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The guardian is a powerful being.

Some say its a demon others say its an angel.

Few knew who this guardian was and others died knowing.

A guardian protects those they care about and fight the battles they cannot.

Many years ago the guardian was created. It was trained and learned magic. The guardian became to powerful for the creator so they sent the guardian to a guild.

Fairy tail.

Master Mavis was the first to accept the guardian and treated the guardian with kindness and showed friendship.

The guardian became the protector of the fairies due to the friendships that was made.

The guardian cannot die nor can it age.

The guardian can change their features to make them older or younger. They can adopt any magic they come across and master it with enough training.

People think it's a simple legend.

But this isn't just a simple legend.

This story is about the Guardian of the Fairies and her struggles when she is sent from her home.

What she wasn't ready for was finding out that she truly was a legend and that she will save the world.

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