Chapter 50 : Race Of The Children

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"so what event is on for today!?" Tsuki asks pulling at Adoras arm
"urm, should be some athletic competition for a guess... We usually do that when it comes to festivals" he carefully replies
"like running?!" Tsuki asks grinning
"yeah? Why dyou wanna enter?"
"Hell yeah!" Tsuki screams fist pumping the sky
"good luck with that" Karisuto bluntly responds from behind
"Kari don't be a jerk" Moku scolds hitting the back of his head lightly
"what?! She'll be up against aload of Jovians they'll play dirty!"
"then I'll play dirty... I'll leave them in the dirt!" Tsuki positively replies
"how? We're on gas?" Karisuto opposes
"oh shut up Kari" Adora argues.

"there it is, there it is!!!" Tsuki yells jumping up and down pointing at a massive plot of land surrounded by Jovians "whoa!... They're huge"
"well you're on Jupiter?" Moku says unsure about Tsukis surprise
"not the land... The people!". Tsuki looks up at them all, I'm tiny compared to you lot! "
" here's a fun fact for you Tsuki" Karisuto smiles picking the girl up like a puppy and placing her on his brothers shoulders "Moku is seen as short on her own planet... She is six foot unlike most other girls of her age who are six foot seven"
"whoa! Mokus a midget like me!" Tsuki screams making moku lower her head as people look over at the four
"I wouldn't scream the too loud" Meiosei smiles from behind
"huh why?"
"remember yesterday's big scene?" Kaiousei asks. Tsuki nods still confused as the name 'blood traitor' flashes into her memory
"the people here don't like me because I have an Earthen mother... The call me a blood traitor due to my birth of half Jovian half Earthen..." she looks down and mumbles at the floor under her breath "wait till they find out about Taiyo and I..."
"so why don't they hate you guys?" Chikyu points out Adora and Karisuto
"because we're male... And the children of two gods of our planet. Like you and Tsuki" Adora replies
"wait so you're telling me that your people hate you for somthing you can't help?" Suigin exclaims
"they don't hate you guys though... Because you're not they're future King or Queen" Moku mumbles "but yes"
"what was that!? Pretty princess over here doesn't seem to like the way things work!" one of the Jovian town boys says catching the attention on the other boys
"excuse me but can you back off please" Karisuto steps in walking in-between Suigin and the seven foot boy,
"awe the pwincy is doing the woman's work for her" the boy snaps at Karisuto. Suigin suddenly scowls at him,
"excuse me!? Nobody asked for your input! If you don't mind, can you walk away and keep your criticism to yourself or you'll be finding yourself in a difficult situation!" she snaps shutting him down
"well! Maybe all princesses have an attitude? Perhaps you could add that spice to the cooking pots" his friend smirks
"say that again I dare you!" Nomitai scowls from behind the boys with fire surrounding her hands
"huh now we have some fire to help coo-" suddenly Terra fist makes contact with the boys face
"HOW ABOUT YOU COOK YOUR OWN FOOD, JERK!" she screams as the rulers stand mouth opened at Terras movement "well, I assumed that you can't hurt them no matter what you do to them and as I'm still classed as an Earthen citizen and not a Princess I stuck them in their place". There was a long silence
"how do you live like this?" Nomitai grimaces
"we just ignore it" Adora replies
"but they're so rude and im-"
"we know" Moku mutters "I'm sorry you were treated like that..." she looks up at them "I'll try get somthing sorted but I'm afraid I can't help how my people are-"
"there are very few Jovians like those three" Meiosei smiles politely "most Jovians are mean, brutal and believe they're superior to any other planet."
"Everything is a competition and they will be incredibly violent to get what they want." Kaiousei continues
"Stubbornness is a key feature" Dosei starts
"is there somthing wrong with being stubborn?" Moku cuts in
"shit... I forgot... Whoops no I didn't, I just don't care"
"why you little-"
"Mokusei !" Zeus scolds her from afar
"yes father" she smiles turning around acting as if she and Zeus had a perfect father daughter relationship
"how about you get your friends to race one another?" he calls out tossing a coin at her.

Moku catches it with one hand and looks up at Tsuki,
"you can race us instead?"
"YAY!" She screams throwing her hands in the air causing Adora to stumble backwards
"whoa!" he exclaims falling grabbing Tsuki quickly and holding her in the air as he falls on the floor
"What the zodiac just happened?" she asks confused why Adora was holding her in the air above him
"please move... This is incredibly awkward" he mumbles the last bit with his eyes closed shut and his face tilted away
"oh yeah!" Tsuki laughs getting up then helping him up oblivious to what was happening "let's run!!!"
"yeah..." he breathes hiding his face slightly.

