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Thank you for 9k reads!!! 
I'm sorry for taking so long
I didn't except people to like the story lol

Oh. Heyyy Betty

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Betty's pov
The two are frozen in their spots until Veronica quickly gets out of Archie's embrace and sits up. I let out a sigh of relief when I see she has her clothes on.

"Would you guys please explain this" I say emphasizing with my hands at the two of them. I continue talking, glaring at Archie "Especially you, dingus."

The two look at each other, with Archie still laying down on his pillow.
"I think Veronica would like to explain" Archie says with a smirk, turning his head to Veronica.
The raven headed girl smacks Archie's shoulder, which makes his smirk disappear.
"Well, B. Don't be mad, it's just-" Veronica starts, but I interrupt her.
"No no V, if anything Archie probably started all this with some dare or something, he should explain."

Veronica's pov
Betty sighs and pushes her hair behind her ear.
"Y-you know what, forget it. I'm gonna get some sleep," she stutters and turns around, walking out the room.
"Come on Betty, let's talk about this" Archie says and gets up, taking a hold of her arm.

Betty turns around to look at Archie with tears starting to fall down her face.
"No, Arch. I just wanted to come back from one of my best nights of my life and tell Veronica, my best friend, all about it." She stops before getting out of Archie's grip and wiping her watery eyes, "I was so happy, that mom and dad approve of Jughead and his parents like me. But no, you had to ruin that, like how you ruin most things. Oh and since we need to have something right,put on a shirt. You're disgusting." She says before walking to her room.

I sit there in the sheets starting to fell tears fall down my face.
"She locked her door" I hear Archie say as he walks back into the room with his head down.

"Babe i'm so sorry" he whispers as he comes to me. "Don't cry, we'll talk to her in the morning"

I look to him and see his red fiery hair, a smile starts to form on my mouth. He starts to rub his thumb on the top of my hand.
"Don't. You two are fighting because of me." I choke out getting up from his bed, "you two have been so close and you two help me through so much. I messed it up Archie. She's my best friend, and she finds me in bed with her brother. We were all fine before this" I pause motioning to the two of us "Maybe it wasn't meant to be. I'm gonna go home."

"Ronnie, don't go," Archie starts before getting up. "Stay here, with me. You shouldn't have to be alone, and you shouldn't be in the middle of all this. It's late anyway, we'll talk it out" He says as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I wrap my arms around his waist and put my head against his chest.
"Thank you, Archie" I say as I pull back "but I'm gonna sleep downstairs, it's for the best. Maybe we should take a break." After she said that my head goes up with a concerned look, but she doesn't look back.

Veronica's pov
I close his door and head downstairs, where I see Alice and Fred getting ready to go up.
"Hi, honey. Are you not gonna sleep in Betty's room?" Alice asks with Fred coming behind her.

"We had a disagreement, so I thought it would be better to stay down here" i say trying to hold back the tears. "Well, thank you for letting me stay the night"

"Anytime. You know where the blankets are" Fred says as they both head upstairs

8:45 am

Archie's pov
I wake up to the blaring noice of my alarm clock. The light shining in my eyes as a put on some sweatpants.

I walk out of my room rubbing my eyes. That's when I remember the event that happened last night. I quickly run down to the living room to check on Veronica. My face goes blank when I see the blankets folded nicely and no Veronica.

"Archie, what's wrong?" i hear a voice ask from the kitchen. I turn my head to see my mom behind the kitchen counter.

"Uh. Nothing. Do you an chance where Veronica went?" I stutter as I rub the back of my neck.
"Oh she left about 30 minutes ago. She said she had to meet her mom." As she said that I calm down and try not to think about it.

Veronica's pov
I called Smithers and he said they'd come home early.
| phone call |
"Ms. Lodge, where would you like to be picked up" Smithers says through the phone.
"The Andrew's house, Betty's." I say "Sorry for calling so early"
"Don't worry, I'm already up by 6" he says as we both laugh through the phone.

Smithers picks me up around 8:05 and I lunge my bags into the back.
"Let me do it" Smithers offers
"It's fine. I can do it" I say struggling a little.

When the bags were in, I looked at the house before heading into the car.

| time jump: monday, school |

Archie's pov
I walk into school with a cloud over my head. I spent the whole weekend trying to talk to Veronica and to top it off my own sister won't talk to me.

My train of thought was broken when Reggie came behind me and patted my back.
"Hey Andrews. Did you have fun with Lodge this weekend." Reggie quiets down on the second part.
"All I have to say is that it didn't go as planned" I respond as we walked to our first class.

Veronica's pov
I've avoided Archie during the weekend and during school. It's been successful so I just need to get out the school and I'll be-
My mind is back to reality when I bump into someone in the halls.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" I say as my head moves up. When I see the figure in front of me I whisper under my breath.
"Damn it" is what comes out.

"I'm so sorry Ronnie, I-i mean Veronica" he stutters out. I put on a confident face and move some hair behind my ear.
"It's fine, but I better get going. I'm sorry" I say as I push through him.

I hear him call my name, but I don't turn around.
"Can we talk?" Is the last thing I hear before turning the corner.


This is bad but it's my fault for that
I have an actual idea for the story now

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