IV: Aichmálotos

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Briunza (Palace)

King Jungkook stumbled into the palace, slightly intoxicated from his drink, much to the concern of his mother, Queen Sana, who was taken aback by her son's unsteady demeanor.

"My word, Jungkook, what has happened to you? And why are you back so early? I thought you had an important gathering of the Kings," the Queen inquired, her voice laced with worry.

"No problem, Mother. They didn't want me there anyway. So, I decided to have some fun and pour myself a few drinks, like I always do," slurred the drunken King, his words met with muted acceptance from those around. Queen Sana, desiring to retain control over the kingdom, indulged her son with all manner of pleasures. She promptly summoned two slaves—recently acquired from the last Destitute raid.

"You two, escort the King to his chambers. If he desires anything, provide it without complaint. Remember, your families' lives depend on your obedience," the Queen commanded, causing a shiver to run through the slaves. The female hesitated, but her companion urged her forward. Under the escort of a guard, King Jungkook was guided to his chambers, the slaves in tow. The palace staff were all too aware of what awaited the slaves when the King was in such a state; they were often subjected to abuse or worse, all under the influence of the "Mask of True Sheaf," an artifact used by the Queen and her son to manipulate others, safeguarded within the palace. Many young Destitutes were enslaved by the Affluents, with a belief that the younger generation could toil more efficiently. Older slaves were often discarded, some impregnated, and others faced harsh fates attempting to flee. Briunza was adept at concealing these horrors, ensuring no word reached neighboring kingdoms. Despite their plight, the slaves held onto hope for a brighter future.

The King retired to his chambers while Queen Sana was approached by a general from the Iconoclasts.

"My Queen, we have engaged a new Destitute settlement," reported the general.

"Excellent news! Minimize casualties; we need more hands for our labor. Capture the young ones and raze the village," the Queen commanded, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

"My Queen, some of our older slaves have become obsolete. What shall we do with them?" inquired the Queen's guard.

"Dispose of them, along with their families. Leave no trace," replied the Queen coolly, as she savored the view from her balcony, a glass of cocktail in hand.

Mauriva (Library of Magical Envisions)

Hoseok paced the library anxiously, seeking a book that could help locate a mysterious entity. Mages scoured the shelves, until Mage Jihoon's voice rang out, announcing a discovery.

"Sire, I have found a book detailing aura tracking," exclaimed Mage Jihoon.

"Let me see, Mage Jihoon," replied Hoseok, poring over the pages, which described how powerful magic could leave behind traces detectable through specific ingredients and incantations.

"To find the trail of a magic possessor, we'll need Figwort, Asafoetida, Goosegrass juice, and Yerba Santa. Mix them with a specific chant, and the resulting paste will reveal a magical trail," summarized Mage Jihoon.

King Hoseok promptly dispatched mages to gather the necessary ingredients, sending others to seek aid from neighboring kingdoms.

"Thank you, my mages. Keep me informed," said the King, immersed in the possibilities afforded by this newfound knowledge.

Briunza (Hidden Village of the Destitutes)

Chaos reigned as the Iconoclasts descended upon the Hidden Village of the Destitutes. Jonreo desperately clung to Grandma Pommi, urging her to flee.

"Run, Ahjumma!" he pleaded, guiding her through the burning streets, avoiding death at every turn.

Overwhelmed by the carnage, Jonreo knew he couldn't abandon Grandma Pommi. However, she halted, her aged body unable to match the young man's pace.

"Why have you stopped, Ahjumma? We must go!" cried Jonreo, pulling her into a dark alley for safety.

"Leave me, child. I cannot go on," gasped Grandma Pommi, resigned to her fate.

"No, Ahjumma, I will carry you!" insisted Jonreo, tears welling in his eyes.

"You must go on without me, my child. I yearn to join my family in the Beyond," whispered Grandma Pommi, her voice fading.

Heartbroken, Jonreo refused to accept her words, but the reality of their plight loomed larger. Just as despair threatened to overtake them, Jonreo's pendant glowed with an otherworldly light.

"Prince, I can transport Grandma Pommi away from here, but it will drain you," offered a mystical dragon, revealing a plan to save her.

With unwavering resolve, Jonreo channeled his energy into a spell, bidding farewell to Grandma Pommi and casting her to safety.

As the portal closed, Jonreo faced the approaching Iconoclasts, his body weakened but his spirit unyielding.

"Seize the Destitute!" commanded the Iconoclasts, surprised by Jonreo's unexpected power.

The prince defended himself bravely, though his strength waned. Darkness closed in as Jonreo fell unconscious, the fate of the Hidden Village hanging in the balance.

Librina (Royal Library)

King Namjoon delved deeper into the library, seeking answers amidst ancient tomes. Intrigued by a silent artifact, he pondered its connection to recent events.

Lost in thought, the artifact stirred, revealing cryptic words. Hastily, the King and scholars convened, interpreting the enigmatic scripture.

Dawn of debauchery,

Delineated it is,

How much does life cost?

Can it be measured by deed?

Nor measured by decree?

Wealth—what connotation?

From gold to grain,

In the paroxysm of one's smile,

Dead-mine covered by silver leaves,

Step forward, cessation,

Cover the guilt,

With wine and high meat.

Bewildered by the verses, King Namjoon resolved to consult his uncle, the former King of Librina, Kim Jongin—a trusted advisor in times of doubt.

To be continued...

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