Only On You

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Hola bro skis
- um well I still miss varchie, but i'm stable atm
- i really love all the support you guys give me and i'm sorry for updating late
- you guys can skip this is your want but, i saw theories for the season finale that Archie will give Veronica a promise ring and i can't do it like how could you not love them.

Ok enough of my thoughts

Veronica's pov
The scenery of New York is so beautiful, the whole ride, Betty was either chatting with me or reading a book. I was either talking or looking out the window, thinking about how my mom would leave to New York to do work and I would be left in Riverdale. All the other times i've been to new york was with my dad, all he would do was work and after what felt like years I was able to go home, back to Riverdale.

The bus pulls up to the parking lot and I can see the famous and grand Statue of Liberty.
Mrs. McCoy gets up from her seat and stands at the front of the bus for all of us to see,
"So you guys will be divided into 5 groups and each had a tour guide that will take you around the Statue." Mrs. McCoy goes on about the tours but I look out the window and the sound drifts away.

I face front when I feel someone's hand on mine and gives me a shoulder nudge,
"V? Ready to go?" She asks
"Never better" i reply and we stand up to get out of the bus.

The class walks out of the bus and we head up the trail to the statue.
"Hello everyone, i'm Nick and i'll be one of  the tour guides for today. You'll all be together for the beginning of the tour but stay with the leader cause then we will split" he finishes and the other guides introduce themselves.
"Hey V" I hear Betty's voice and i turn to her.
"Yeah? What's up" i reply
"I don't know if you noticed but the Nick guy kept glancing at you. Maybe you can ask him out" she says with a small smirk on her face.
"Oh, um I don't know. He might be too old" I look over her shoulder to see his face.
"I mean, if i'm being honest I'd rather date Archie then that guy" i say, but obviously i'd rather date Archie.
"That bad? I mean maybe you just need to talk to him" she stills says full of hope. I just wanna tell her no, but what could I do about it.

She gets cut off when a red headed boy comes up behind her and places a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey Betty" "Hey Veronica" he says softly
There was awkward silence for a few seconds and Archie says something.
"Well um, Ronnie and I are in the same group with Nick as our group leader."
"Oh shoot, do you know the groups already?" Betty replies
"My dear sister Betty Andrews wasn't listening, I don't believe it" Archie says putting his hand on my back while slowly rubbing his thumb.
"Shut up. Anyway, V you could go talk to Nick" she says pushing Archie and giving me a smile.
But I look up to Archie giving a confused look.

Once she was far enough I turn to him.
"Hello Archibald" I say as I push his arm off my back.
"What was Betty talking about, with Nick?" He says looking at me.
"Well, she thinks I should talk to him cause he, was looking at me? But I won't cause I only have eyes for you Archikens." As I said that I see him leaning in so I quickly snap out of it and turn around.

"Ok everyone if you have gotten a blue sticker or have been told you are with Nick, that's me. So everyone come here so I could meet you guys" he says with enthusiasm
"Well you guys know me, i'm Nick, my full name is Nick St. Clair and i'm 21 years old. Now let's go in a line. You young red head."

"Well i'm Archie and i'm 17 years old"
"I'm Veronica and i'm 16 almost 17" i say and
I see Archie look down to me and with a smile.
"Veronica, what a beautiful name" Nick says giving my a small smile.
"Yeah very nice let's go around" Archie says and we keep going.
"I'm Cheryl Blossom, aka Cheryl Bombshell. I'm 17 years old and my dear cousin is Archie"
"Little much Cheryl?" Archie says looking at her.
"No as I said I'm Cheryl Bombshell, so hush down Archibald. Now let my girlfriend speak."
"Wow tension, I love this group already" nick smirks.

I caress Archie's arm to calm him down and I feel him relax. After everyone introduced themselves Nick walked us to the the view point.
"So here is Lady Liberty, go on a take some photos. We'll be here about 10 minutes for you to walk around." After he finished I walked over to the lookout.

I was peacefully taking in the view when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Hi Arch-" I turn around to see Nick which was odd and definitely not what I expected.
"Oh, hi Nick" I say as I move so his hand was off me.
"You like the view?" He says as he looks out to the water.
"Um yeah. Anyway how long have you been doing tours."
"Well I started when I was 19. I go to college here and I have this job to get some money. But enough about me, tell me about yourself."
"Oh, well, my full name is Veronica Lodge and I'm from Riverdale." I say
"I know we just met, but would Veronica Lodge like to go on a date with me tomorrow evening?" He says smiling at me.
"Well. I appreciate the offer but-" I trying to say no but I get cut off by an arm wrapping around my waist.
"Hey what's going on" I look up to see Archie
"Oh, Nick was just telling me about himself" I here Nick scoff.
"Well I didn't know you two had something. Didn't look like anything was between you two. So let's just get on with the tour." He says standing straight and going off to other kids.

"I appreciate you coming but what did I tell you about hiding the PDA or us" I say as I face the waters again. I see Archie do the same.
"I don't know, I saw you and Nick and I guess I got jealous." He finishes and looks at me.
"Ronnie you are a gorgeous girl and I know people will try to flirt or ask you out. I'm just scared of losing you, especially to a college guy."
"Aw my Archikens is jealous, that's what makes you so cute. As I said before, my eyes are only on you" After I said that Archie takes my wrist and guides me to where our group was out of sight. He faces me and we are eye to eye.
"I'm crazy about you, Veronica Lodge. I don't know what I'd be without you" after he said that I crash my lips onto his and feel him melt in to the kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I have mine found his neck.

Archie's pov
I pull from what I thought was the sweetest thing ever, I don't know what i'd do without her. I lift my head to look into her eyes and I kiss her forehead.
"Ok blue group from Riverdale High please rally up at the railing." I hear Nick's voice
"I think we have to go" I say as I pull away from her and I hear her sigh.
"I guess we should, let's go lover boy" she says as she leads the way back to the group.
Once we get to the group Nick explains that we'll be going to ride a ferry to get to the platform where the statue stands.

Veronica catches up with Toni who is near the front of the group while I stay behind taking photos of the water surrounding the platform. While I was taking photos I here heels come toward me.

"Shouldn't you be learning about the Liberty rather than exploring your girlfriend or studying human anatomy." I see the one and only Cheryl Blossom.
"Hi to you too Cheryl." I reply giving her the smallest smile as she wraps her arm around mine.
"Come on please let me tell Betty, you don't understand how hard it is to keep it from her."
She whines as we continue walking.
"We agreed that we would tell her, or as i said i'll tell your mom you went to several bars. You know how much your mom believes me." I say
"Fine but if you two get caught just know, it's best to tell her sooner then later" she says and we catch up to the group on the dock


I love Kjmila's friendship. KJ's pretty

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I suck at writing recently so i'm sorry

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