Chapter 60: The Power Of Cruthene

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DOSEI!" A voice shrieks from the other room behind them "OH MY ZODIAC DOSEI! NO!" there was silence before the sound of a body hitting the floor...
"Meiosei..." Terra whispers in shock after witnessing the girl who helped to tutor her about Royalty and taught her for a short time, thrust a sword through her body and fall upon that of a lover.
"Mei- WHO ELSE IS DEAD!?" Ten screams
"Well by the looks of it" Gemini starts looking round the corner of the art way which shows the dead bodies of Kinboshi, Kaiousei, Meiosei and Dosei "all of those who are back here"
"Moku and Taiyo too?" Terra whispers and Gemini grins
"y-you... YOU KILLED THEM!?" Ten stutters
"Well only Sagittarius' daughter... Leo's was killed by-" he starts before the chest plate of the armour gets thrown at his head.

"HOW COULD YOU KILL THEM!" Ten yells falling to her knees hiding her face whilst crying
"ten..." Terra whispers putting a hand on her shoulder
"they're dead... You killed them..." Gemini laughs with Nomitai
"I suppose it's my time to shine master" a man says from the windowless hole in the wall with a large wooden septor in her hand
"Be my guest Lord Hoakin" Nomitai smirks as Gemini returns to the other room with Nomitai "we have some work to do".

The man grins at the crying girl and her girlfriend
"so lemme see... Ten'no sei and... You are?"
"why does it matter?" Terra growls
"ooooh this one has a bit of bark on her. Damn! I like you" he laughs licking his lips
"KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM HER! YOU SCUM!" Ten screams standing up and in front of terra
"there we go... This sounds just like the Princess who took part in the battle on Neptune the other year"
"how did you-" ten starts staring at him with a look of cunfusion anger and disgust.

"you and that Jovian brat almost killed my daughter when fighting"
"I don't know what you're on about" ten says
"oh but you do. I must say I couldn't tell who the villain was you or her" he smiles at the two girls before a figure emerges into the room
"M-Moku?" ten says stepping forwards as Terra grabs her arm
"ten don't"
"Terra! That's Moku! She's alive!"
"no she's not!"
"I cheated death" Moku smiles walking toward the middle of the room
"prove it" Terra scowls "prove to us you're Moku" Moku raises an eyebrow at the girl before holding out a hand to ten
"respect" she says ten reaches out to hold it before Terra pulls her back
"don't be stupid!"
"oh cmon Ten. Are you really going to let her tell you what to do?" Meiosei smiles walking into the room with Kaiousei, Dosei, Kinboshi and taiyo
"her over us?" Kinboshi pouts. They all start walking towards the girls and Terra walks backwards holding ten tightly in her grip until they are backed up against the wall
"don't you want to good times back?" Kaiousei says
"don't you want to spend time with us?" Dosei continues
"you're a shame to your planet" Taiyo scowls "a shame to your family... Friends" he suddenly smirks "a shame to your mother" tens face suddenly changes from upset to furious
"mum..." ten throws her magic at the figures and they dissappear
"illusions" Terra whispers "I'm sorry ten"
"don't be you saved my arse" she grunts back
"TEN!" A woman from the door screams running in followed by another woman and a man
"mum!" she exclaims as the woman wraps her arms around ten
"oh my goodness ten I'm so happy you're okay! You have no clue how worried I've been!"
"aquarius?" Terra asks as the woman nods tearing up
"and whom might you be?" the man asks
"Taurus!" the other woman exclaims "that's Cruthene!"
"cruthene?" Taurus breathes before running at Terra and hugging her joined by what looked like Cancer
"we don't have any time!" cancer whispers holding terras hand starting to pull her before
"STOP!" Ten yells "mum... I miss you. I really do but... I know you're dead"
"well if you says so honey" Aquarius replies before drawing a sword out "maybe you can join me?". Ten stumbles backwards and runs straight for Terra throwing magic at Cancer and Taurus and grabbing her pulling her away. Both of them also pull out their swords leaving ten and Terra armless.

Cancer makes the first move sprinting at the two swinging her sword at them. Terra ducks out the way as the blade makes contact with tens shoulder causing her to gasp out in pain. Terra throws her foot out pushing cancer to the ground resulting in the sword skinning tens shoulder
"GUAH" she yelps in pain before prizing the sword off of cancer and running straight at Aquarius stabbing her hip and pushing her face away scratching her "YOU BITCH!" She screams stabbing her again pushing her off her feet "YOU! BITCH!" She screams jumping on top of her throwing punches.

Terra pushes cancers face to the ground before her eyes flash to the Hazel brown they turned before the man who she thought was her dad was killed. She lunges up at Taurus and he slashes at her catching her face she grabs his hands which were tightly gripped to his sword, and pulls the sword under her arm and uses the opposing forced between Taurus and her and jumps pushing her feet against his chest and his face. Taurus let's go and Terra does a backflip landing gently with the sword in her hands.

Aquarius pulls out a knife and shoves it into ten with her spare hand and repeat the action before ten returns with the sword through her heart. Both of them start loosing consciousness and ten falls to the floor.

"ten!" Terra screams
"EYES ON ME LADY!" Taurus yells before running at Terra before sticking her in a head lock. Cancer snatches both terras sword and her own before returning to the two. Terra starts crying "ten" she keeps repeating "no"
"master seemed pretty fond of you..." cancer grins before turning into a another woman along with taurus
"of course... She's a Masayoshi... Nobodys eyes turn from grey to brown" the man who's beginning to sound and look more like Hoakin
"oh-hoho!"  she woman laughs letting her unique purple plaited hair fall over her shoulder "she's getting a little crescent moon on her forehead" she presses it making Terra scream before the floor starts turning into a grass like substance followed by thorny bushes
"she has some power I see" Hoakin laughs yanking at her hair
"get off me!" she screams as Rose vines start growing around Hoakin and the other woman. They stop laughing and look at the girl who was shocked at her own power. Terra takes her opportunity to catch him off guard and bites his arm with all the strength she has left
"GUAH! The bitch just bit me!" Hoakin exclaims before both him and the woman point their swords at Terra. She just simple smirks as two large thorns grow either side of her and she snaps them off and holds them like swords
"I hate the idea of murder..." she sighs before lunging at Hoakin who turns into taurus again
"you wouldn't kill your father would you?" he says before Terra stabs him with it letting him fall to the ground and  turns to the woman and throwing it at her neck.

Terra stands breathing heavily before braking down into tears
"oh my zodiac" she sobs before noticing taurus stabing her ankle. She kicks him back and stumbles to the door "I've gotta tell the others" she cries limping through the halls "I... I can't believe it" she cries.

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