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This is for the ones that beg for updates and i just wait for the anticipation to rise

Archie's pov
I leave the Pembroke and head back home. As I was driving my mind was somewhere else. And that was Veronica. My mind has all my thoughts I kissed her while I'm with Val, but Ronnie is different. I feel more comfortable and free with her. I didn't know if she felt the same. I was heading home and make a U turn for a decision I knew that was the best for both of us.

I knock on Valerie's door and I think of what i was going to say * " Val you're a great girl, and you deserve the best. {then I would pause} That's why i think we should break up" * my thoughts were cut off my Val opening the front door. She smiles and i smile back. I go through the door and head to her living room. I sit on the couch and she sits on the other one across from me. " So Val how you been, working on any songs" I say and we make conversation. At the end I decide I should just let it out. I start to say "Valerie I-" i start to say but she cuts me off. "I think we should break up" she blurts out. "I-I'm sorry Archie it's just that we had only singing in common." She sighs "I know you deserve the best and that's why I have noticed that you deserve better. Someone who truly loves you" She says. I get up and walk over to her. I open my arms and I hug her and she hugs me back. "You deserve the best to Val". I let go and head out the door.

I take a deep breathe noticing that I just got dumped. My plan didn't go as I thought but at the end we both wanted to same thing. I get back into dad's truck and drive back home. I pull up the driveway and see a car across the street that I haven't noticed there before but it looked familiar. I was curious so i slowly walked over to the car. I look around and i notice a familiar blond haired girl. I laugh and wanted to scare her. I got up to the window where Betty was kissing someone and I slam it. Betty jumps making the car honk. She gets off the guy and gets out of the car. "Hey aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend Betts" i say laughing at her. She glares at me but i grab her arm playfully. "Arch if you tell mom i will kill you" she says "I won't but you have to introduce me" I say with a smile. I sighs "what just looking out for my older sister" she opens the car door and a beanie wearing boy gets out of the car. "Um well Juggie this is my brother Archie. And Archie this is Jughead" she says "I've seen him before, walking around the school with no books or anything except his Leatherman jacket. Just making sure everyone knows he's the football captain" he says "jug no need to attack him" Betty says trying to back me up. I reply back "nice to meet you too Jughead" I say. He ignores my comment and continues to talk to betty "well Betty I got to go but I'll see you at school" he says then kisses her on the cheek and gets in his car.

I walk with Betty back to the house "what was that about" I ask her "I don't know, but you better not tell mom" she says and I side hug her. And we enter the house with smiles on our faces.

{next day}

Veronica's pov
I wake up around 6:00, my eyes are not even open and I get in the shower. I finish up my shower and get changed into a maroon dress. I get my bag and I head to the door, but someone opens it before me. "Geez" I say putting my hand on my heart seeing if it is still beating. " Oh Veronica" my mom says as she gets in the house. "Oh hi mom, didn't know when you were coming back" I say about to go out the door. "Wait, mija" she says and I turn around. "I love you" sje says. I give her a smile "I love you too.. mom" I say and walk out the door.

I get to school and head to my locker and my favorite blonde comes up to me. I turn to face her "hey B" I say. And we go into a hug, "what's up, you look extremely happy today" I ask her "well it's about my date with Jughead" she says "tell me all the wonders of you date Betty Andrews" I say and she tells me everything about her little date. "B that's amazing" I say "Ok enough about me, you thinking of dating or someone" she says. I froze and behind her i see the glimpse of the red head who had stolen my first kiss, but I get out of my daze. "V?" Betty asks "oh nothing just you know zoned out" I say "few I thought you were looking at arch. I know he's my brother and I just think it's weird if my best friend likes my brother" she says as we walk to our first class. "Yeah really weird"

Archie's pov
I get out of class and head outside for lunch. I see there at the table like usual, Betty and Veronica. This take it was different, Betty's new boyfriend was there but i won't complain. "Hey guys" i say to the table "hey Archie" Veronica says. I sit down and we all just eat and talk but Jughead mostly ate. We all finish and head to the student lounge since we had the time. Betty and Jughead walked in front so that left Veronica and me together. We walk with silence until she makes me face her and we're in an empty hallway. "Archie" she asks quietly "what are we" she says looking into my eyes. I look at her "I don't know Ronnie" I say "look Valarie and i broke up cause i thought it was the best thing to do. It wasn't her it was someone that was stealing my heart" i say "i want to be with you. But if we do we can't let Betty find out we're together. So that mean our relationship had to stay low." She says and I look at her "i can work with that" i reply with a smile on my face and she pulls me into a kiss and I kiss back. She pulls away and continues to proceed to the lounge.

Wow and this chapter is done.
Sorry for taking longer than I expected



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