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- I'm SO sorry my dudes for not updating, but i love all of you guys
- I'm also trying to use a deeper writing style, probably won't work though
- dm on @gleexships i wanna talk to some of you guys (if you want)

The class had explored the Statue of Liberty and walked through the Art District as well as, taking pictures, shopping, eating in cafes, making FRIENDS references, getting yelled at by cab drivers, it all happened. The class were as close as ever, even new friendships were made. Jughead had gained a liking for Archie and his goofiness, also since that's his girlfriend's brother. For what most of the people knew, Cheryl and Toni and Betty and Jughead we're the only young lovers, but the little did everyone know that there was a new relationship growing right in front of them.

Veronica's pov
We all get back to the hotel at around 11:30 pm and everyone is somehow wide awake. Except the ponytail wearing girl sitting next to me, whose head had found a place on my shoulder.
"Betts, we're at the hotel" I say in a whispered tone as I move my shoulder up and down. Her head gets up and she rubs her face with the palm of her hand. "Thanks V" she says as she stretches.

We walk down the stairs of the tour bus and walk into the bright litted hotel "I think I'm gonna crash in our room, V. Today was crazy" Betty says as she yawns and takes out her ponytail and lets her blonde hair flow. I laugh at her response, "Go ahead B, get some rest sooner or later I'll be following you." I say with a smile. We say our goodnights and I see that most of the class hade gone up to their rooms.

As I was heading to look to the pool I feel an arm wrap and rest of my shoulder. I let out a sigh as I look up and see a red headed boy looking down at me.

"Hey Ronnie" he says with a goofy smile on his face. "I missed you soo much today" he continues as he smushes his face into my cheek. "Archikens we saw each other less than an hour ago" I say giggling and playfully pushing his face away.

This is where things took a massive turn. He leans down to my ear and I can feel his breath on my skin. "Reggie is gonna be out for a nice swim. I have the place to myself" He says in a husky whisper. He hand taken held of my hand and brought me toward the elevator, once he had pressed the button his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. "Archie what did I say about our PDA or anything about us" I say in a whisper trying not to kiss him right there.

The door had open and we both rush into pressing the floor level as Archie smashes his lips on mine, my arms find his neck and his found my waist again. Once the bell had dinged the doors open and I let go of Archie, just in time since Moose was right at the elevator door. "Hey Archie. And Veronica?" He says raising an eyebrow. "No my room is just on this floor, bye Moose." I say in a hurried voice and walk past moose with Archie following.

He had gotten the key and got the door open. Once we were in the room he leads me over to lay me down on what I'm guessing is his bed. "We won't go far Ronnie" he says in between kisses "why not" I say softly as he kisses my neck. He is resting in between my legs and my hands are playing with his hair. He continues to kiss my neck and comes back to my lips. "W-we can't, I can't. Just not yet Ronnie." He says breathlessly gripping onto my waist. I lift his chin to have my lips brushing against his but instead I head towards his neck and start kissing from there. "Ronnie" I hear Archie say as he moves his head to the side.

Archie's pov
I had heard the door click meaning a key had opened the door. I look down to my secret girlfriend whose lips were on my neck. It was definitely to late to pull back. "Hey Arch-" is all I hear and I feel Veronica's lips leave my skin.
"Oh my goodness, y-you two" Is all that leaves Reggie's mouth as he points to the fact I'm in between her legs. "What's up Reggie" I respond awkwardly while rubbing my neck and my other hand resting on the back of Veronica's back. I hadn't gotten up to where I was until I feel her hands push against on my chest signaling me to get up.

"Maybe I should go?" Veronica says as she slowly tries to get out of the room. "Um no no Lodge, you two, have some explaining to do" Reggie says pointing at the two of us. "Gotta say, kinda hot but still weird" he sighs "we should just forget about how you saw that, and you could keep this from Betty" Veronica says looking at Reggie emphasizing the last part. "Why would you keep this from her, she deserves to know, she's your friend and she's your sister" Reggie says using his hands as her talks. "We know, Reggie. Just give us some time." I say wrapping an arm around Veronica. "Just keep this between us? Will you and everything will be fine." Veronica says.

After Reggie complaining about how he can't keep secrets and how he has to tell someone, Veronica calls it a night and heads out. I sigh as I see her walk out the door, and I sit at the edge of the bed reminiscing of that moment.

"So Archie, how's it dating a Lodge" he says laying down with basketball shorts on. "I'm gonna take a shower now" I respond while getting up to head to the bathroom "I'm not gonna talk about this with you,Reggie " I say. While heading to the bathroom I hear Reggie sit up "come on what the hell man" I hear him say as I close the bathroom door and start the water.

Veronica's pov
I had gotten back to the room to find Betty fast asleep buried in her blankets. I decide to take a quick shower from the busy day we had. When getting ready for bed I look at Betty...

How could I keep this from her, I'm keeping my biggest secret from her.

Sorry for not updating, I'm terrible I know

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