Chapter 34: Let TenErra at him

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"LEMME AT THE BASTARD!" Terra screams kicking her feet about uncontrollably
"Not a chance" Dosei yells helping chikyū hold her back

Meiosei looks at Terra noticing how her eyes were flashing from her light gray to a dark hazel brown and back again with her anger
"LET GO OF ME!" she screams kicking Dosei in the shin causing him to fall back into Chikyū making them both let go.
"Terra! She's fine!" Kaiousei yells as Ten stumbles to the scene.

Silence surrounded all the children wondering what would happen,
"So whats going on now?" Suigin asks closely walking behind Ten seeing a furious Terra an annoyed Chikyū and an in pain Dosei. Nobody answered and just waited for either Ten or Terra to make a move
"Terra..." Ten mutters at the girl who was now crying
"I dont care... I'll kill him"
"Dont... Terra you wouldn't kill your old man would you?" The figure said
"Wait... What?" Dosei exclaims
"Y-your not my old man!" Terra growls jumping at him but Ten grabbing her before anything could happen there was a flash of light leading a trail into the castle

"we'll check that out!" Suigin said pulling Chikyu away
"I'm coming too!" Tsuki said jumping to their side with Meiosei walking to them before the four ran into the castle.
Kaiousei and kinboshi exchanged glances before another flash appeared
"Suspiscious" Dosei said "I'll go..."
"Not alone you wont!" Moku said "You guys go with him" pointing to the trail leading into the forest
"There again?" Kaiousei wined
"GO!" Ten just growled holding terra back still making the tree chase the trail.

Moku, Ten, Terra and Taiyo stood staring at the guy

"ouch" Taiyo winces holding onto his head again
"are you okay?" Moku asks
"Take him away" Ten mumbles at moku
"But you-"
"Just do it Moku!" Moku is about to argue back but instantly shuts her mouth and leads Taiyo into the castle
"Dont do anything stupid..." she mumbles.

"LEMME AT HIM!" Terra yells out again
"Terra sweetie-"
"IM  NOT YOUR SWEETIE! YOU LIED TO ME!" Ten listens to the argument

"I am just urged to let her go at you... But what kinda person would I be if i did that?" she finally speaks up
"oh yeah!" the man snorts "arnt you the one who destroyed that festival a bit back?" Ten looked slightly taken back before shaking her head
"I was involved yes but i didnt do the destroying" Ten smiled slightly then letting go of terra who doesnt move she just stands there
"Y-you let go?" she stammers
"yeah... see Moku said that she wouldnt let anyone kill another due tothe past, but then again he took the lives of your parents correct?" Terra slightly nods scowling "and I'd want to do the same if i ever saw the person who killed my mum... and im pretty sure Mokusei would do the same after seeing what she saw so go for it terra... but this stays between us" Terra looks blankly at ten as the man saw his chance to escape running in towards the castle.

Ten sees this instantly bolting towards the man throwing him onto the floor pinning him to the floor,
"Just like your mother agile as always... almost as dead as her too! the masters comeing! THE MASTER IS HERE!" he laughs and with that comment ten punches him in the face
"HOW DARE YOU!" she throws another punch "TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER"  again "LIKE THAT!" she keeps hitting him with tears in her eyes and panting as she throws them " I'LL KILL YOU!... MY MOTHER IS NOT... COMPLETELY DEAD!... HOW DARE YOU... HOW DARE YOU!... how dare you..." she stopps for a second hanging her head and crying before screaming " HOW DARE YOU! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" she throws a final punch but doesnt hit his face she misses and punches him in the throat instantly killing him.

Ten looks at the old man covered in blood still crying  and realises what shes just done
"TEN!" Terra calls running to her
"STAY BACK!" she yells hideing her face sobbing "im a monster"
"No your not!" Terra walks upto ten and hugs her from behind "You're not a monster... never call yourself that"
"Terra i killed him" she continues
"ten..." Terra starts moving so she is face to face with ten "Thank you"
"For what-" Ten starts before Terra kisses her.

They break from the kiss and Ten looks shocked at terra
"I-" Terra started before there was a loud ear peircing scream from the castle.

The organs music played echoing off the walls as thousands of people waited crying in black. The gods and young princesses and princes stood sobbing over the 11 coffins of the zodiac,
"I cant beleive it..." Meiosei whispers placing a flower wreith on her mothers grave "You cant leave me mummy... please" she cries. She looks over the row of coffins seeing the 11 families stood by them. The rain starts to fall on the roof of the grand house of the zodiac.

"this is all your fault!" an old woman screamed at Zeus who hadnt shed a tear but hideing his face "If you hadnt left her to her live a normal life she wouldnt be dead!"
"Nanna please..." One two young kids said as his little sister tugged at the old womans dress "Its not dads fault"
"You kids know nothing! your mother lived an amazing life before this man arrived"
"Quiet old woman" Zeus muttered turning away and walking off,
"Dad!" The little girl finally called shocking the boy slightly
"He wont listen..." the old lady said hugging the two children
"he doesnt understand..." The boy said looking at his sobbing sister "He hasnt spoken to us since the incident... neither has she..."

Tsuki and Chikyu stood there looking at their aunts and uncles coffins
"mummy... wheres cruthine?" Tsuki askes before her mother suddenly brakes down into tears
"Oh my... what have i done" she falls to her knees and sobs over her brothers coffin as her husband wrapps his arms around her.

Suigin and her father arrange the fowers over virgos coffin as they were crying trying to ignore the Yúkis family argument
"Mommy isnt comeing back is she?" she quietly asks her dad
"I'm sorry sweetheart no she isnt this time" her cries stroking his daughters hair
"will we ever see her again?"
"Maybe... but not anytime soon" he cries hugging his sobbing daughter.

"Why cant you accept it ten?" The Uraniun king says to his daughter
"Mummy isnt dead!"
"Yes she is!"
"No! she isnt! This is a fraud!" the young Princess screams.
"Will you stop it ten and face the facts!" Dosei sobs at her, ten went silent and fell to her knees looking at her mothers coffin.

Kaiousei looks around and exchanges glances with Meiosei
"There are only 11?... and wheres Nomitai?" he asks her as she walks over to him leaving their parents talking
"11?" she recounts them "Gemini... " she mutters "and Nomitai wasnt at the ceremony either?" kaiousei looks down
"How heartless can you get?" he mumbles suddenly tearing up and whipeing the tears away "Even the twins turned up and theyre only 3!"
"Nomitai has only just turned 5 though... dont you think its abit odd?" Kaiousei nodded
"How could they not find cruthine either? shes gone completely missing..."
"She was such a sweet girl too"
"Well i doubt we'll be seeing the inners for a while now... it was the Zodiac that brought us together... I cant beleive theyre gone" Meiosei sobbs as Kaiousei hugs her crying too.

(okay so i hate doing A/Ns in regular chapters so i just want to say that the end bit here isnt going to be 100% accurate with the story I just need to start putting the puzzle together through the story so i might just start adding these filler flash backs to help guide the story line but tell me what you think and if i've left anything out because I cant remeber and Autors see their books from a different perspective than the readers so i would appreciate the help. Please and thankyou)

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