Chapter 64: The Final Survivor

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Terras eyes flicker open to see Gemini staring down at her. She opens her mouth to say something but he puts a finger on his lips.
"don't make a sound I'm trying to help you" he whispers
"why" she replies back
"I turned on the Ecliptic Zodiac and I want to help... I know it's not believable but you have to trust me if you want to get back home alive..." he looks at her "Chikyus sealed the exit... There's no way you can go back and help fight without being seen... Everyone thinks you're dead... You need to leave... And don't take anyone with you!" he tells her handing her a parchment "that's how you rewire the teleporter... My oldest destroyed that after the deaths of the zodiac but in order to get back you need to rewire it"
"right..." she manages to breathe
"Go! The Fight in there won't last long..."
"WE WON!" The sound of Tsuki voice fills the castle
"TSU-" Terra starts before gemini puts a dirty hand on her mouth
"don't... These kids are older than you and your cousins. There is no way that-" there were two thuds on the floor "refer to me as Hypnos infront of the Gods. They'll understand... good luck... This is my cue" he smiles slightly and gets up as the doorways block disappears and walks in.
"what a sneak!" she whispers to herself before getting up and quietly limping through the corridors.

Terra took the route she knew... The route where the dead bodies of those she labelled friends and family... Those who showed her a new side of life... Those who made her laugh to the brink of tears... Those who are now lifeless on the the cold damp floor as she stumbles past them to get home.
She makes her way through the hallways hiding in corners as guards pass by. She tries to keep her heavy breathing under control to stop her from being spotted.
"cmon Terra..." she'd keep whispering to herself to give her some form of comfort as if someone was with her.

After she passes the first stage. The room they were first in. Tears stream down terras face as she reaches the end of the room
"I can't believe they're all dead... All of my friends... Family... I'm cursed... I really am... Pull it together Terra... You need to get out of here!" she whispers staring at wall avoiding looking at the first two to go down. She looks out the window and sees the teleporter making a sterdy staircase of vines to the teleporter and making it dissappear as soon as she finishes walking on it.

Once she reaches the bottom Terra takes out the paper Gemini gave her and starts pulling at the wire and metal of the rusting teleporter. There was a small explosion after 10 minutes of rewiring and the teleporter activates.
"okay... If I wrap the vine round the wire and pull at it once I've started teleporting that should work right?... No there's no point anyway... Moku told me that he blocked the teleporters access to rest of the solar system... If the Prince destroyed it then he'll do so after me... " terras eye catches a piece of writing on the back of the paper 'this will only work once! Then it will automatically dismantle again'
" that saves time... " she sighs reading out loud she looks at it" this better work" and with that she falls into the teleporter hearing a male voice which belonged to the Prince from behind her
"HEY! THERE'S A SURVIVOR DON'T LET HER LEAVE!". Terra closes her eyes and thinks 'Jupiter's Castle... Go to Jupiters Castle' she repeats this accidentally saying it out loud. She hears a breeze and the sudden shouts of a familiar voice
"KARISUTO! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER" she opens her eyes to see the grand castle of Jupiter stood infront of her. She grabs the side of the teleporter and pulls herself up before stumbling over
"what was that!?"
"It's Terra!" a voice yells
"TERRA!" Karisutos voice screams followed by his heavy clumsy footsteps grabbing her and hugging her "oh my zodiac oh my zodiac" he kept repeating this while crying and tightly hugging her. She hugs him back sobbing.
"Terra!" adoras once happy, bubbley and soft voice exclaims now sounding strained and hoarse. He gets to his knees and hugs his brother and her joining them with tears
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" Terra kept saying to them
"it's not your fault" Adora finally says "please don't be sorry"
"but your sister-"
"We know" Kari says his voice sounding dry and strained
"Can't you see we're in the middle of somthing?!" Karisuto snaps at him revealing Terras tear stained face. Zeus just stares at the three
"I'll go call the other gods" he mutters
"we'll be in the hospital wings" Adora says as Karisuto pick Terra up
"hey I can walk!" she finally says without tears
"don't kid yourself! You've been through a lot and you couldn't even walk through the teleporter... I'm carrying you!" Terra stays silent.
"I'll go tell the others that we'll be helping Terra" Adora says before walking off and Zeus doing so the opposite direction.

"GUAH!" Terra shouts in pain as the nurse rubs an ointment in her wound
"not long now m'am" the nurse says as Terra squeezes Adoras arm
"aaaaaaaaah" she screams in pain
"there you go miss... Your majesty's take care of her, you know what to do" the nurse says
"right" Karisuto says applying a cold wet dressing to her wounds
"TERRA!" A voice says as the nurse walks away
"huh?" she says with a weak tone. In came a worried looking Giea
"Terra oh my zodiac I'm so-" she starts before noticing her eldest child's mark upon her nieces forehead "Chikyu..." she whispers
"I'm so sorry" Terra says
"Giea why you leave so-" Tsukiyomi exclaims panting before noticing Terra "a survivor..." he breathes walking in followed by the other gods
"no this is a bad idea..." Karisuto mutters "she needs room to breathe! Back off a bit" Adora gets up and walks to the window leaving room for the king and queen of the Earth and Moon
"are they... Is this real?" Aphrodite says looking at the other gods worriedly
"yeah..." Terra whispers "I... I saw them all..." she looks down at her hands which were bandaged up "they have rulers"
"what?" they all say in unison
"the Queen?" Ares said
"no... A Prince and Princess"
"she has children? She kept that quiet!" Hades exclaims
"who with?" Karisuto asks
"... You wouldn't believe me"
"Terra... We will" Adora says handing her a drink of Berry tea and a blanket
"Hyp-nos... Hypnos Batsu" there was a long silence before Giea slaps her hands to her mouth

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