Crazy About You

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Can i just say
- why are they doing archie so dirty, also reggie is really pissing me off
- really hope varchie comes back, i have varchie/ kjmila depression 😓
- i love archie andrews, he doesn't deserve the pain he's in

Ok back to the story :)))

Archie's pov
Veronica and I follow behind Cheryl to the bus, in the parking structure.
We're walking hand in hand, knowing everyone was at the bus already.
"Hey, Ronnie" i say to her as i stop walking
"I-" i say while looking down a little
"I was wondering if you wanted to on a date tonight, d-during the free time in central park" i nervously say.
She places her fingers under my chin, lifting my head up.
"Archie" she says looking into my eyes
"I'd love to go" Veronica says, placing her lips on mine. We pull apart and head to the parking area.

"Hey! Andrews! Where you been?" Reggie says patting the chair next to him. I take a seat while Veronica takes a seat next to Betty.

Reggie slaps my chest which gets my attention
"What Reg" i say turing to face him.
"You gonna look for any chicks out here?" He says looking out the window.
"Nah Reg, you can have them" i reply with a small laugh.

"Ok everyone, we're here at central park, you guys can check out the shops here, walk in the park, and so on. Our only request is to be back her by 7:30." said Mrs. Macoy. She looks at her watch and looks back up.
"It is 4:30 right now so you guys have 3 hours, don't go alone, go with at least one person. Oh! And don't go so far that you get lost" she finishes and gets off the bus.
"Ok everyone get a partner and you guys can go" mr keller says

Veronica's pov
I get out of the bus and Kevin vomes up to me
"So Veronica, Betty, Jughead, and I are gonna stop at the book store and head to the stores. Wanna come join? I saw the famous coffee place around the corner" he says
"Even though i'd love to join you guys, i npt tp much pf a book girl. I can catch up with you guys in an hour" i say with a smile. Betty comes up to kevin with the most giddy smile.
"So v are you coming?" She asks me
"She's gonna go on a shopping spree Betty, let's let her be" kevin says
"Well stay safe v! Oh if you see Archie around tell him to be careful"
"Don't worry, I heard he was in good hands." I say back. i see my two besties and jughead walk away toward the busy streets. She is such a sweet sister, is what is in my mind. I turn around to see the rest of the class that were at the stop deciding where to go first. Others have gone off to explore the streets of New York while i'm still looking for just one person.
"Ronnie!" I hear from behind me. A smile forms on my face when i see him come toward me.
"Archikens" i say a little too loudly, not many were there, but i still check to see if anyone heard."I see Cheryl down the street looking over at Archie and I from a distance.
"Come on lover boy, New York awaits" i say while bringing him away from everyone and giving him a kiss on the cheek. I see his face get red, which makes my heart skips 10 beats. Looking at my boyfriend as we walk on the sidewalk as he guides me.
"Let's head toward the new coffee shop, and i think it's a cafe too. Probably not as great as pops though" he says and we both let out a small laugh interlocking his fingers with mine. I stop him and wrap my arm around his and i spin us around.
"How bout we go toward the park, take a little walk just you and me" i say to him
"Haven't you been talking about the place, since it opened?" He replies.
"Well, yes. But Betty and Jughead are there. I don't want to ruin that" I say trying to hide my nervousness. "Whatever you want Ronnie" he says with a smile on his face.

Hand in hand we walk around the whole park, talking, laughing. I have never been more happy in my entire life. Sure i've known him for my whole life, but now i'm with him, just him and that's what makes me feel whole. We get to the lake area, where we could ride a boat.
"Archie! We have to ride one, a little romantic boat ride" i say and kiss his lips softly
"Has anyone told you how cute you look when you get excited" he asks smiling at me.
"You would be the first" i saw holding his face and kissing him again.
He pulls back and takes my hand
"Let's go rent a boat"  he says

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