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"Y/N! Y/N wake up!" Sam exclaimed, shaking his girlfriend awake, startling her awake in her sleep.

"What?... What time is it?" She questioned groggily rubbing her eyes.

"It's Twelve Twenty," Sam explained grinning through the darkness. "Get dressed so that we can leave,"

"What the hell are you talking about? Why would we leave?" It was then that Y/N realized that she was on the couch and that's when her eyes widened.

"Our date remember,"

"You told me that you would take me out tomorrow," She sighed snuggling deeper into the cushion.

"It is tomorrow," Her boyfriend exclaimed picking her up from the couch and carrying her up the stairs all the way to her room, which happened to be in the attic the only other room in the house.

"There you go there's your closet,"

"But I want to sleep,"

"We can sleep all day tomorrow but right now we have to go on our date when Bobby is asleep," Sam explained through a sigh. "Look I've thought all of this through and it's the only way that your dad won't become suspicious,"

"That's too much work," She sighed into her pillow. "It's easier to sleep,"

"I guess you don't love me enough then," Sam fake cried frowning in her direction.

"Fine... Fine I do love you I just might love sleep more-"

"How dare you!" Sam exclaimed pouncing on top of her on the bed and tickling her sides causing a laugh to escape her lips it was hard for her not to scream as only a yelp escaped her lips and she didn't want to wake up the others.

Small giggles escaped her lips as he tickled her. "I'll make you love me!"

"I love you... I love you alright?" Y/N exclaimed through a giggle. "Just please stop I'll go... I'll go,"

"I knew you would," Sam smirked only for Y/N to crawl on top of him and started tickling him but to her surprise he wasn't ticklish at all.

"Just please get ready so that you can stop embarrassing yourself," The hazel-eyed man laughed looking at her through an amused expression.

"You're such a jerk!"

"Like I said before and I'll say it again I'm your a jerk," However all this got the youngest Winchester was a pillow thrown at him and hitting him in the face... Sure Y/N may not be the classiest girl, or the most up to trends but she was one tough cookie and that's what made her who he began to love.

"Sam please just tell me where we're going!" Y/N pleaded glancing at him from the corner of her eye trying not to miss the clues from the outside where they were going.

"You'll see just please put this on-" He held up to her a sleeping mask. "And no peeking,"

"But Sammm-"

"Come on, don't you want to have fun?" He questioned the corners of his mouth forming a smirk.

"This isn't what I would call fun," She snapped snatching the mask away from him. "You better not be taking me somewhere to kill me,"

"You know me I only kill monsters not humans,"

"Sure," She sighed now unable to meet his eyes or view anything around her, it really was going to be a long night.

"H-How do you know of this place?" Y/N questioned confused glancing at Sam through wide eyes.

"Bobby told me and plus I'm friends with the owner," Sam explained through a smile wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"My mother Ellen used to own it," Y/N admitted they stocked up to the front doors. "Well before she died- Man I wish I could have watched her run it I'm sure she was great at it too bad I was only a baby,"

"Hey I was expecting you!" Ash exclaimed wrapping them both in a hug.

"You told him we were coming?" Y/N asked her head cocked to the side as Sam nodded.

"Of course he did I made sure to keep it closed tonight for your... Date," Ash laughed flicking his hair behind his shoulder. "I'll be your waiter so pick a table and we'll start from there,"

"Wow Sam I can't believe you did this," Y/N growled though her tease was quickly looked over as a smile formed across her lips. "Thank you Sam-"

"Your welcome-"

"Hello I'm your waiter what can I get you today?" Ash questioned through a smirk.

"Still with that old haircut I see," Y/N laughed .

"Come on business up front and party in the back of course I'd never get rid of it," Ash glanced at her like she was crazy as the couple burst out laughing.

Their date ended up going smoothly as a couple hours later they both collapsed into the car laughing. "I knew it was a bad idea having him as our waiter,"

"Hey at least he didn't spill your drink on you," Sam laughed glancing down at his wet shirt.

"True," And then after that their ride home was filled with silence as Sam drove and Y/N glanced out the window though their hands stayed interlocked between the seats.

"I had fun with you tonight," Y/N whispered with Sam's jacket wrapped around her tightly as they had to walk around the whole house to use the back door.

"Me to," He mumbled wrapping an arm around her waist. "Hopefully we can do it again sometime?"

"Definitely," She agreed only to stop in her tracks. "Look!" She exclaimed pointing at the impala and that's when a laugh escaped her lips at the sight of Dean and Cas spooning in the backseat sleeping. "Ah they were meant for eachother,"

"Yep," Sam turned toward Y/n stopping her from going any further. "Can I kiss you?" She nodded as their foreheads were slowly pushed to one another's and that was when their lips slowly locked.

"Let's go to bed," Y/n blushed leading them toward the door.

However right as Sam was reaching for the doorknob the door burst open revealing none other than Bobby standing there and staring at them through shock filled eyes.

"Dad what are you doing?" Y/N questioned through pure terror her eyes filling with tears as she said these words thus she knew that her and Sam had been caught.

"No the question is what in the hell are you guys doing up?" He questioned his voice low and strict and it was at that moment in time that the couple knew what deep shit they had just gotten themselves into.

Though Y/N and Sam in that split second of time couldn't help yet to think if it was worth it though they both knew that it definitely was. As this night would probably be one that they would never forget that's for sure... Though maybe they'd want to forget it after this.

"Get in this house... Now!" Bobby exclaimed opening it wider so that they could come in and hesitantly Sam went in Y/N trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

They were going to have a lot of explaining to do. 

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