Class Trip

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Hey gorls maybe boys, I'm sorry for not updating. Probably no one reads this story but I'm trying

The junior class of riverdale is taking a trip to New York, where they will watch some broadway plays, go to Central Park, etc

Archie's pov
Today is when our class is taking a week long trip to New York. It's the morning of the day we leave and I still haven't packed. I grab my suite case and stick whatever clothes I find. Some shirts lying on the floor, some jeans on my bed.

Someone knocks on my door and Betty comes in. I hear a sigh come from the door "Arch. Are you serious" she stated trying to clean part of my room
"Veronica's gonna be upset" she says and looks at me with her eyebrows up.
"W-what you mean" I ask nervously fumbling with my socks and looking down at my suitcase .
"I'm messing with you, she's basically like a sister to us" Betty says
"yea, yea" I reply having a flashback

"hey, since we have that history project. Wanna go to my house?" Archie asked his girlfriend. "Sure, just let me get my stuff" Veronica said. They walk to his house to find his mom making dinner.
"Hi Archibald, oh and hi Veronica" his mom says with a smile "would you guys like a snack"
"Hey mom, but Veronica and I are gonna work on our history homework" Archie says, leading Veronica to his room. When we got half of the paper we lie on my bed "i enjoy being with you archiekins" she sighs "i really hope betty doesn't walk in" Veronica says. After a while of silence I got the courage to break it. I sit up and start to kiss her softly and start to her jaw. She pushes me away slightly
"Archie, we can't let Betty find out" she say as I get out of my bed to my desk
"why don't you wanna tell Betty"  i say in a low tone.
"It's better for the both of us archibald, we agreed it was a low relationship" she says to me.

I shake my head slightly getting the memory out of whatever i was in. I quickly finish packing and grab a toast from the kitchen. Betty and I put our bags in the car and mom and dad drove us to the airport where we are all meeting. We all step out of the car, with dad taking out our suitecases.
"You two have fun, and look out for each other" dad says as he first brings betty in for a hug and i kiss on the cheek.
"Son, have fun" he says as he engulfs me in a hug, then handing us our bags.
"Have fun my cute little babies" mom says as she hugs Betty and I, kissing our cheeks.
"Ok mom" Betty replys stepping away.
"I'm sorry but my babies are gonna be gone to New York"
We get one last group hug and Betty and I head off.

We get to our terminal and check in our bags. Also checking bags were jughead and kevin.
"Kev!" Betty screams, giving me ear damage. He higs kevin then awkwardly gives jughead a hug.

We all head to our gate, which is gate 50. Our flight is not for another hour and a half, so betty goes off eith Jughead to get some snacks. "Hey betts can you get me a sandwich"
They head off and i more and more people start to arrive. Toni and Cheryl come and join in with Kevin. Josie, sweet pea, Fangs, Moose, Reggie. When Betty and jughead came back I ate as Reggie, moose, and I started to talk.
"So, what about Veronica" moose said facing Reggie. He went on and on about she's was hot and I stayed quiet for about a minute.
"How bout we change the subject" I say interrupting Reggie.
"Who could have guessed Archie li-" Reggie starts as I shut him up so I could hear the boarding announcement
"Could all passengers of flight 420 start lining up at gate 50 to board the plane"

"That's us guys" sheriff Keller says to us, waking up some students and leading us to the door.
"Hey have you guys seen Veronica?" Betty says as she's coming to us
"No I thought she was with-" I get interrupted by music to my ears. I feel a touch on my shoulder and look over
"Not to worry Archikins, just got stopped at security" Veronica says with a smile

We all board the plane and I sit next to Reggie. I fell asleep right away and through the whole flight.

After a while I feel a nudge on my shoulder but I continue to sleep. Then I felt a slap on the face.
"Archie, come on." Reggie says with a blank face. I get up and we all meet outside where the bus would pick us up.

"Archie?" I heard Betty scream in the group.
"You're good right?" She says looking at me.
"Yes, betts. You don't have to check on me every time" I say back in a goofy tone. She pushes my shoulder and continues to walk with jughead.

I try to look for my girlfriend in the crowd of my classmates. My thoughts were pushed aside when I feel a hand graze mine.
"Archie! We made it" Veronica squeals

Veronica pov
I see the tall red head boy and sneak up on him. We get into the bus and we take a seat. Archie and I talk on the way to the hotel. His hands secretly rubbing my knee.

"Ok everyone, you guys decide your room buddies and the only thing is 4 or less to a room." Sheriff Keller says along with other parents that have came to chaperone.

Everyone heads to the elevator, but I pull Archie aside so we could explore the hotel.
He wraps his hand with mine and we head to the small in door garden area near the lobby.
"Ronnie" Archie says as he goes down to give me a quick kiss.

I can feel all the electricity when I am with him. Holding hands, hugging, kissing, but I have to think about my best friend. I've thought about how much Betty talked about Archie and I. Rambles about how she wants to live in an apartment some day and she would find the right guy for me. I thought about it over a few years, but maybe I'm in love with
my best friends brother

"Archie, I hope you know I really like you, but we can't let Betty know just yet" I say sighing looking at the cutest boy I know.
"I know Ronnie, it's weird for the both of us. I just want you to know that I want Betty to know. S-so we don't have to hide our feelings. I really like you to Ron-" I cut him off by attaching my lips to his. His arms wrap around me and my hands wrap around his neck.
During the kiss I hear someone clearing their throat and Archie and I immediately pull apart. "Well well well, Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge" Cheryl says entering the garden.
"Does cousin Betty know, cousin Archie?" She ask
"Cheryl, Veronica and I will tell her" Archie says looking at her
"Or I'll tell your mom you went to a bar in New York" Archie throws at Cheryl.
"Cheryl, I'll love you forever if you keep this between us" I say putting my hands together and smiling as wide as I can.
"This one time, but if I see you again. I can't keep my mouth shut. Toodles"

We both sigh and head up to join everyone at the bus.

I'm back and I sorta like this chapter
I really hope Veggie doesn't stay forever.
Well thank you to anyone who has read this


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