Briunza, Destitutes and Iconoclasts

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In the days of yore, Briunza stood as the grandest kingdom in all of Bangtania, home to the wealthiest denizens known across the realm. But every kingdom harbors a past veiled in history.

Before the Great War, wrought by Aetoria, Briunza was a tranquil domain where people eked out a humble living from farming fruits and vegetables. Theirs was a life sheltered under the wing of King Junmyeon, a monarch of gentle spirit. Ascended to the throne in his youth due to his father's ailment, he ruled with wisdom and grace, beloved by all save for one misstep—he was enamored with Queen Sana.

 Ascended to the throne in his youth due to his father's ailment, he ruled with wisdom and grace, beloved by all save for one misstep—he was enamored with Queen Sana

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Whispers of enchantments and potions surrounded Queen Sana, despised by her subjects for her lavish tastes and disdain for the less fortunate. Nonetheless, King Junmyeon lavished upon her all his heart's desires. From their union came Jeon Jungkook, the kingdom's heir, and with his birth, a shift befell Briunza.

Queen Sana, fearing for their child's safety, persuaded King Junmyeon to erect walls segregating the royalty from the common folk. Thus began a series of edicts favoring the queen's whims. The people who once thrived in Briunza were forsaken, unable to approach the royal court, their needs secondary to the queen's desires.

During the Great War, Briunza found itself torn between Aetoria, bent on conquest, and Flousima, resolute against such dominion. King Junmyeon leaned towards Flousima, but Queen Sana gravitated to Aetoria, sowing discord within the kingdom.

Ultimately, Briunza became a vassal of Aetoria, shattering the king's spirit. His subjects perished in battles fueled by misplaced allegiance. After the war, Briunza faced ignominy and ruin.

King Junmyeon, embittered and detached, withdrew from his people, drowning his sorrow in spirits. Queen Sana, desperate for redemption, sought refuge with Flousima, weaving lies to beg clemency. Great King Baekhyun, beholden to a debt of brotherhood, spared them but left Briunza to rebuild from naught.

Under Queen Sana's hand, Briunza rose anew, enlisting wealthy commoners in exchange for land and support. A Ministry was established to regulate wealth, bestowing privilege on the affluent while branding the impoverished as "Destitutes."

This injustice bred dissent, met with ruthless suppression by the Iconoclasts—loyal enforcers of the Ministry. The Destitutes rebelled, but their resistance was quelled by arms and subjugation. Over time, the prince ascended as king, presiding over an affluent realm where the destitute languished or perished.

Thus, the legacy of Briunza echoed through time, a tale of wealth and power entwined with betrayal and oppression.

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