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A/N know everything in this book is based on when they are teens. This is the summer before sophomore year. Oh and Archie and Betty are the Andrews but they live in Betty's house

Archie's pov
It's summer and my family is coming back from our vacation from Hawaii. It's now mid June and Betty gets to go out with her friends, but I have to stay at dad's construction site over the summer. We get to our house and I push Betty to get out of the house first. She glares at me "Wow Archie so mature" she yells to me. I get to the house, I lay across the couch and I look at my phone which is full with messages from my girlfriend. I decided to call her to tell her I had just got her messages. I click her name and it rings, rings again. I was scared she wasn't gonna pick up. "Hi Archie" she says through the phone "hey Val, sorry i didn't pick up my phone was on airplane mode since the airport." I say to her, me and Valarie have been dating since the middle of freshman year. "Oh, it's fine I just wanted to ask if you want to meet at school to work on our duet for the school begins concert" she say and I hear her piano playing in the background. "Oh, shoot. I totally forgot we had to work on it. My family has plans tonight but I could meet you anytime tomorrow" I say hoping she doesn't get mad "oh, It's fine. Btw has was you Hawaii trip" i tell her about how we went swimming, snorkeling, and surfing. "Wow I have a surfer boyfriend now" she says with a small laugh "maybe one day we could go to the beach and I could show you how" I say to her. She was about to talk but my dad calls me. "Arch, get ready for the dinner" he calls "I'm sorry Val but I have to go" I say "oh don't worry Archie, have a good time" I end the call and put my phone down and head to my room. Today we were going out to a fancy dinner with some family friends and I had to dress up. I look in my closet which is mostly full of t shirts, cardigans, jeans mostly just casual clothes. I go through piles of clothes and I find a blue dress shirt and black dress pants. I put in on and I head to the bathroom to freshen up. "Archie don't forget your dress shoes" say my mom from downstairs. "I got it mom, but what socks do I wear" I say back "I got you fresh dress socks" she say. I smile "thanks mom, you're the best" I say back "oh, I know" she says making sure everyone heard. "Wow mom" yells Betty, joining the conversation. "Your mother is great kids" joins my dad. I laugh at how my family is. I head out the bathroom and I knock on Betty's door, "come on Betty" I say jokingly "I'm coming" she says struggling in her heals "when did you start wearing heals" I asked confused "I'm trying something new" she says with a glare "come on you two let's get going" yells our dad. I run down while Betty stumbles. I get into the car, my mom gets into the passenger seat, Betty gets in the back with me. My dad locks the door and gets on the wheel. Once everyone was set we head to the restaurant. The place was on the further side of town so it took some time.

Once we got there, we parked and head into the restaurant. We get inside "we are in a party, I think they are here?" My mom asks the front waitress. She leads us through the big, well designed place and we see the family of two that we were gonna meet. "Hi, V!" Says Betty who runs up to a well dressed Veronica. They hug and she sit down. Her mom greets my parents and I say hi to both of them. Veronica and I haven't talked much since junior high. She would always come to my house and we would take, but now where she comes I'm most likely with Val. My parents sit together next to Mrs Lodge, next to her was Veronica then Betty than me.

Veronica's pov
My mom and I waited for the Andrews. There was mostly awkward silence between my mom and I, until I see a tall red head walk in and behind him my favorite blonde. She sits and we talk about our summers. Her family went to a beautiful Hawaii trip and I went to New York to visit my dad in prison. Looks like I had a good summer. We talk more and I see a lonely Archie in back of Betty. I was gonna talk to him but I get interrupted "hi ma'am what could I get you" the waitress ask "oh, I'll have the chicken Caesar salad, oh and an iced tea." I say "ok, and what for you miss" she asks Betty "I'll have the chicken Alfredo" she says "alright and for you sir" she looks at Archie, who is still fumbling going through the menu. I smile at him, he was always cute but he got really ripped over the summer which made me have a different perspective of him. I haven't talked to him in a while, we were very close in junior high. That's when my first kiss happened, but he got a girlfriend and I went on with my life. Before at that sleepover at Betty's house i knew i couldn't tell her that i liked here twin brother. Even though i grew up with him, my young feelings just grew and grew. But i made a mistake, i kept pushing them away. Valerie was one special girl. I snap out of my day dream. "Earth to Veronica" Betty says laughing. "Sorry just day dreaming" i say and i noticed Archie was looking at me. When our eyes met he turned away. Our food comes and we all devour it. I get up to go to the bathroom and I when I got out get stopped, with someone bumping into me. "Archikens" I say surprised "oh hey Ronnie, didn't know you were here" he says nervously "oh Archie..., you're so cute when your nervous. But seriously were you watching me" I says with a smirk on my face. "What pffft" he says smirking

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