"take your marks" the woman at the line says to Tsuki, Adora, Karisuto, Nomitai, Ten and Kinboshi.
"who do you think will win?" Suigin asks curiously
"Kinboshi probably doesn't care... He's just going to do it for the fun of it" Chikyu chuckles
"Nomitai and Ten are just as competitive as each other so they're in it for competition... Ten will win outta the two of them" Terra evaluates
"as the Mokus brothers?" Kaiousei laughs "they're both highly trained royal guard officers... They'll be at eachothers necks"
"they're both able to run fast enough to catch up with Moku when she runs-" Dosei starts
"I didn't know you ran Moku?" Taiyo smiles
"no... I'm athletic... I have high stamina thanks to my inability to stand still" She smiles back
"get set!" the lady screams again
"it will be between Kari, Adi and Ten for a guess" Meiosei chuckles
"Tsukis rather quick though" Chikyu intercepts
"yes but she'll be held back in speed due to the gravity" Moku points out
"that puts ten at an advantage then" Suigin declares
"GO!" The woman screams as five of the children sprint forward and Kinboshi skips behind.
"GO TSUKI! GO Nomitai! GO ON KINBOSHI RUN! " The inners scream along with their people who came for the festivities as for the outers cheer for Karisuto, Adorasuta and Ten.

" Princess Nomitai falls behind as the Jovian brothers, Princess Ten-"
"DONT CALL ME A PRINCESS!" Ten screams while running
"sorry miss... Ten'no sei... and Tsuki go head to head... The moon princess starts falling behind"
"GO ON TSUKI DONT LET THE OUTERS SHOW YOU UP!" Nomitai yells from behind
"go Tsuki!" Kinboshi cheers still skipping.

"the three outers are neck and neck! Who will win the Princess or the-"
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME A FUCKING PRINCESS YOU SON OF A-" Ten screams before noticing Karisuto increase his speed and dash of I front of her and Adora "OI GET YOUR JOVIAN ARSE BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!"
"ahaha he's showing you up Princess" Adora mocks making ten scream

"she takes this far too seriously" Terra sighs
"I really wasn't expecting that comment out of Adora..." Dosei laughs
"Adi is usually quicker than Kari... Whats-"
"Tsuki" Suigin interrupts Moku "he's being a gentleman and letting her beat him"
"aweeee" Meiosei smiles "I'm glad he's more like his mother"
"as am I" Moku chuckles

"I won!" Kinboshi squeals dancing around
"HOW COULD I LOOSE TO YOU!" Ten yells before Terra pulls her away,
"now... Come on ten... We'll be back" she smiles.
"that was close!" Tsuki giggles "let's go again"
"let's not" Nomitai pants
"looks like someones abit tired there" Karisuto mocks
"oh can it you!" she snaps back
"did he just?... Try to flirt?" Kinboshi asks the other inners "LOVE! IT'S BEEN SHIPPED!" He squeals before noticing a stall with candyfloss "ooooh pink!" he grabs Taiyos wrist and pulls him too it "I'll pay you back later!" he giggles

"oh damn it!" Moku suddenly exclaims
"What is it?" Dosei asks
"look who it is!"
"who?" Suigin asks moving her eyes from the boys to Moku and Dosei. She follows their gaze to a boy
"isn't that-" Kaiousei starts before the two Yuki boys run over to him
"Unburieru!" Karisuto exclaims
"blimey it's been a while!!!" Adora laughs
"yeah..." the boy replies.

"Unburieru?" Tsuki and Chikyu ask in unison
"Unburieru is Tens younger brother. He's the Prince of Uranus' moon Umbriel" Meiosei informs them
"he's the one Moku dared Ten to do the chicken dare in front of correct?" Suigin asks
"that is correct" Moku smirks "but ten isn't here..."
"we all know you'll find a way Moku" Dosei sniggers
"so why are Karisuto and Adora so close to him... He doesn't seem very much like either of them?" Nomitai asks
"Unburieru used to be apart of the Royal Guard and he, Kari and Adi used to be sent on missions together until he dropped out because a rumour... Which was most likely true" Moku smiles
"what was the rumour?" Taiyo asks with Kinboshi now on his shoulders eating
"He was going to kicked out due to his Sadistic and rude behaviour... He was a so called threat to the Royal Guards name" Kaiousei states
"its not very Prince like to be fired from the Royal Guard because he's doing the exact opposite they need for a king... It was a smart choice but he shouldn't have done that in the first place" Meiosei lowers her voice as she says it noticing that Adora and Karisuto point over in their direction.

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