointed out causing Dean to sigh at what a dumass his brother was being.

"You can't come to our universe," Dean mumbled avoiding his gaze with her. "We already have a Y/N there,"

"Oh," Is all Y/N managed to get out. 

They began their walk again though it became dark quickly as the clouds began to roll in.

"We can't possibly be staying here the night," Sam's eyes widened at the sight of the place they would be camping out at for the night... Sure he was fine with sleeping in the worst motels of America or even the woods but definitely not- "A cave in the woods really?"

"Shhh, I'll show you," Y/N shushed and that's when she turned a switch and their eyes widened. 

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