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"How the hell did you do all of this?" Dean questioned staring at the small and dimly lit cave in awe. "This is like apocalyptic heaven!"

"Well, I'm glad you approve," Y/N laughed covering back up the opening with her leaf-covered door. "As my father would say 'I had a weekend off,'"

"You're awesome," The eldest Winchester grinned leaning back in a bean bag and letting out a content sigh.

"We have three hours so please just make yourself at home-"

"Three hours until what? We have to go find our mother now before it's too late!" Sam had been the one to speak up, of course, was the only one thinking logically Castiel was always confused Kaia was only here for their deal and Dean was simply broken.

"Well, they always leave in the morning so it will be a perfect time to swoop in then," Y/N explained as if it were no big deal. "For now we can wait here,"

"I don't know if that's such a good idea what if-"

"Sammy it's the best option we have... I mean it's not like we have enough manpower to go in there now... We've seen how many angels are there regularly," Dean explained leaning back and closing his eyes. "I could also use my four hours,"

"Well too bad you only have three!" Kaia laughed becoming comfortable herself.

"That's enough for me," And five minutes later his snores were echoing the cave... In thirty minutes Kaia was sound asleep along with Castiel whose head could be found in Dean's lap. And even if he was an angel and didn't need sleep he still chose to do so sometimes with Dean savoring the moments with him.

However, Sam couldn't help yet feel his eyes become trained on the opening of the cave, causing the fear to take over him. The fear of finding his mom dead, the fear of dying here and not in his own world, the fear that maybe he never really knew the full extent of his feelings for Y/N.

Although he never knew Y/N that well, just a few simple hunts here and there, one's that her father would let them take her on at least. Sometimes she would help them with research when they were over, and other times they would simply see each other staying over...

When they were younger, things were different, Bobby had been all three of their father. He would take them to the movies, and out to the park and they would watch movies together... The three of them were best friends and became inseparable... However, as the years went on and they grew older they gradually grew apart.

Leaving nothing but an empty hole in each of their hearts.

"What is it like in your world?" Y/N suddenly questioned staring at Sam intently. "You don't have to be nervous I've been here a year now they never come by here,"

"It's normal... No one knows about monsters, there are only a few here and there, and the demons and angels usually level each other out so we don't have to worry about them that much- Nothing too bad to take over the world," He explained casually through a sigh. "Though it would be nice if they were all gone,"

"Yeah... What am I like in your universe?"

"Always wanting to go on a hunt even though your father insists that it's too dangerous, and always risking yourself like a badass for everyone else and of course with your smartass remarks," Sam laughed at the last part finally breaking his gaze from the entrance to meet the eyes he knew were on him and the eyes that he knew could distract him and captivate him.

Looking into her eyes, it was as though he was gazing into her soul, they were a beautiful shade of color that he never even knew existed it was almost like he had forgotten how mesmerizing they were... How mesmerizing she was in general.

"Sounds just like me before the apocalypse," Y/N sighed trying to avoid his gaze but it seemed as though it was impossible for her to break his gaze. "I guess that's why it's called no apocalypse world,"

"What's it like in your world?" He asked the question that had been burning in his mind.

"Well the Croatoan virus broke out and killed over half of the population we formed a group and tried to stay alive and things weren't going well until we opened up a portal here and then came through thinking that we could finally be a normal universe until we realized where we actually were it was too late as half of us got separated and now here I am all alone,"

"How the hell do you have no emotion right now? Y/N I'm so sorry that's terrible, look we'll get you out of here and you'll be back in your own universe,"

"Maybe you're still alive maybe I'll finally find you... Oh my God, I might actually have a chance at-"

"Y/N wait stop!" Dean exclaimed causing all eyes to snap his way they had both thoughts he was asleep but apparently not. "Look I've been to your universe before and-"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me? Do you know where Sam might be-"

"He's dead alright lucifer had him I'm really sorry," Dean mumbled never meeting her eyes knowing full well how much that this would break her heart and his as well knowing that she was nothing less of a sister to him. "Look you're like a sister to me and I couldn't bring myself to tell you even if you aren't the Y/N I grew up knowing,"

Y/N let out a sob, as she could feel her body shake with sadness. "I'm… Dead,"

"Wait come on don't say that," Sam tried to stop her nonsense but it didn't end up working.

"Everyones... Everyones dead," She whispered the tears clouding her vision. "Once you leave I'll have no one,"

"Oh come on I'm sure there is another universe that'll take you," Dean tried to lighten the mood but they all knew that it didn't work that way... They didn't have enough time searching for another universe in which she never existed.

Y/N's sadness took ever as the sobs wracked her body and everything came crashing down at that moment... The man that she loved was surely dead, now she had nothing left to live for and nothing left to keep fighting for.

She had loved him with everything that she had, and he had done the same to her. She had assumed that he was finally back to save her and yet it wasn't him- It was him that wasn't in love with her and just at the thought of that broke her heart and just at the sight of him caused every fiber in her body to cry out in pain.

It was hopeless and it then took them back to the words of her father, in the words of their own father in the words of every hunter that ever lived.

You can't save everyone, and they couldn't save her even if they wanted too...

Apocalyptic Y/N was trapped in the bad place and it didn't look like she would be getting out any time soon. 

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