Chapter 48: "Blood Traitors"

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The children watch as Tsuki pulls Adorasuta on the stage
"gah!" he exclaims as his pupils widen
"you alright up their adi!!!" Moku laughs
"heh... I forgot Adi has stage fright" Karisuto chuckles
"cmon Adora!!!" Tsuki screams as the music starts playing
"let's help him out" Moku grins grabbing Taiyos hand and pulling him onto the stage
"sounds like fun!" Nomitai says to Suigin as the two pull Karisuto and Chikyu up onto the stage too.

"Moku doesn't look so good" Kinboshi whispers
"idiot" Ten grunts
"forgot all three have stage fright" Meiosei chuckles
"really?!" Nomitai mocks "you three? The most famous three in the outer solar system?"
"I wouldn't say most" Dosei says flicking his hair
"shut up" ten grunts
"UGH!" Ten groans ready to swing at him.

After mocking the Yukis for their stage fright they walked to one of Jupiters parks and watched the sun set.
"that was pathetic" Dosei mutters "you can't have an ice cream stand which doesn't do Neapolitan?!"
"because most Jovians are allergic to strawberry" Ten says
"whoa! There's a brain in there somewhere!" Dosei mocks
"What was that!?" she growls
"nothing" Dosei replies going high pitched
"oh really!?"
"they don't have strawberry" Kinboshi wines from behind them staring at his raspberry flavour
"sorry... I mean we do have different flavours from other Planets but raspberry, chocolate, vanilla and mint are the most classic ones" she pauses before sighing "and. Most expensive"
"whys that?" Chikyu asks
"because all but chocolate have been ported from the inner Planets due to the temperature and ground here"
"why not chocolate?" Suigin asks curiously
"I'm pretty sure it's because we have cirtain facilities to grow them"
"but they're expensive to run" Karisuto mumbles finishing off his cone
"and having access to chocolate is known as a luxury product here" Adora adds
"good job we're all rich!" Tsuki laughs
"TSUKI!" They all pretty much yell at her
"What!? I was just kidding".

There was a short silence before a voice interrupted it,
"ah yes! Should have know you are all royalty!" the children turn around to see a tall boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes stood towering over them "shoulda poisoned you while I had the chance!"
"well that's not very nice!" Suigin scolds him "you shouldn't speak with such disrespect to others!"
"Suigin don't..." Moku mutters
"I'll talk how I want you stuck up-"
"finish that sentence, I dare you!" Ten growls
"ah you must know exactly what I was going to say"
"what, what was he going to-"
"how about you run along!" Moku interrupts, she stands but her still looks down on her
"how about you make me, blood traitor!" he scowls
"WHAT DID YOU CALL HER!" Ten suddenly screams
"ten don't!" Meiosei and Terra exclaim
"what's going on?!" Kinboshi squeaks
"Half breed bitch" he growls spitting in her face and pushing past them
"Moku!" Taiyo exclaims "what was that about!" he yells at the boy.

The Jovian turns around and walks up to Taiyo,
"how about you keep your nose out Sunny boy and go run back to the land of light with mummy, you-"

Ten swings at the boy creating a series of apptention from bi-passers
"ten!" they all yell as they and the Jovian Guards try to pull a raging Uranus Princess away from a broken nosed boy
"YOU SON OF A-" she screams before stopping and punching a wall "what a twat" she grunts.

"perhaps you should go back to the castles, your royal highnesses" one of the guards say
"like I'm gonna take orders from-" ten argues before Terra grabs her hand and pulls her away
"he's right"

The children all sit in Mokus room in a circle waiting for someone to bring up a topic...

"so..." Nomitai finally says "what about a game of Truth or Dare?"
"sounds fun!" Tsuki exclaims clapping her hands
"agreed!" Kinboshi squeals
"Well that's, that decided!" Meiosei chuckles "let's play!"

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