The Sleepover

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*heys guys welcome to my second book, also check out my other book 'Us against the world'

- So this chapter is based on when they are around 13 years old and this is in Riverdale

- Betty's parents are Fred and Alice

Veronica's pov
I leave the Pembroke and Smithers drives me to my best friend ,Betty's house, since we were having a sleepover that night. It was around 12 in the afternoon, , I get to her house and I ring the doorbell. I was greeted by her father, Fred Andrews. "Hi, Veronica. Betty's upstairs in her room" he says politely "thank you uncle fred" I say since I've known them for so long. I walk towards the stairs and Mrs. Andrews comes out of the kitchen. "Oh hello Veronica, would you like a snack before you go up, I think Betty is still getting ready in her room." She leads me towards the kitchen. I sit down in the kitchen table and the backyard door swings open. "Oh hey Veronica" says Betty's twin brother, Archie Andrews, who was putting his shirt on from being outside. I stand up "oh hey there Archikens" he smirks at the nickname I have given him over the year. "Archie honey, grab a snack and clean up your room" Says Auntie Alice. Archie sits in the seat next to me and we chat for awhile. We laugh and talk and Betty comes running down stairs. "Arch, stop flirting with Veronica" she says while grabbing my wrist while laughing. "Betty even though you have Veronica over, you still have to be in house rules" says Fred "I got it dad" she says "don't spill anything Betty" her mom screams "yes mom I have everything ready" she yells looking back. I laugh at her family looking out for her "Betty don't go in my stuff" says Archie "wouldn't think of it" she says "I might" I yell back and we get into Betty's room.

We hang out in Betty's room for a few hours, with her family checking in on us every 30 min. "My parents could be so annoying" says Betty "I find it really funny but sweet. I wish my parents were like this" I say in a low tone "oh.. V I'm so sorry I didn't mean to get this topic so deep." I stop tears from coming out and put a smile on my face "no B, I'm fine. Don't worry about it" after a pause I have an idea. "So we've known each other for basically our whole lives. We know everything about each other except one thing. Our Crushes." I say the word 'crushes' and Betty freezes "well um there isn't anything to talk about c-cause you see I don't like anyone. Y- You know anyone particular." I smile at her nervousness "ooo Betty who's the lucky boy, ok i can assure you, i will tell you mine if you tell me yours." I says anxiously since i wanted to know "ok, if i tell you, you have to swear you won't tell anyone. Especially not my brother." She says opening the door making sure no one was near to hear "my mom would kill me if she knew I liked someone she didn't know. Anyways do you know the boy in our science class, 4th period?" She says "yeah Mrs. Grundy" i reply "well he's the one that sits in the back, he wears a beanie. He was my science partner last semester and i got to really know him." She says blushing "Aww Betty, you're really crushing on him aren't you, now I'm gonna pay more attention in science " i say with a smirk on my face and she playfully slaps my arm. "Alright enough about me, who has stolen the heart of Veronica Lodge." She says anxiously "well..." I knew I couldn't tell her who i truly have a crush on. She just wouldn't approve. "Are you hungry cause boy am i hungry" i say to betty and grab her wrist "v, come on" she whines "we could get back to this topic after we have some food " we head downstairs and Betty's mom was cooking dinner for us. We had stayed in the room threw lunch. "Hi girls, you guys could wait in the living room and watch some TV." We head over to the couch and i noticed i had left my pearl necklace on Betty's bed. "Hey, i left my necklace i'll be right back" i run upstairs and i get to Betty's bedroom, i look in the bathroom, not there. On the bed, not there. Finally i look under the bed and there it was. Before i went out i looked out of her front window which had the view of the sunset . There i get scared by two hands on my shoulders from behind me  "boo" says Archie with a smile on his face. I turn around and i slap his arm. Which was surprisingly muscular and i found myself  staring and i snap out of it. "Can i help you Archikens?" I ask "no, I wanted to see the sunset too but i heard you going up and thought it was the perfect time to scare you." He says "were you watching me Archie?" I say with a smirk. "What, pffft no, that's gross." I laugh at him "V, did you find your necklace" Betty yells and i forgot she was waiting for me. "Y-yea it was under your bed" i scream down the stairs. "Oh and Veronica could you call Archie down for dinner" Alice ask from downstairs I turn around to face Archie "hey Archie i need to call you downstairs" we both laugh. I put on my pearl necklace and we head downstairs.

We ate dinner at the dinner table. After Betty excused us from the table we head to the living room and turn on our movie that we watch every time i come over 'the Incredibles'
After a while Archie crashes and he kept trying to steal our blanket. "Arch, let the girls have there fun" says uncle fred. Betty and I laugh and she points at Archie "ha ha"

The movie ends and we all head up to sleep. Betty and Archie got to their rooms. Before i head to Betty's room i drink a glass of water and I head up and i hear Betty still in the bathroom. I start off to her room but i get stopped by the sound of a strumming guitar. I stop by Archie's room, i knock on the door and walk in. "Pretty good Archikens" i say to him. He looks up from his guitar "thanks Ronnie" i look up at him from the nickname he gave me "sorry  i mean Veronica" he says blushing "no no i like it." I say awkwardly feeling my cheeks get red "do you wanna hear what I'm working on?" He asks with the guitar that was a little to big for him. "Sure" I say and I sit down next to him on his bed. He plays the tune and I was surprised "wow that's really good Archie" I say than he looks up "thanks, I'm glad you liked it" archie says while looking down. Than his head comes up and he looks up and our eyes meet. We stare into each other's eyes. Silence filled the room. The only sound came from the his open bedroom window. Than out of nowhere he leans forward and our lips touch ( this is only a peck ) he pulls away and I sit in shock. I get up quickly from his bed. I look at him "Goodnight Archikens" I say with a smile "goodnight Ronnie" he says back and I head out of his room.

Ever since that night we never talked about that moment again. Ever

A/N: I had a lot of fun thinking about and writing this first chapter. I hope you enjoy this I am low key proud.

Also the riverdale cast is about to film in a couple of days. But when I post this they probably started.



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