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Thank you for 6k reads!!  I love you all <3
SLIGHTLY A LONG CHAPTER!! (compared to others)
I'm terrible at updating I'm sorry!
Also i've read over the chapters and my grammer sucks lol.

Time skip:

They enjoyed their last day in New York and packed up to leave for the airport on Thursday at 2 am. On the last day, Veronica and Archie agreed to hang out with friends and slowly give Betty hints about their relationship. She didn't get many of the hints or she'd push it off. This was harder then they expected.

Everyone safely boarded the 5 am flight from New York to Riverdale. It was a 4 hour flight and they all walked sluggishly and once they made contact with the chairs all eyes were closed. It was easy to get everyone seated since no one really cared or saw who they sat with. The two chaperons on the trip, Sheriff Keller and Mrs. Macoy, smiled at all the knocked out kids in the back of the plane.

Archie's pov
I immediately knocked out on the plane and woke up from probably the worst nap I have ever taken. I was seated in the very back row of the plane so I couldn't put my chair back. My back was tense and I felt stuck, but that was the sacrifice for plane rides. My eyes were adjusting so I was able to make out what was on screen that read,
~~ 3 hour left to Riverdale ~~
"Dang" I say as I sigh cause that means I only slept for one hour of the flight. After my eyes weren't blurry I see that I was on the aisle row and the seats were in two. I'm probably just sitting with Reggie so I didn't have to bother. When I was closing my eyes to go back to sleep, I feel pressure on my shoulder. I looked over to who was next to me and it was Ronnie, somehow my Ronnie. The sun was starting to rise and the light on her face made her look like she was glowing. Her head was resting perfectly on my shoulder and I pressed a kiss on her forehead.

She started to move and turned her head to look up to me.
"Goodmorning Archiekens" Veronica whispers to me as a smile starts to form on her lips. She lifts her head up and attaches her lips to mine, placing a a soft kiss to my lips.

Nobody's pov
The plane lands smoothly at 9:12 am at the Riverdale Airport. All the kids get up from their seats and grab their carry ons.
"We made it Andrews" Reggie says as he pats Archie on his chest.
"Yeah, now we have school next week Reggie. Did you think of that?" Archie says tiredly and heads toward baggage claim.

"Ok everyone, once you get your bags, sign out with Mrs. MaCoy. Then if your parents arrive, you may leave. Hope you guys had a great time." Mr. Kelller says to the kids as he wraps his arm around his son's shouder.

Veronica's pov
Once I find my purple suitcase and pick it up, I call my mom to see if she could send someone to come get me at the terminal. Once I click her name it rings a few times with no answer.
| phone call |
"Hi mija" I hear my mom's voice on the other line.
"Hi mom, I just landed and I wanted to ask if you could send Smithers to pick me up." I respond.
"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry I thought you were coming back on Saturday. Smithers and I have gone to New York to work on papers for your father. I'm so sorry Veronica, I thought we could catch you guys in New York. Maybe ask the Andrews for a ride home or stay over, but I love you and hope you had a good time" she says
"I love you too mom, come back soon" I say and end the call.

I look around for Betty and ask others where she went.
"Oh she said her parents were almost here so she went outside" Kevin said. I thanked him and checked out with Mr. Keller, trying to catch the Andrews family.
Luckily Mr and Mrs Andrews just got there.
"Hi Fred and Alice" I say with a smile.
"Oh Veronica, so nice to see you" Fred says as he hugs me.
"What you need kiddo"
"Well my mom and Smithers are in New York for something. I was wondering if I could catch a ride with you guys" I says folding my hands together.
"Oh course you can sweetie, I'm sure Betty and Archie won't mind. Right twins?" Alive says looking at her children.
"Of course she's welcome" Betty smiles hugging me on the side as Archie smirks.

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