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"What the hell were you guys doing?" The older man questioned pacing the room in front of them as they both sat on the couch.

"We can explain..." Y/N tried to reassure them but they could see the terrified look filling her features.

"You were out past curfew and now you want to explain?" Bobby questioned through disbelief. "You could have been killed!"

"I'm sorry I just needed to get out of here," Y/N tried to explain however her father simply wasn't having any of it today.

"What were you thinking I thought I raised you better than this the both of you know what goes bump in the night, and don't you dare tell me that you didn't leave because I heard your car!"

"I'm Eighteen dad... I should be able to go out!"

"Not on my watch you won't," Bobby mumbled running a hand down his face. "I know you went hunting and you better not do it again!"

"But... You've taught me all that there is to be a hunter-"

"That was to protect yourself not to go hunting!" He exclaimed in return.

"I came up with the idea," Sam suddenly spoke up causing all eyes to turn his way.

"Why the hell would you do that son... You know how I feel about this type of thing,"

"Y/N and I couldn't fall asleep so we went to the store and got ice cream," Sam mumbled trying his best to avoid the elders' eyes.

"Where is it?" Bobby questioned gradually making way to the fridge.

"In the freezer," And that's when Bobby opened up the freezer he found none other than moose tracks ice cream.

"Moose tracks really?" The elder questioned suspiciously and when he turned back around they quickly turned their gaze from one another to him.


"Look I'm not stupid you idjits... I know you guys are dating," Bobby mumbled crossing his arms and staring at them through furrowed brows. "Why the hell are you trying to hide it?"

"I thought you would be mad," Y/N admitted through a sigh. "You told me to never date a hunter,"

"I know that was before I knew it was Sam!" Bobby exclaimed through a grin. "Most hunters are ruthless and only care about themselves but Sam doesn't carry the worst mental trauma... And he's not the most terrifying hunter-"

"Wow, Bobby I'm flattered," Sam laughed putting his arm around Y/N's shoulders. "You're actually cool with this?"

"Well, it's not the worst thing... Just please tell me you didn't leave to gave sex-"

"Of course we didn't know why does everyone always thinks that?"

"Who else thinks that?" Bobby asked amused through a laugh.

"Dean," Sam sighed, never meeting Bobby's eyes. "And now he's in the impala snuggling with his boyfriend,"

"That sounds like Dean," He mumbled through a sigh. "What an idjit,"

"How long were you hiding this from me?" Bobby questioned eyeing them up and down.

"A day... Listen don't be mad I was going to tell you l-"

"Y/N you're grounded for a day," Bobby smirk crossing his arms and looking at them both through questioning eyes. "Anything else I need to know?"

"That was sorry?" Though when Y/N said this it came out more like a question as Bobby's eyed them still suspicious.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I may have busted the roadhouse tonight during my date with Sam," Y/N whispered never meeting Bobby's eyes. "Look I know you didn't want me there since what happened last year but-"

"What happened last year?" Sam questioned glancing between them both fully becoming concerned with the fact that he didn't know this before taking her there.

"Of course you haven't told him!" Bobby exclaimed throwing his hands up in exaggeration. "That's why he took you there because it was sentimental... "

"What happened?"

"Last year the cops were there and discovered that Y/N's mother had a secret cellar full of weapons and they just assumed that they were Ash's and arrested him but it turns out they were her's and so they called her a dead murderer although the salt gave it away... That she was a hunter and I had never known,"

"So now he's being my overprotective father because he thinks that something could come after me or go back to the roadhouse but nothing yet has happened!" Y/N exclaimed stranding up and going toward the stairs and leaving surely toward her room.

There was no doubt in their mind that talking about Y/N's mother was a tough subject, oftentimes she would deny things or become quiet... Which was nothing like her normal self, she's usually outgoing always with a snarky remark.

"She just needs time... She needs time," Bobby whispered patting Sam on the shoulder. "Want a beer?"

"No I'm good, I think I'm going to-" However before Sam could get out the rest of his words a scream could be heard from afar... Y/N's scream.

"Y/N!" Bobby exclaimed dashing up the stairs followed by Sam as they both fumbled on their own feet trying to get to her room quick enough.

"Don't touch me you son of a bitch!" They could hear Y/N's voice as they went up the second flight of stairs and then once they got to the top everything went silent.

"Don't touch her you dick!" Bobby exclaimed lunging at the man standing in the middle of the room with Y/N gripped by her collar however he didn't get there fast enough as they both disappeared causing the older man to fall to the ground with a loud thump.

"What the hell..." Sam mumbled glancing around the room for any sight of his lover though there didn't seem to be any hope as once he did so all of the hope drained from his features, as he realized that his girlfriend had been captured.

His Y/N had been captured.

"What the hell are we supposed to do now?" Sam questioned helping Bobby up who only brushed himself off with a stone hard face.

"We get the boys and we drive," The elder man stated fixing his hat so that it was on straight. "And don't stop until we find that son of a bitch and kill him,"

"Wait... You know where?"

"Of course I do boy!" Bobby exclaimed pulling him by the sleeve all the way down the stairs and shoving him toward outside. "Now go get your brother-"

"But where?" Sam asked turning back toward Bobby who was too busy collecting weapons to make eye contact with him.

"The roadhouse," And then it hit the youngest Winchester like a brick to the face why Bobby was so hesitant to tell him after all his wife died there.

"Why would they be there?"

"Sam just go get your brother... And I just know alright? I knew this day would come," And that's when Sam left with a loud bang of the screen door.

"What is it, Sammy?" Dean questioned rubbing his tired eyes and sitting up to glance at his brother startling Cas awake in the process who was sprawled out on top of him.

"It's Y/N..." Sam whispered the tears then clouding his eyes a single one falling down one of his cheeks. "She's gone missing," 

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