Chapter 52: Morning Mischief

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"Moku! Wake up!" Tsuki yells shaking the not so sleeping princess
"eh..." she grumbles sitting up with a massive bed head
"holy sh-" Nomitai exclaims "what the hell happend to you?!"
"cmon! We need to go and get ready for the ball!" Tsuki yells again
"no need to yell Tsuki" Suigin sighs sitting up with her thick blanket round her shoulders keeping her warm
"the ball isn't for another four hours" Ten groans turning over
"exactly! We need to change and be ready to meet people!" Meiosei smiles
"she unlike you lot doesn't snore or roll around a lot" Suigin sighs
"I DON'T SNORE!" Ten growls
"ten shut up" Terra says walking out of Mokus bathroom
"now let's go wake the boys!" Tsuki squeals dancing on the spot pulling moku onto the floor
"KYA!" - THUD!
"sorry..." She smiles at the heap of Moku on the floor
"too... Damn... Early" she mutters before getting up, grabbing a brush and pathetically brushes her hair resulting in a slightly more tamed hair.

"GOOD MORNING!" Tsuki sings throwing the boys room door open
"please stop screaming, Kaiousei complains hanging upside down off the bed rubbing his eyes
" just get changed... " Nomitai says pulling Tsuki away
" OI YOU CAN'T JUST-" Dosei starts
" STOP SCREAMING! " Moku yells with her eyes covered by her hands
" what's up with her?" Kinboshi laughs
"either it's too early in the morning..." Karisuto starts
"or she doesn't like the idea of boys in their pyjamas" Adora mutters
"what dyou mean?" Chikyu asks laughing
"she's the most pathetic female you'll ever meet" Kaiousei laughs
"Just get changed!" Terra sighs pushing the girls away and shutting the door.

"okay!" Suigin breathes opening a giant bag on the floor
"what's in there? A dead body?" Ten jokes
"it'll be yours if you don't let me talk" Suigin replies without an expression on her face.  There was a short silence before Suigin smiles and continues clapping her hands together "here are your dresses" she smiles gently handing them out to the girls "you too Terra!" she grins before noticing tens look of horror at her dress.
"it's even girlier than Meioseis" Tsuki chuckles
"it's... Got... Pink. on. it"
"it's gay though?" Terra smiles admiring the dress
"Gay?" ten suddenly smirks "I like"
"wow Suigin these are amazing!" Moku smiles in awe "I suppose we should start changing?"
"YEP!" Ten yells.

The boys sit in silence listening to the conversations the girls are having and looking confused
"why are they so weird?" Kinboshi giggles
"I don't think it's all of them..." Chikyu sighs
"I dunno?" Adora laughs getting up and handing the suits to the boys
"well Meiosei and Suigin aren't as bad as the-" Dosei starts
"did you just hear Suigin?" Karisuto laughs "she just gave ten a death threat"
"that's a first" Unburieru mutters making Adora jump
"GUAH! Where in the name of the Zodiac did you come from?!"
"well if you want me to go-"
"NO! Not what I meant" Adora laughs uncomfortably
"wait!" Dosei exclaims with his ear pinned against the door
"isn't that a bit weird?" Taiyo asks
"no... I'm just listening to their conversations"
"that's kinda perverted" Chikyu sighs
"nobody asked you!?" Dosei growls
"nobody asked you perv on the girls" Chikyu fires back
"wait tens wearing pink?!" Dosei laughs. There was a loud snort from Unburierus side of the room but when they looked over at him he was silently staring at Dosei.

After an hour all the children are ready to head down into the ball room.

The guests have all been greeted and the children are lined up with the gods as Zeus and Moku welcome everyone.
"Welcome!" Zeus booms "to the Zodiac Festivals Grand Ball!"
"As you should all know Jupiter is well known for its Grand Balls that we throw. Father and I are very proud to present the Festival on our Planet and hope you've enjoyed it!" Moku continues
"the Zodiac enjoyed dance and took part in a lot of the balls thrown here-"
"and now we're hoping to bring they're spirits back to life tonight!"
"are they arguing?" Suigin asks a concerned looking Karisuto
"it appears they are yes"
"give me a second..." Adora mumbles to Tsuki before walking in front of Moku and Zeus "LET THE BALL BEGIN!" He smiles shooting a party popper at the croud and Tsuki throws herself of the stage
"Does that mean food?!" she yells
"here we go..." Giea sighs
"just leave her too it honey" Tsukiyomi smiles putting an arm around his wife's back and walking her off too the gardens.
Music starts to surround Jupiter's Castle
"wait so lemme get this straight..." one of the Lords says to Moku and Suigin who were trying to explain the Zodiac Celebrations to him and his wife "there are twelve hours of this ball... Yes?"
"mm hmm" Moku nods
"and twelve Zodiac"
"yep" Suigin smiles
"don't you think that's coincidental?!" his wife exclaims. Moku and Suigin exchange glances wondering what to do next
"Well... Each hour plays music for each zodiac... Twelve hours... Twelve zodiac... And an hour per song that they like" Suigin explains
"oh I see... So tell me more about the Zodiac?" he replies making the girls laugh awkwardly
"they were top soldiers in the Royal guard" Meiosei smiles
"oh really?"
"yes they were lead by Duchess Leo... Or as some others know her as Lady Leo"
"oh? Did you know that King Zeus married one of the Zodiac? "
"Yeah all of the gods such as Appollo, Zeus, Hades and Helios married Zodiac " Suigin smiles
"but they're daughter is very much like Zeus you know"
"oh I'm sure she would appreciate that complement" Moku sarcastically smiles
"oh Moku... You look dehydrated... Let's go get a drink" Suigin suddenly blurts pushing Moku off towards the Bar room
"how damn rude" Moku growls "I can't believe-"
"just leave it" Suigin sighs.
"thank goodness that's over though" Moku laughs ordering a drink.

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