The one

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Sorry for not updating, I'm so unmotivated and I will do my best to update.

On another note I didn't think this many people like my story.

Veronica's pov
We get back to Betty's house after a music filled car ride. Betty and Archie have really made my summer memorable, then what it could have been. I would be alone in the empty Pembroke. We all get into the house and put our stuff down and Betty heads to her room to shower and change. Which left me and Archie, who had plopped on the couch and on his phone. I join him on the opposite couch and sit there. After a few minutes he gets up and heads to his room with a serious look on his face.

Archie's pov
I head to my room since I got a call. "Valerie" I say on the stairs. I close my door and sit on my bed. "Do you like her" she says with a soft voice "Val, she is like a sister to me" I say with a weird feeling but I brush it off. "I need you to tell me you don't like her Archie" Valerie says through the phone. "I mean I like her but not in the way you think I do" I say "it you really like me Archie you won't hang out with her" she says in her voice not as soft "come on Val she is one of my best friends" I say trying for her to understand "I'll give you one more chance" she says "you are the best Val" I say back "I know" she laughs "well thank you Archie. I love you" she says "bye" I say and end the call. I take some time to think on what I just said. Did I just say bye when she said she loved me. I push the thought aside and I head to the shower.

Veronica's pov
Archie goes up and I hear him say Valerie. After a few minutes Betty comes out and I use her shower.

I finish off a quick shower and get some clothes from my suitcase. I get changed into a maroon dress and my necklace. Then I head downstairs to see Betty on the phone. "Ok Jug I'll meet you there" I hear her say when I come in. She says bye and ends the call "Oo Jug" I say while laughing at her. "I've been working with on him on blue and gold, and he invited me to eat at pops" she says with a smile on her face. "Aww my Betty is going on a date" I say "it's not a date cause you and Archie are coming" she says "why may I ask" I say confused "don't you like him?" I say looking at her "well I do but I can't just leave you here, since you're at my house" she says "B, it's fine. Go have fun" i say smiling at her "thanks V" she says and gives me a hug. "Oh and can you tell Archie" she asks "sure" I reply she runs and has a smile on her face while heads up to her room to change.

I decide to tell Archie now side Betty is leaving. I go upstairs and knock on his door "Archie?" and no one replys so I just open the door. Into his room and see Archie with a towel. "Ronnie" he says trying to look for clothes. I stand there for a few seconds and close the door. He opens the door fully clothed "I didn't-" i say "it's fine" he replys "well anyway" i say walking into his room. "Betty is going in a little date. She wanted us to go but i insisted just her." I say "that mean you and i are gonna hang out and wait till her night of fun is over" i says looking at him "that's great, but can i ask who she's going with" he says "Jughead Jones" i reply with a low tone voice to make it sound more grand. Archie and I laugh. "So Ronnie what do you wanna do?" He asks with a cute smile "i was thinking of staying here unless you want to come with me to the Pembroke so i could get some stuff" i say to him "i have nothing else to do lets do it"

Betty leaves for her date. She has her hair down and curled, she is wearing jeans and a blouse. I look at her like a proud mom and give her a hug. "Bye V. Oh and arch" she says with a huge smile on her face. A few seconds later Archie comes up towards the door. I close the door and I get my things that i want to bring to the Pembroke. I grab my suitcase with all the things i had brought. I bring it downstairs and Archie and I bring it into my car.

We get to the Pembroke "Archie go through the garage" I tell him where to park since he drove and we both get out of the vehicle. I grab my things and enter the lobby to the Pembroke "hello miss lodge" says Andre "hello Andre" I reply as he guides us to the elevator. "So this is where you live" Archie says leaning on the elevator railing "yes, but not as big as my other homes I had when I was in new York" I reply "I thought you've been to my house" I say "well when Betty comes over I usually stay home" he says as the elevator door opens. I get to the door and open it. We head to my room so I could unpack since I decided I was gonna stay in the Pembroke that night. "You're house in really nice" says Archie. I nod and there was some awkward silence, so I decide to ask him a question. "So how's your relationship with Valerie?" I ask but then regretting cause it's none of my business "it's good" he says but pauses. He sighs "Ronnie if I'm being honest, she's a great girl but there's no connection between us." I turn around to face him. "I feel" he stops for a little "I feel like... the one for me is closer then I thought. Like I've known them for so long" He says and steps closer to me "I feel the same way" I say back. He cups my face with his hands and he leans in. I stop him "Archie" I say but I see myself leaning closer to him and our lips connect.

Um ew this is my grossest chapter yet. But I'm working on the next one. This chapter was already done a couple days ago but i wanted to build the anticipation.



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