Beach Day

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Archie's pov
Veronica and I have been talking and watching Netflix for hours. I look at my phone and It read 3:00 am. I was gonna tell her the time, when i lifted my head up from the screen. My eyes were blinded since it was dark. My eyes adjusted and i saw her. Her head was resting on a pillow and she was covered in blankets. Since I was tired I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. I had a blanket and pillow and drifted to sleep.

I get woken up by the sound of someone coming down the steps. I look and I see my dad. "Oh hey Arch" he says walking towards the kitchen. I look at my phone and see that it was 8 am. Valerie had been trying to call me so I quickly click her name and I hear the rings. She doesn't pick up so I decide to leave a voice mail. "Hey Val, call me back and we could see when we could work on the song, see you hopefully later." I put my phone down and I hear Betty running down the stairs. She looks at me and then sees Veronica on the other couch. "Phew, and you better not be flirting with her, not only is she my best friend which would be weird if you were but plus you have a girlfriend arch" she says and walks over to Veronica and shakes her shoulder. "V" she tries to wake her up. Veronica stirs in her sleep "Not now Betty" Betty sighs "you want to go to the beach?" She says. Veronica starts to get up "of course I do" she reply and they both laugh. "Arch if you want to come you could" Betty asks "could I bring Val" I say still sleeping "bring whoever you want" she says

I get up to my room and put on a white t shirt and my cell phone rings. I pick it up and the it reads 'Val' I press answer "hey Val" "hi Archie"  there was some silence, "so um I wanted to ask it you wanted to come to the beach my with me. My sister will be there with a friend as well" I say through the phone waiting for an answer. "Sure, I'll meet you there" she says "you don't want me to pick you up?" I ask wondering why "no it's fine, i just have something happening, anyways i have to get ready. Bye Archie" she says and after ends the call. I sit on my bed and i hear a knock on my door. "Are you ready Archie" says a raven haired girl "y-yeah, well almost i just have to get dressed" I say. She laughs "that doesn't mean you're dressed" she says and walks to Betty's room.

We get out of the house and get into the car. "I call shotgun" I yell running to the car. I hear Veronica running behind me. The car was parked across the street so it was a very small run. I get my hand on the passenger door the same time as Veronica. We look at each other and I felt frozen "looks like you guys have to pick who's sitting there." Betty says unlocking the car and getting in. "Fine you win this time Andrews" says Veronica. I get in and so does Veronica.

On the way to the beach Betty and Veronica sing to the songs on the radio.

After multiple songs we get to the beach. We all get out of the car and get our stuff. Betty and Veronica solace down there beach mats and put in their sunglasses.

I text Valarie to see where she is. I had brought a surf board so i could teach her to surf. I wait a few minutes and i decide to call her, when i clicked her name. I get scared by someone. "Boo" says my girlfriend with a laugh. I finally get my heart from racing, she gently grabs me shoulder and she kisses me. I smile and i show her to where Betty and Veronica are. They were  putting in sun block. I help Valarie get her stuff down and we sit all together. "Hey Betty can i borrow your sun block?" I ask "sure" she says looking through her bag and tossing it to her.

About an hour later they all want to head to the water. They all get up, Betty and Veronica race to the water. I watch them and see Veronica smile as she ran. After i snap out of it i realise Val was offering a hand, i take it and i take off my shirt and bring the surf board.

Val and i spend two hours alone and on the surfboard. We laugh we she stumbles and i helo her up. We get out and she looks at her phone. She looks up from it and turns to me. "Archie i had so much fun. I wish i could stay longer but u have to go somewhere" she packs up her stuff and kisses me on the cheek "have fun" i yell. She looks back and smiles and runs to her car. I decide to head to the water where Betty and Ronnie were. Ronnie was facing the water so I decide to scare her. I go from the back and I pick her up gently. She lets out a tiny scream. When I put her down she turns and slaps my arm. Betty gives me a weird look and I realize what I just did. I feel my face burn up a little bit. "You scared the heck out if me" says Ronnie we all laugh and we hang out in the water while splashing and pushing each other.

Valerie's pov
I noticed I left my sunglasses in the sand so I quickly go back and see Archie pick up Veronica. No doubt I was angry. He had a huge smile on his face in a way he never smiled at me. I brush it off and head to my car and I left the beach.

A/N so in my opinion this chapter sucks, it seemed better in my head. Also I promise next one will be better



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