Chapter 32: Terra and Princess Cruthene

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"I love you sweetie" the woman smiles with the man beside her.
"Mamma!" Terra exclaims reaching out to hug her mothers nose giggling
"Oh Cruthine you really are adorable" she smiles at her holding her daughters hand
"She looks so much like you Cancer dear" Taurus smiles at his wife kissing her fore head making her smile back at him before there was a loud laugh in the hall way
"Come out Royal scum" the male voice calls out with a sence of humour and evil.
"Your majesty's... Please run" one guard runs in and whispers holding his sword at the door.
"Run away Cancer... Protect Cruthene" Taurus says straightning his uniform
"Not a chance you have a moon to rule over!" Cancer says standing up picking Terra up putting her in a tight grip
"Mamma whats wrong?" Terra asks before a man runs in killing the guard
"Don't look Cruthene" cancer covers Terras eyes
"Cancer go!" Taurus yells at his wife as the man pulls out two crystals.
"Now. Now... These are for both of you" he grins looking at the King and Queen then looking at the young Princess Cruthene "awwwe you have me a parting gift how cute" he laughs
"Don't you lay a finger on her!" Taurus yells as a white magic surrounds him
"Lets make this quick... for Terras sake" The man says
"Her name is Cruthene!" Cancer fires as a red magic surrounds her in protection
"Oh no i dont think you understand!... You will bith be dead by the end of this... Ill take sweet little Cruthene in as my own... But shell be called Terra... after the spell used to kill her parents
"Your sick! CANCER FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS WILL YOU LEAVE! GO TO EARTH GET GEIA AND PFOTECT CRUTHENE!" Taurus says before fireing a shot at the man who quickly dodges suddenly grabbing yhe guards sword and thrusting it through his stomache pushing him into the wall
"TAURUS!" Cancer screams crying
"Dadda..." Cruthene cries watching as the man as he slowly kills her father. Cancer puts Terra down into her crib and runs at the man with her sword and slices his back open causing Taurus to drop to the floor and lay there paralised, choking in his own blood
"Lets get rid of that easy agility you have there little lady" the man says before cutting deep at her feet causing her to fall to the floor and scream out in pure agony as her sword peirce's her chest open and appears out her back while blood drenches her uniform
"Mummy!" Cruthene wails in her crib as the man stabs her mother with the black crystal laughing
"Pathetic! You call yourselves Zodiac Warriors! Pitiful!" His words drowned by thr screams of the Queen which are cut short as her body drops and stops moving.
"Dead..." The man frowns "what a shame... I was enjoying that!" He looks over at Taurus who was crying and choking in his own blood
"Cmon... Paralysed?!" He exclaims  "how dyou expect me to have fun when hes like this!?" He yells out pulling the sword out of cancer and shoving it into Taurus's shoulders twisting it and playfully movig it about slightly making him scream and choke some more
"There we go... Shoulders and upwards i see... Not to difficult then" he crouches down beside the king. He kisses the crystal, rising it above his own head "cmon Terra do daddy proud" he mutters and stabs it into the mans neck instantly killing him.

The wails of the young Princess Cruthene drowns the castle as the man picks her up
"Now come, come Terra... Smile for daddy" and with that he walks out with the girl

"MUM!" Terra screams shooting up sweating and crying "im home" she pants before sobbing into her hands.

"As if this day can't get any worse!" She mutters putting her dress on and walking downstairs to see her dad sat at the table. She looks at him closely, she lets out a loud gasp catching his attention before she quickly laughs
"Thought that would get your attention... Im off into town today to help out with thd market" she lies
"Okay sweetie" he smiles back "shut the door behind you this time Terra"

"Okay, Bye dad" Terra smiled waving her dad good bye before walking out of her House shutting the door behind her.

"Today's the day Terra" she smiles changing her thought track, blushing slightly walking towards the castle of Earth wondering what will happen.
"The hill is so steep!" She complains flicking her sandy coloured hair out of her face as the wind catches it.

"Whats would she see in someone like me?... Im just some peasant... Though if that dream was really real and i am the lost princess... I could- TERRA!" she yells makimg her chuckles yo herself then suddenly spots something move behind her 'crap im being followed' she thinks she then turns to walk into a crouded area 'i could loose um that way... But i cant risk bringing them into the castle... Especially as itll be buisy with the final night of the outers staying on earth...' Her smile slightly fades " which is why i need to tell her".

She turns around to realise she's lost in the croud.
"Now i scram!" She exclaims to herself bolting towards the castle

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