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"Sammy?... How the heck did you know I'd be here?" Dean questioned still holding the gun up to his brother ready to shoot him if he were possessed.

"Look I'm not a demon alright the salt isn't broken," The younger Winchester reassured holding his hands up in defense pointing into the room that he came from. "I used a tracking spell because rumor has it that the yellow eyes is back,"

"We killed him years ago... He's dead!" The green-eyed man exclaimed lowering his gun. "... And you shouldn't be putting yourself in danger for me- Not anymore," Suddenly the two brothers were hugging tightly not having seen each other for years.

Once they pulled away, Sam's gaze caught Y/N's. "Ah, you must be Y/N you know I've heard so much about you,"

"Well, that's funny considering the fact that I've heard nothing about you," She replied shooting daggers at her husband who sent an apologetic glance.

"I know it may seem like it now but Dean has good reasons and he'll be able to explain to you later," The hazel-eyed man reassured however Y/N was about done with all of this bullshit... All she wanted right now was to be safe and at home and that wasn't going to happen.

"Alright... Well, it's nice to finally meet you Sammy-"

"Sam is my real name," He quickly but in. "Dean just calls me that sometimes to annoy me," Suddenly once they were walking into the main room Sam bumped right into Y/S/N.

"Who's you?" The small boy questioned confused looking the supposed giant up and down.

"Y/S/N this is your uncle Sam," Dean explained lifting up his son so that he could his uncle in the eyes.

"You tall," The young boy giggled staring at him through wide eyes.

"Yeah I guess I am," Sam laughed through a grin. "It's very nice to finally meet you,"

"I hate to ruin the moment but agent Henrickson has been in the bathroom for a long time," Y/N pointed out her leg bouncing with nervousness.

"Henrickson... Oh fuc-fudge we're going to get arrested-"

"Relax he believes me now after he was possessed by a demon," Sam's brother reassured him as if it were no big deal thus his eyes widened.

"... Holy crap I did miss a lot,"

Dean handed Y/S/N back to his wife, picking up his gun once again as did Sam. Dean leads them all toward the men's bathroom, Y/N in the middle and Sam covering them in the back. The green-eyed man hadn't been thinking about the safe room and maybe he just should have.

"It's empty," The blonde man called after checking all the stalls while they all waited outside for him.

"Where could he have gone?" Sam asked his mind becoming flooded with thoughts.

"I-" Although before Dean could get out the rest the doors down the hall from them burst open and people began sprinting in... Demons no doubt, they turned to go the other way except demons were coming in that way as well.

"It was a trap," The elder Winchester finished his sentence raising his gun and shooting as many demons as he possibly could the same with Sam.

Y/N had already retreated to the men's bathroom not wanting her son to witness anything that happened to be going on outside of that room. The young boy began to panic due to all the noises, and the way that his mother's features became perplexed.

"I don't have enough bullets!" Dean exclaimed to his brother knowing fully well that what they were doing was useless.

"Exorcism!" His brother exclaimed beginning to chant one along with his brother.

They were doing well until suddenly they were both flung up against the wall and all the demons stopped what they were doing forming a path for someone to walk through. It was in fact for old yellow eyes to make a grand entrance.

"Ah boys I never thought that we would meet again," Azazel sneered his hand clenching in the air ad he tightened the force pushing the boys to the wall causing them to cry out in pain.

"Go to hell," Sam sneered out sending s bitch face his way. "I'm glad we killed you all those years ago,"

"We obviously you didn't do a good enough job," The yellow eyed demon laughed. "Besides it was fun being with your daddy in hell watching him-"

"Fuck you you're just butt hurt that we killed your sorry ass and that we'll do it again," Sam snapped and usually it would have been his brother with all of the snary remarks however this time Dean stayed quiet.

"Maybe I am... Or maybe I don't give a rats ass," The demon laughed tightening the invisible force even more. "Maybe I'm here for revenge,"

Suddenly Dean fell to the ground with a pound this as the invisible force had been lifted. Although Sam knew that this wasn't a good thing as he let out a blood curdling groan as blood seeped out of his mouth.

"That you're feeling is what's it's like to have your intestines flooded with tapeworms," The demon laughed glancing up at Sam. "I'm really surprised that it isn't you with the sparky comebacks Dean,"

"Sam said it perfectly go to hell,"

"What the hell do you want? Just leave us the hell alone you've already gotten what you wanted!" Sam exclaimed struggling against the force even though it wouldn't do him any good.

"Dean wheres your son?" The demon questioned scanning around the crowds of many demons. "I know he's here,"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dean lied through his teeth.

"You know... Now where is he?"

"What the hell do you want?" The green-eyed man questioned his protective mode kicking in.

"Since you're mother stopped me from turning sam fully demon... I figured I would try again with another winchester," Azazel. laughed taking a step forward and stepping on Dean's hand.

"You won't touch him," He snarled pulling the blade from his pocket.

"Oh please you're to weak to hurt me," The demon laughed taking a step back. "I can see your insides turning to shred and I'm the only one that can change that-"

"Fuck you!"

"Come on let's make a deal," The demon pleaded through a sigh of boredom. "Let's make a deal or all of these demons will be let to attack you,"

"Go ahead... I'd never make a deal with you," Dean snarled out.

Suddenly the eldest Winchester felt the pain disappear, whilst he could finally unclapse his hands from his stomach.

"Let them go Azazel," Ruby sighed appearing from the crowd. "You're just being a dick,"

"I'm glad you're here to see this," The yellow eyed demon smirked. "To watch them get ripped to shreds,"

Sam dropped to the floor and right as both men were up and ready to fake down the demon that killed their mother the barrier keeping the other demons off of them was released and just like that they were fighting again Azazel gone and the only one to help them being Ruby.

They simply weren't enough. 

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